You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

403 lines
14 KiB

var _ = require('underscore');
var carto = require('./index');
carto.Renderer = function Renderer(env, options) {
this.env = env || {};
this.options = options || {};
this.options.mapnik_version = this.options.mapnik_version || 'latest';
* Prepare a MSS document (given as an string) into a
* XML Style fragment (mostly useful for debugging)
* @param {String} data the mss contents as a string.
carto.Renderer.prototype.renderMSS = function render(data) {
// effects is a container for side-effects, which currently
// are limited to FontSets.
var env = _(this.env).defaults({
benchmark: false,
validation_data: false,
effects: []
if (!carto.tree.Reference.setVersion(this.options.mapnik_version)) {
throw new Error("Could not set mapnik version to " + this.options.mapnik_version);
var output = [];
var styles = [];
if (env.benchmark) console.time('Parsing MSS');
var parser = (carto.Parser(env)).parse(data);
if (env.benchmark) console.timeEnd('Parsing MSS');
if (env.benchmark) console.time('Rule generation');
var rule_list = parser.toList(env);
if (env.benchmark) console.timeEnd('Rule generation');
if (env.benchmark) console.time('Rule inheritance');
var rules = inheritDefinitions(rule_list, env);
if (env.benchmark) console.timeEnd('Rule inheritance');
if (env.benchmark) console.time('Style sort');
var sorted = sortStyles(rules,env);
if (env.benchmark) console.timeEnd('Style sort');
if (env.benchmark) console.time('Total Style generation');
for (var k = 0, rule, style_name; k < sorted.length; k++) {
rule = sorted[k];
style_name = 'style' + (rule.attachment !== '__default__' ? '-' + rule.attachment : '');
var bench_name = '\tStyle "'+style_name+'" (#'+k+') toXML';
if (env.benchmark) console.time(bench_name);
// env.effects can be modified by this call
output.push(carto.tree.StyleXML(style_name, rule.attachment, rule, env));
if (env.benchmark) console.timeEnd(bench_name);
if (env.benchmark) console.timeEnd('Total Style generation');
if (env.errors) throw env.errors;
return output.join('\n');
* Prepare a MML document (given as an object) into a
* fully-localized XML file ready for Mapnik2 consumption
* @param {String} m - the JSON file as a string.
carto.Renderer.prototype.render = function render(m) {
// effects is a container for side-effects, which currently
// are limited to FontSets.
var env = _(this.env).defaults({
benchmark: false,
validation_data: false,
effects: [],
ppi: 90.714
if (!carto.tree.Reference.setVersion(this.options.mapnik_version)) {
throw new Error("Could not set mapnik version to " + this.options.mapnik_version);
var output = [];
// Transform stylesheets into definitions.
var definitions = _(m.Stylesheet).chain()
.map(function(s) {
if (typeof s == 'string') {
throw new Error("Stylesheet object is expected not a string: '" + s + "'");
// Passing the environment from stylesheet to stylesheet,
// allows frames and effects to be maintained.
env = _(env).extend({});
var time = +new Date(),
root = (carto.Parser(env)).parse(;
if (env.benchmark)
console.warn('Parsing time: ' + (new Date() - time) + 'ms');
return root.toList(env);
function appliesTo(name, classIndex) {
return function(definition) {
return definition.appliesTo(, classIndex);
// Iterate through layers and create styles custom-built
// for each of them, and apply those styles to the layers.
var styles, l, classIndex, rules, sorted, matching;
for (var i = 0; i < m.Layer.length; i++) {
l = m.Layer[i];
styles = [];
classIndex = {};
if (env.benchmark) console.warn('processing layer: ' +;
// Classes are given as space-separated alphanumeric strings.
var classes = (l['class'] || '').split(/\s+/g);
for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) {
classIndex[classes[j]] = true;
matching = definitions.filter(appliesTo(, classIndex));
rules = inheritDefinitions(matching, env);
sorted = sortStyles(rules, env);
for (var k = 0, rule, style_name; k < sorted.length; k++) {
rule = sorted[k];
style_name = + (rule.attachment !== '__default__' ? '-' + rule.attachment : '');
// env.effects can be modified by this call
var styleXML = carto.tree.StyleXML(style_name, rule.attachment, rule, env);
if (styleXML) {
output.push(carto.tree.LayerXML(l, styles));
output.unshift( {
return e.toXML(env);
var map_properties = getMapProperties(m, definitions, env);
// Exit on errors.
if (env.errors) throw env.errors;
// Pass TileJSON and other custom parameters through to Mapnik XML.
var parameters = _(m).reduce(function(memo, v, k) {
if (!v && v !== 0) return memo;
switch (k) {
// Known skippable properties.
case 'srs':
case 'Layer':
case 'Stylesheet':
// Non URL-bound TileJSON properties.
case 'bounds':
case 'center':
case 'minzoom':
case 'maxzoom':
case 'version':
memo.push(' <Parameter name="' + k + '">' + v + '</Parameter>');
// Properties that require CDATA.
case 'name':
case 'description':
case 'legend':
case 'attribution':
case 'template':
memo.push(' <Parameter name="' + k + '"><![CDATA[' + v + ']]></Parameter>');
// Mapnik image format.
case 'format':
memo.push(' <Parameter name="' + k + '">' + v + '</Parameter>');
// Mapnik interactivity settings.
case 'interactivity':
memo.push(' <Parameter name="interactivity_layer">' + v.layer + '</Parameter>');
memo.push(' <Parameter name="interactivity_fields">' + v.fields + '</Parameter>');
// Support any additional scalar properties.
