Raul Marin 5 years ago
parent 57ac26cbe7
commit 8dbd797429

@ -24,14 +24,13 @@ version of objects in other cases.
When adding a new function or modifying an exiting one make sure that the
[VOLATILITY](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/xfunc-volatility.html) and [PARALLEL](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/parallel-safety.html) categories are updated accordingly.
As PARALLEL labels need to be stripped for incompatible PostgreSQL versions
please use _PARALLEL SAFE/RESTRICTED/UNSAFE_ in uppercase so it's handled
When used as an extension (probably always from version 0.2.0 onwards)
all the objects will be installed in a "cartodb" schema. Take this into
account to fully-qualify internal calls to avoid (possibly dangerous)
name clashes.
Although the extension will usually be installed in the "cartodb" schema, please
use @extschema@ to fully-qualify internal calls to avoid name clashes.
When you use postgis functions or types, please fully-qualify them by using
@postgisschema@ (it's changed to "public" by the install script) to avoid
pg_upgrade issues.
Every new feature (as well as bugfixes) should come with a test case,
see the 'Writing testcases' section.
