Avoid name clashing no geom columns provided but existing the_geom

Fix for CDB_SetUp_PG_Federated_Table('server', 'schema', 'table', 'id)
when the table contains the_geom and/or the_geom_webmercator columns
but they are not part of the input.

Otherwise it fails with

    ERROR:  column "the_geom" specified more than once
Rafa de la Torre 5 years ago
parent e0e15a9886
commit e5b1345311

@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ BEGIN
-- Get a list of columns excluding the id
SELECT quote_ident(c) FROM @extschema@.__ft_getcolumns(src_table) AS c
WHERE c <> id_column
WHERE c NOT IN (id_column, 'the_geom', 'the_geom_webmercator')
) INTO rest_of_cols;
-- Create a view with homogeneous CDB fields

@ -833,6 +833,18 @@ EOF
sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb_id, another_field, the_geom, the_geom_webmercator FROM remote_table5;" should '1|patata||'
# It shall work without any geometries, even if the table has the_geom or the_geom_webmercator
DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'CREATE TABLE test_fdw.remote_table6 (id int, another_field text, the_geom geometry(Geometry,4326), the_geom_webmercator geometry(Geometry,3857));'
DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_fdw.remote_table6 TO fdw_user;'
DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres "INSERT INTO test_fdw.remote_table6 VALUES (1, 'patata', cartodb.CDB_latLng(0,0), ST_Transform(cartodb.CDB_LatLng(0, 0), 3857));"
sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb.CDB_SetUp_PG_Federated_Table(
sql cdb_testmember_1 "SELECT cartodb_id, another_field, the_geom, the_geom_webmercator FROM remote_table6;" should '1|patata||'
# Tear down
DATABASE=fdw_target sql postgres 'REVOKE ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA test_fdw FROM fdw_user;'
