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60 lines
587 B

.mixin (@a: 1px, @b: 50%) {
width: @a * 5;
height: @b - 1%;
(@a: 0, @b: 0) {
margin: @a;
padding: @b;
.hidden() {
color: transparent;
.two-args {
color: blue;
.mixin(2px, 100%);
.one-arg {
.no-parens {
.no-args {
.var-args {
@var: 9;
.mixin(@var, @var * 2);
.multi-mix {
.mixin(2px, 30%);
.mixiny(4, 5);
.maxa(@arg1: 10, @arg2: #f00) {
padding: @arg1 * 2px;
color: @arg2;
body {
@glob: 5;
.global-mixin(@a:2) {
width: @glob + @a;
.scope-mix {