SET client_min_messages TO error; \set VERBOSITY terse CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck(tabname regclass, label text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE sql TEXT; id INTEGER; rec RECORD; lag INTERVAL; tmp INTEGER; ogc_geom geometry_columns; -- old the_geom record in geometry_columns ogc_merc geometry_columns; -- old the_geom_webmercator record in geometry_columns tabtext TEXT; BEGIN -- Save current constraints on geometry columns, if any ogc_geom = ('','','','',0,0,'GEOMETRY'); ogc_merc = ogc_geom; sql := 'SELECT gc.* FROM geometry_columns gc, pg_class c, pg_namespace n ' || 'WHERE c.oid = ' || tabname::oid || ' AND n.oid = c.relnamespace' || ' AND gc.f_table_schema = n.nspname AND gc.f_table_name = c.relname' || ' AND gc.f_geometry_column IN ( ' || quote_literal('the_geom') || ',' || quote_literal('the_geom_webmercator') || ')'; FOR rec IN EXECUTE sql LOOP IF rec.f_geometry_column = 'the_geom' THEN ogc_geom := rec; ELSE ogc_merc := rec; END IF; END LOOP; tabtext := Format('%s.%s','public',tabname); RAISE NOTICE 'CARTODBFYING % !!!!', tabtext; PERFORM CDB_CartodbfyTable('public', tabname); tabname := tabtext::regclass; sql := 'INSERT INTO ' || tabname::text || '(the_geom) values ( CDB_LatLng(2,1) ) RETURNING cartodb_id'; EXECUTE sql INTO STRICT id; sql := 'SELECT the_geom_webmercator FROM ' || tabname::text || ' WHERE cartodb_id = ' || id; EXECUTE sql INTO STRICT rec; -- Check the_geom_webmercator trigger IF round(st_x(rec.the_geom_webmercator)) != 111319 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'the_geom_webmercator X is % (expecting 111319)', round(st_x(rec.the_geom_webmercator)); END IF; IF round(st_y(rec.the_geom_webmercator)) != 222684 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'the_geom_webmercator Y is % (expecting 222684)', round(st_y(rec.the_geom_webmercator)); END IF; -- Check CDB_TableMetadata entry sql := 'SELECT * FROM CDB_TableMetadata WHERE tabname = ' || tabname::oid; EXECUTE sql INTO STRICT rec; lag = rec.updated_at - now(); IF lag > '1 second' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'updated_at in CDB_TableMetadata not set to now() after insert [ valued % ago ]', lag; END IF; -- Check geometry_columns entries tmp := 0; FOR rec IN SELECT CASE WHEN gc.f_geometry_column = 'the_geom' THEN 4326 ELSE 3857 END as expsrid, CASE WHEN gc.f_geometry_column = 'the_geom' THEN ogc_geom.type ELSE ogc_merc.type END as exptype, gc.* FROM geometry_columns gc, pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.oid = tabname::oid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND gc.f_table_schema = n.nspname AND gc.f_table_name = c.relname AND gc.f_geometry_column IN ( 'the_geom', 'the_geom_webmercator') LOOP tmp := tmp + 1; -- Check SRID constraint IF rec.srid != rec.expsrid THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'SRID of % in geometry_columns is %, expected %', rec.f_geometry_column, rec.srid, rec.expsrid; END IF; -- Check TYPE constraint didn't change IF (rec.type != 'GEOMETRY') AND (rec.type != 'POINT') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'type of % in geometry_columns is %, expected %', rec.f_geometry_column, rec.type, rec.exptype; END IF; -- check coord_dimension ? END LOOP; IF tmp != 2 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '% entries found for table % in geometry_columns, expected 2', tmp, tabname; END IF; -- Check GiST index sql := 'SELECT a.attname, count(ri.relname) FROM' || ' pg_index i, pg_class c, pg_class ri, pg_attribute a, pg_opclass o' || ' WHERE i.indrelid = c.oid AND ri.oid = i.indexrelid' || ' AND a.attrelid = ri.oid AND o.oid = i.indclass[0]' || ' AND a.attname IN ( ' || quote_literal('the_geom') || ',' || quote_literal('the_geom_webmercator') || ')' || ' AND ri.relnatts = 1 AND o.opcname = ' || quote_literal('gist_geometry_ops_2d') || ' AND c.oid = ' || tabname::oid || ' GROUP BY a.attname'; RAISE NOTICE 'sql: %', sql; EXECUTE sql; GET DIAGNOSTICS tmp = ROW_COUNT; IF tmp != 2 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '% gist indices found on the_geom and the_geom_webmercator, expected 2', tmp; END IF; -- Check null constraint on cartodb_id, created_at, updated_at SELECT count(*) FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c WHERE c.oid = tabname::oid AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attname in ( 'cartodb_id' ) AND NOT a.attnotnull INTO strict tmp; IF tmp > 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'cartodb_id is missing not-null constraint'; END IF; -- Cleanup sql := 'DELETE FROM ' || tabname::text || ' WHERE cartodb_id = ' || id; EXECUTE sql; RETURN label || ' cartodbfied fine'; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- check cartodbfytable idempotence CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 1::int as a; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTable('public', 't'); -- should fail SELECT CDB_SetUserQuotaInBytes(0); -- Set user quota to infinite SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'single non-geometrical column'); DROP TABLE t; -- table with single non-geometrical column CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-1,-1),4326) as the_geom, 1::int as cartodb_id, 'this is a sentence' as description; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'check function idempotence'); SELECT * FROM t; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'check function idempotence'); SELECT * FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with existing srid-unconstrained (but type-constrained) the_geom CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(0,0),4326)::geometry(point) as the_geom; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'srid-unconstrained the_geom'); DROP TABLE t; -- table with mixed-srid the_geom values CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-1,-1),4326) as the_geom UNION ALL SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(0,0),3857); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'mixed-srid the_geom'); SELECT 'extent',ST_Extent(ST_SnapToGrid(the_geom,0.2)) FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with wrong srid-constrained the_geom values CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 'SRID=3857;LINESTRING(222638.981586547 222684.208505545, 111319.490793274 111325.142866385)'::geometry(geometry,3857) as the_geom; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'wrong srid-constrained the_geom'); SELECT 'extent',ST_Extent(ST_SnapToGrid(the_geom,0.2)),ST_Extent(ST_SnapToGrid(the_geom_webmercator,1)) FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with wrong srid-constrained the_geom_webmercator values (and no the_geom!) CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 'SRID=4326;LINESTRING(1 1,2 2)'::geometry(geometry,4326) as the_geom_webmercator; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'wrong srid-constrained the_geom_webmercator'); -- expect the_geom to be populated from the_geom_webmercator SELECT 'extent',ST_Extent(ST_SnapToGrid(the_geom,0.2)) FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with existing triggered the_geom CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 'SRID=4326;LINESTRING(1 1,2 2)'::geometry(geometry) as the_geom; CREATE TRIGGER update_the_geom_webmercator_trigger BEFORE UPDATE OF the_geom ON t FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _CDB_update_the_geom_webmercator(); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'trigger-protected the_geom'); SELECT 'extent',ST_Extent(ST_SnapToGrid(the_geom,0.2)) FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with existing cartodb_id field of type text CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 10::text as cartodb_id; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'text cartodb_id'); select cartodb_id/2 FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with existing cartodb_id field of type text not casting CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 'nan'::text as cartodb_id; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'uncasting text cartodb_id'); DROP TABLE t; -- table with empty cartodb_id field of type text CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT null::text as cartodb_id; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'empty text cartodb_id'); SELECT cartodb_id from t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with existing cartodb_id field of type int4 not sequenced CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 1::int4 as cartodb_id; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'unsequenced cartodb_id'); SELECT cartodb_id FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with text geometry column CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 'SRID=4326;POINT(1 1)'::text AS the_geom, 1::int4 as cartodb_id; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'text the_geom column'); SELECT cartodb_id FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with text geometry column, no SRS CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 'POINT(1 1)'::text AS the_geom, 1::int4 as cartodb_id; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'text the_geom column, no srs'); SELECT cartodb_id FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with text geometry column, unusual SRS CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 'SRID=26910;POINT(1 1)'::text AS the_geom, 1::int4 as cartodb_id; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'text the_geom column, srs = 26819'); SELECT cartodb_id FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with text unparseable geometry column CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT 'SRID=26910;PONT(1 1)'::text AS the_geom, 1::int4 as cartodb_id; SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'text the_geom column, unparseable content'); SELECT cartodb_id FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- table with existing cartodb_id serial primary key CREATE TABLE t ( cartodb_id serial primary key ); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('t', 'cartodb_id serial primary key'); SELECT c.conname, a.attname FROM pg_constraint c, pg_attribute a WHERE c.conrelid = 't'::regclass and a.attrelid = c.conrelid AND c.conkey[1] = a.attnum AND NOT a.attisdropped; DROP TABLE t; -- tables can be renamed and there's no index name clashing #123 CREATE TABLE original(); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTable('original'); ALTER TABLE original RENAME TO original_renamed; CREATE TABLE original(); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTable('original'); DROP TABLE original_renamed; DROP TABLE original; -- Table always have a default seq value after cartodbfy #138 CREATE TABLE bug_empty_table_no_seq ( cartodb_id integer, the_geom geometry(Geometry,4326), the_geom_webmercator geometry(Geometry,3857), name text, description text ); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('bug_empty_table_no_seq', 'Table always have a default seq value after cartodbfy #138'); INSERT INTO bug_empty_table_no_seq DEFAULT VALUES; DROP TABLE bug_empty_table_no_seq; -- Existing cartodb_id values are respected CREATE table existing_cartodb_id ( cartodb_id integer, the_geom geometry(Geometry,4326), the_geom_webmercator geometry(Geometry,3857), name text, description text ); INSERT INTO existing_cartodb_id (cartodb_id, description) VALUES (10, 'a'), (20, 'b'), (30, 'c'); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('existing_cartodb_id', 'Existing cartodb_id values are respected #138'); SELECT cartodb_id,the_geom,the_geom_webmercator,description,name from existing_cartodb_id; DROP TABLE existing_cartodb_id; -- Table with both the_geom and wkb_geometry CREATE TABLE many_geometry_columns ( the_geom geometry, wkb_geometry geometry(MultiPoint,4326), description varchar ); INSERT INTO many_geometry_columns (the_geom, wkb_geometry) VALUES ('0104000020E61000000100000001010000007108B023698052C03CEEA53A2E5D4440', '0104000020E61000000100000001010000007108B023698052C03CEEA53A2E5D4440'), ('0104000020E6100000010000000101000000864C9E57618052C0994F0C7F3C5B4440', '0104000020E6100000010000000101000000864C9E57618052C0994F0C7F3C5B4440'); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('many_geometry_columns', 'Table with both the_geom and wkb_geometry #141'); SELECT * FROM many_geometry_columns; DROP TABLE many_geometry_columns; -- Many colliding geom columns CREATE TABLE many_colliding_columns ( the_geom varchar, the_geom_webmercator varchar, my_geom geometry, my_mercgeom geometry(Point, 3857), cartodb_id varchar, my_pk integer primary key ); INSERT INTO many_colliding_columns VALUES ( 'foo', 'bar', 'SRID=4326;POINT(0 0)', 'SRID=3857;POINT(0 0)', 'nerf', 1 ); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('many_colliding_columns', 'Many colliding columns #141'); DROP TABLE many_colliding_columns; -- Table with null cartodb_id CREATE TABLE test ( cartodb_id integer ); INSERT INTO test VALUES (1), (2), (NULL), (3); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('test', 'Table with null cartodb_id #148'); SELECT cartodb_id from test; DROP TABLE test; -- Table with non unique cartodb_id CREATE TABLE test ( cartodb_id integer ); INSERT INTO test VALUES (1), (2), (2); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('test', 'Table with non unique cartodb_id #148'); SELECT cartodb_id from test; DROP TABLE test; -- Table with non unique and null cartodb_id CREATE TABLE test ( cartodb_id integer ); INSERT INTO test VALUES (1), (2), (NULL), (2); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('test', 'Table with non unique and null cartodb_id #148'); SELECT cartodb_id from test; DROP TABLE test; CREATE TABLE test ( cartodb_id integer ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "test_cartodb_id_key" ON test (cartodb_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "test_cartodb_id_pkey" ON test (cartodb_id); ALTER TABLE test ADD CONSTRAINT "test_pkey" PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX test_cartodb_id_pkey; INSERT INTO test VALUES (1), (2), (3); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('test', 'Table with primary key and unique index on it #174'); SELECT cartodb_id from test; DROP TABLE test; CREATE TABLE test ( name varchar, "first.value" integer, "second.value" integer ); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('one', 1, 2), ('two', 3, 4); SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck('test', 'Table with dots in name columns (cartodb #6114)'); SELECT name, "first.value" from test; DROP TABLE test; SET client_min_messages TO notice; -- _CDB_create_cartodb_id_column with cartodb_id integer already present CREATE TABLE test (cartodb_id integer); SELECT _CDB_Create_Cartodb_ID_Column('test'::regclass); SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'test' AND column_name = '_cartodb_id0'; DROP TABLE test; -- _CDB_create_cartodb_id_column with cartodb_id text already present CREATE TABLE test (cartodb_id text); SELECT _CDB_Create_Cartodb_ID_Column('test'::regclass); SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'test' AND column_name = '_cartodb_id0'; DROP TABLE test; SET client_min_messages TO error; -- TODO: table with existing custom-triggered the_geom DROP FUNCTION CDB_CartodbfyTableCheck(regclass, text); DROP FUNCTION _CDB_UserQuotaInBytes();