if ('string' === typeof v) {
memo.push(' <Parameter name="' + k + '"><![CDATA[' + v + ']]></Parameter>');
} else if ('number' === typeof v) {
memo.push(' <Parameter name="' + k + '">' + v + '</Parameter>');
} else if ('boolean' === typeof v) {
memo.push(' <Parameter name="' + k + '">' + v + '</Parameter>');
return memo;
}, []);
if (parameters.length) output.unshift(
'<Parameters>\n' +
parameters.join('\n') +
var properties = _(map_properties).map(function(v) { return ' ' + v; }).join('');
'<?xml version="1.0" ' +
'encoding="utf-8"?>\n' +
'<!DOCTYPE Map[]>\n' +
'<Map' + properties +'>\n');
return output.join('\n');
* This function currently modifies 'current'
* @param {Array} current current list of rules
* @param {Object} definition a Definition object to add to the rules
* @param {Object} byFilter an object/dictionary of existing filters. This is
* actually keyed `attachment->filter`
* @param {Object} env the current environment
function addRules(current, definition, byFilter, env) {
var newFilters = definition.filters,
newRules = definition.rules,
updatedFilters, clone, previous;
// The current definition might have been split up into
// multiple definitions already.
for (var k = 0; k < current.length; k++) {
updatedFilters = current[k].filters.cloneWith(newFilters);
if (updatedFilters) {
previous = byFilter[updatedFilters];
if (previous) {
// There's already a definition with those exact
// filters. Add the current definitions' rules
// and stop processing it as the existing rule
// has already gone down the inheritance chain.
} else {
clone = current[k].clone(updatedFilters);
// Make sure that we're only maintaining the clone
// when we did actually add rules. If not, there's
// no need to keep the clone around.
if (clone.addRules(newRules)) {
// We inserted an element before this one, so we need
// to make sure that in the next loop iteration, we're
// not performing the same task for this element again,
// hence the k++.
byFilter[updatedFilters] = clone;
current.splice(k, 0, clone);
} else if (updatedFilters === null) {
// if updatedFilters is null, then adding the filters doesn't
// invalidate or split the selector, so we addRules to the
// combined selector
// Filters can be added, but they don't change the
// filters. This means we don't have to split the
// definition.
// this is cloned here because of shared classes, see
// sharedclass.mss
current[k] = current[k].clone();
// if updatedFeatures is false, then the filters split the rule,
// so they aren't the same inheritance chain
return current;
* Apply inherited styles from their ancestors to them.
* called either once per render (in the case of mss) or per layer
* (for mml)
* @param {Object} definitions - a list of definitions objects
* that contain .rules
* @param {Object} env - the environment
* @return {Array<Array>} an array of arrays is returned,
* in which each array refers to a specific attachment
function inheritDefinitions(definitions, env) {
var inheritTime = +new Date();
// definitions are ordered by specificity,
// high (index 0) to low
var byAttachment = {},
byFilter = {};
var result = [];
var current, previous, attachment;
// Evaluate the filters specified by each definition with the given
// environment to correctly resolve variable references
definitions.forEach(function(d) {
for (var i = 0; i < definitions.length; i++) {
attachment = definitions[i].attachment;
current = [definitions[i]];
if (!byAttachment[attachment]) {
byAttachment[attachment] = [];
byAttachment[attachment].attachment = attachment;
byFilter[attachment] = {};
// Iterate over all subsequent rules.
for (var j = i + 1; j < definitions.length; j++) {
if (definitions[j].attachment === attachment) {
// Only inherit rules from the same attachment.
current = addRules(current, definitions[j], byFilter[attachment], env);
for (var k = 0; k < current.length; k++) {
byFilter[attachment][current[k].filters] = current[k];
if (env.benchmark) console.warn('Inheritance time: ' + ((new Date() - inheritTime)) + 'ms');
return result;
// Sort styles by the minimum index of their rules.
// This sorts a slice of the styles, so it returns a sorted
// array but does not change the input.
function sortStylesIndex(a, b) { return b.index - a.index; }
function sortStyles(styles, env) {
for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
var style = styles[i];
style.index = Infinity;
for (var b = 0; b < style.length; b++) {
var rules = style[b].rules;
for (var r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) {
var rule = rules[r];
if (rule.index < style.index) {
style.index = rule.index;
var result = styles.slice();
return result;
* Find a rule like Map { background-color: #fff; },
* if any, and return a list of properties to be inserted
* into the <Map element of the resulting XML. Translates
* properties of the mml object at `m` directly into XML
* properties.
* @param {Object} m the mml object.
* @param {Array} definitions the output of toList.
* @param {Object} env
* @return {String} rendered properties.
function getMapProperties(m, definitions, env) {
var rules = {};
var symbolizers =;
_(m).each(function(value, key) {
if (key in symbolizers) rules[key] = key + '="' + value + '"';
definitions.filter(function(r) {
return r.elements.join('') === 'Map';
}).forEach(function(r) {
for (var i = 0; i < r.rules.length; i++) {
var key = r.rules[i].name;
if (!(key in symbolizers)) {
message: 'Rule ' + key + ' not allowed for Map.',
index: r.rules[i].index
rules[key] = r.rules[i].ev(env).toXML(env);
return rules;
module.exports = carto;
module.exports.addRules = addRules;
module.exports.inheritDefinitions = inheritDefinitions;
module.exports.sortStyles = sortStyles;