module CartoDB # This class encapsulates access to synchronization_oauths from the outside class OAuths # Class constructor # @param owner_user ::User def initialize(owner_user) @owner = owner_user end #initialize def all @owner.synchronization_oauths end #all # @param service string # @return SynchronizationOauth def select(service) SynchronizationOauth.where(service: service, user_id: end #select def add(service, token) new_oauth = SynchronizationOauth.create( user_id:, service: service, token: token ) @owner.add_synchronization_oauth(new_oauth) self end def remove(service) oauth = SynchronizationOauth.where(service: service, user_id: oauth.delete unless oauth.nil? @owner.reload self end end #OAuths end #CartoDB