Sequel.migration do up do 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"' create_table :groups do Uuid :id, primary_key: true, default: Sequel.lit('uuid_generate_v4()') # INFO: name is the name of the group from a database point of view String :name, null: false # INFO: display_name is the name of the group from a user point of view String :display_name, null: false # INFO: database_role is the PostgreSQL role. It should not be needed from editor, stored as preventive measure String :database_role, null: false Uuid :organization_id, null: false DateTime :created_at, default: Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP DateTime :updated_at, default: Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP end{ ALTER TABLE "groups" ADD CONSTRAINT groups_organization_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (organization_id) REFERENCES organizations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE }){ ALTER TABLE "groups" ADD CONSTRAINT groups_organization_id_name_uq UNIQUE (organization_id, name) }){ ALTER TABLE "groups" ADD CONSTRAINT groups_organization_id_display_name_uq UNIQUE (organization_id, display_name) }){ ALTER TABLE "groups" ADD CONSTRAINT groups_organization_id_database_role_uq UNIQUE (organization_id, database_role) }) create_table :users_groups do Uuid :id, primary_key: true, default: Sequel.lit('uuid_generate_v4()') Uuid :user_id, null: false Uuid :group_id, null: false end{ ALTER TABLE "users_groups" ADD CONSTRAINT users_groups_user_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE }){ ALTER TABLE "users_groups" ADD CONSTRAINT users_groups_group_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES groups(id) ON DELETE CASCADE }){ ALTER TABLE "users_groups" ADD CONSTRAINT users_groups_user_id_group_id_uq UNIQUE (user_id, group_id) }) # PosgreSQL won't get ALTER CONSTRAINT until 9.4 #run "ALTER TABLE shared_entities ALTER CONSTRAINT recipient_type_check CHECK (recipient_type IN ('user', 'org', 'group'));" run "ALTER TABLE shared_entities DROP CONSTRAINT recipient_type_check;" run "ALTER TABLE shared_entities ADD CONSTRAINT recipient_type_check CHECK (recipient_type IN ('user', 'org', 'group'));" end down do #run "ALTER TABLE shared_entities ALTER CONSTRAINT recipient_type_check CHECK (recipient_type IN ('user', 'org'));" run "ALTER TABLE shared_entities DROP CONSTRAINT recipient_type_check;" run "delete from shared_entities where recipient_type = 'group';" run "ALTER TABLE shared_entities ADD CONSTRAINT recipient_type_check CHECK (recipient_type IN ('user', 'org'));" drop_table :users_groups drop_table :groups end end