# encoding: utf-8 require 'base64' require 'uri' require 'openssl' module Carto class UrlSigner def initialize(private_key) @private_key = private_key end def base64_decode(base64_string) return Base64.strict_decode64(base64_string.tr('-_','+/')) end def base64_encode(raw) return Base64.strict_encode64(raw).tr('+/','-_') end def sign_url(url) parsed_url = URI.parse(url) url_to_sign = parsed_url.path + '?' + parsed_url.query # Decode the private key raw_key = base64_decode(@private_key) # create a signature using the private key and the URL digest = ::OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1') raw_signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, raw_key, url_to_sign) # encode the signature into base64 for url use form. signature = base64_encode(raw_signature) # prepend the server and append the signature. signedUrl = parsed_url.scheme+"://"+ parsed_url.host + url_to_sign + "&signature=#{signature}" return signedUrl end end end