# encoding: utf-8 # This file provides a minimal Rails integration test environment with an empty database, without users. require 'simplecov_helper' require 'rspec_configuration' require 'helpers/spec_helper_helpers' require 'support/redis' require 'helpers/named_maps_helper' ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test' # INFO: this is the only slow step of the test boot process require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__) # Needed because load order changes in Ruby 2.3+, related to https://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails/pull/1372 # We can remove this if we upgrade to rspec 3+ ActiveRecord.send(:remove_const, :TestFixtures) if ActiveRecord.const_defined?(:TestFixtures) require 'rspec/rails' Resque.inline = true # host_validation is set to support `example.com` emails in specs # in production we do check for the existance of mx records associated to the domain EmailAddress::Config.configure(local_format: :conventional, host_validation: :syntax) RSpec.configure do |config| config.include SpecHelperHelpers config.include NamedMapsHelper config.after(:each) do Delorean.back_to_the_present end unless ENV['PARALLEL'] config.before(:suite) do CartoDB::RedisTest.up end end config.before(:all) do unless ENV['PARALLEL'] clean_redis_databases clean_metadata_database close_pool_connections drop_leaked_test_user_databases end end config.after(:all) do unless ENV['PARALLEL'] close_pool_connections drop_leaked_test_user_databases delete_database_test_users end end unless ENV['PARALLEL'] config.after(:suite) do CartoDB::RedisTest.down end end end