SELECT session_user; -- postgres SELECT CDB_Username(); -- (NULL) -- Add the role fulano with api_key and connect with it \set QUIET on CREATE ROLE fulano LOGIN; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA cartodb TO fulano; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION CDB_Username() TO fulano; INSERT INTO cdb_conf (key, value) VALUES ('api_keys_fulano', '{"username": "fulanito", "permissions":[]}'); SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION fulano; \set QUIET off SELECT session_user; -- fulano SELECT CDB_Username(); -- fulanito -- Remove fulano \set QUIET on SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION postgres; REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA cartodb FROM fulano; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION CDB_Username() FROM fulano; DROP ROLE fulano; DELETE FROM cdb_conf WHERE key = 'api_keys_fulano'; \set QUIET off