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namespace :cartodb do
namespace :database_host do
desc 'Change database host for users and update metadata'
task :update_dbm_and_redis, [:origin_ip, :dest_ip] => [:environment] do |_, args|
raise 'Origin IP parameter is mandatory' unless args[:origin_ip].present?
raise 'Destination IP parameter is mandatory' unless args[:dest_ip].present?
affected_users = ::User.where(database_host: args[:origin_ip]).count
# think about message
reflection_seconds = ENV['ENABLE_FF_REFLECTION_SECONDS'] || 10
puts "############################"
puts "#"
puts "# The database_host of #{affected_users} users will be updated"
puts "#"
puts "# Origin IP: #{args[:origin_ip]}"
puts "# Destination IP: #{args[:dest_ip]}"
puts "#"
puts "# You have #{reflection_seconds} seconds to cancel "
puts "# the task before it starts"
puts "#"
puts "############################"
sleep reflection_seconds.to_i
# update dbm without ORM
dbm_query = "UPDATE users SET database_host='%s' WHERE database_host='%s'"
query = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, [dbm_query, args[:dest_ip], args[:origin_ip]])
# update Redis
::User.where(database_host: args[:dest_ip]).order(:id).paged_each(&:save_metadata)