更新 icon-selector.tpl

钟进 4 years ago
parent b51146dea8
commit ecfd8424c0

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<div class="js-iconSelector">
<div class="FormAccount-rowLabel">
<label class="CDB-Text CDB-Size-medium is-semibold u-mainTextColor">App icon</label>
<label class="CDB-Text CDB-Size-medium is-semibold u-mainTextColor">App图标</label>
<div class="FormAccount-rowData FormAccount-avatar">
<div class="FormAccount-avatarPreview">
<% if (iconURL == null) { %>
<div class="FormAccount-inputIcon--noIcon">No icon</div>
<div class="FormAccount-inputIcon--noIcon">无图标</div>
<% } else { %>
<img src="<%- iconURL %>" title="<%- name %>" alt="<%- name %>" class="FormAccount-avatarPreviewImage" />
<% } %>
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
<input class="js-inputIcon" id="mobile_app_icon_url" name="<%- inputName %>" type="hidden" value="<%- iconURL %>" />
<div class="FormAccount-rowInfo FormAccount-rowInfo--marginLeft">
<% if (state === "error") { %>
<p class="FormAccount-rowInfoText FormAccount-rowInfoText--error FormAccount-rowInfoText--maxWidth">There was an error uploading the icon. Check the height and size (max 1MB) of the image</p>
<p class="FormAccount-rowInfoText FormAccount-rowInfoText--error FormAccount-rowInfoText--maxWidth">上传错误</p>
<% } else { %>
<p class="FormAccount-rowInfoText FormAccount-rowInfoText--smaller">Recommended images should be 128x128 pixels of size</p>
<p class="FormAccount-rowInfoText FormAccount-rowInfoText--smaller">推荐尺寸 128x128 </p>
<% } %>
