-- Create user and enable Ghost tables trigger \set QUIET on SET client_min_messages TO error; SELECT CDB_EnableGhostTablesTrigger(); CREATE ROLE "fulano" LOGIN; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA cartodb TO "fulano"; GRANT SELECT ON cartodb.cdb_ddl_execution TO "fulano"; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION CDB_Username() TO "fulano"; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION CDB_LinkGhostTables(text) TO "fulano"; SELECT cartodb.CDB_Conf_SetConf('api_keys_fulano', '{"username": "fulanito", "permissions":[]}'); DELETE FROM cdb_conf WHERE key = 'invalidation_service'; SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION "fulano"; SET client_min_messages TO notice; \set QUIET off SELECT CDB_LinkGhostTables(); -- _CDB_LinkGhostTables called (configuration not found) -- Add TIS configuration \set QUIET on SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION postgres; SELECT cartodb.CDB_Conf_SetConf('invalidation_service', '{"host": "fake-tis-host", "port": 3142}'); SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION "fulano"; \set QUIET off SELECT CDB_LinkGhostTables(); -- _CDB_LinkGhostTables called BEGIN; SELECT to_regclass('cartodb.cdb_ddl_execution'); -- exists SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cartodb.cdb_ddl_execution; -- 0 CREATE TABLE tmp(id INT); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cartodb.cdb_ddl_execution; -- 1 END; -- _CDB_LinkGhostTables called -- Disable Ghost tables trigger \set QUIET on SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION postgres; SELECT CDB_DisableGhostTablesTrigger(); SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION "fulano"; \set QUIET off SELECT to_regclass('cartodb.cdb_ddl_execution'); -- not exists DROP TABLE tmp; -- _CDB_LinkGhostTables not called -- Cleanup \set QUIET on SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION postgres; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION CDB_LinkGhostTables(text) FROM "fulano"; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION CDB_Username() FROM "fulano"; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA cartodb FROM "fulano"; DROP ROLE "fulano"; DELETE FROM cdb_conf WHERE key = 'api_keys_fulano' OR key = 'invalidation_service'; \set QUIET off