require 'spec_helper' describe Asset do before(:all) do @user = create_user end after(:all) do bypass_named_maps @user.destroy end describe '#validate' do it 'validates user_id' do asset = asset.valid?.should be_false asset.errors.full_messages.should include("user_id can't be blank") end it 'validates file existence' do asset = user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'db/fake_data/i_dont_exist.png').to_s asset.valid?.should be_false asset.errors.full_messages.should include("file is invalid") end it 'validates file correct extension' do asset = user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'db/fake_data/i_dont_exist.json').to_s asset.valid?.should be_false asset.errors.full_messages.should include("file has invalid format") end it 'validates file correct metadata' do asset = user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'spec/support/data/fake_png.png').to_s asset.valid?.should be_false asset.errors.full_messages.should include("file doesn't appear to be an image") end it 'validates file size' do asset = user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'spec/support/data/images/pattern.jpg').to_s asset.stubs(:max_size).returns(10) asset.valid?.should be_false asset.errors.full_messages.should include("file is too big, 0.0MB max") end it 'validates file dimensions' do asset = user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'spec/support/data/images/1025x1.jpg').to_s asset.valid?.should be_false asset.errors.full_messages.should include("file is too big, 1024x1024 max") end it 'validates urls' do asset = user_id:, url: "http://foo" asset.valid?.should be_false asset.errors.full_messages.should include("url is invalid") end end def local_path(asset) local_url = CGI.unescape(asset.public_url).gsub(/\/uploads/, '') + local_url end describe '#create' do describe 'on local filesystem' do before(:each) do Asset.any_instance.stubs("use_s3?").returns(false) end it 'should save the file when passing a full path as an argument' do asset = Asset.create user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'spec/support/data/cartofante_blue.png').to_s File.exists?(local_path(asset)).should be_true asset.public_url.should =~ /.*test\/#{@user.username}\/assets\/\d+cartofante_blue\.png.*/ end it 'should save the file when passing an UploadedFile as an argument' do file_path = Rails.root.join('spec/support/data/cartofante_blue.png') asset = Asset.create( user_id:, asset_file:, 'image/png')) File.exists?(local_path(asset)).should be_true asset.public_url.should =~ /.*test\/#{@user.username}\/assets\/\d+cartofante_blue.png.*/ end it 'should save the public url when passing it as an argument' do file = Rails.root.join('spec/support/data/cartofante_blue.png') serve_file file do |url| asset = Asset.create(user_id:, public_url: url) asset.public_url.should == url end end it 'should download the file and move it to the public assets path when passing an url as an argument' do file = Rails.root.join('spec/support/data/cartofante_blue.png') serve_file file do |url| asset = Asset.create(user_id:, url: url) File.exists?(local_path(asset)).should be_true asset.public_url.should =~ /\/test\/#{@user.username}\/assets\/\d+cartofante_blue\.png/ end end it 'should import assets with spaces in their name' do asset = Asset.create user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'spec/support/data/cartofante blue.png').to_s File.exists?(local_path(asset)).should be_true asset.public_url.should =~ /\/test\/#{@user.username}\/assets\/\d+cartofante%20blue\.png/ end end end describe '#destroy' do it 'removes the file from storage if needed' do Asset.any_instance.stubs("use_s3?").returns(false) asset = Asset.create user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'spec/support/data/cartofante_blue.png').to_s path = local_path(asset) File.exists?(path).should be_true asset.destroy File.exists?(path).should be_false end it 'removes the file with special characters from storage' do Asset.any_instance.stubs("use_s3?").returns(false) asset = Asset.create user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'spec/support/data/cartofante blue.png').to_s path = local_path(asset) File.exists?(path).should be_true asset.destroy File.exists?(path).should be_false end end describe '#presenter' do it 'returns the expected format' do asset = user_id:, asset_file: (Rails.root + 'db/fake_data/simple.json').to_s == { public_url: nil, user_id:, id: nil, kind: nil } end end end