var assert = require('assert'); var tree = require('../lib/carto/tree.js'); require('../lib/carto/tree/filterset'); describe('Filtersets', function() { describe('basic functionality', function() { it('should be constructed', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); assert.ok(f); assert.ok(f.filters); }); it('yields xml', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); assert.equal(f.toXML({}), ''); }); it('yields a clone', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); assert.ok(f.clone() instanceof tree.Filterset); }); }); describe('should add filters correctly', function() { it('adding to empty set', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }), '=11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '90' }), '!=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }), '>9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }), '>=9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }), '<90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }), '<=90'); }); it('adding to set with one and same key', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }), '=11 =11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '90' }), '=11 !=90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: '9' }), '=11 >9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: '9' }), '=11 >=9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: '90' }), '=11 <90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: '90' }), '=11 <=90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '90' }), '=11 =90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }), '=11 !=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }), '=11 >90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }), '=11 >=90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }), '=11 <9'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }), '=11 <=9'); }); it('adding to set with one and same key and !=', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }), '!=11 =11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }), '!=11 !=11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '9' }), '!=11 !=9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '90' }), '!=11 !=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }), '!=11 >9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }), '!=11 >=9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }), '!=11 >90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }), '!=11 >=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }), '!=11 <9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }), '!=11 <=9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }), '!=11 <90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }), '!=11 <=90'); }); it('adding to set with one and same key and >', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }), '>11 =11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }), '>11 !=11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }), '>11 >11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 11 }), '>11 >=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }), '>11 <11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 11 }), '>11 <=11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '90' }), '>11 =90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '90' }), '>11 !=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }), '>11 >90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }), '>11 >=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }), '>11 <90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }), '>11 <=90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '9' }), '>11 =9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '9' }), '>11 !=9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }), '>11 >9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }), '>11 >=9'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }), '>11 <9'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }), '>11 <=9'); }); it('adding to set with one and same key and >=', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 11 }); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }), '>=11 =11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }), '>=11 !=11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }), '>=11 >11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 11 }), '>=11 >=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }), '>=11 <11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 11 }), '>=11 <=11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '90' }), '>=11 =90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '90' }), '>=11 !=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }), '>=11 >90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }), '>=11 >=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }), '>=11 <90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }), '>=11 <=90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '9' }), '>=11 =9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '9' }), '>=11 !=9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }), '>=11 >9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }), '>=11 >=9'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }), '>=11 <9'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }), '>=11 <=9'); }); it('adding to set with one and same key and <', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }), '<11 =11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }), '<11 !=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }), '<11 >11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 11 }), '<11 >=11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }), '<11 <11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 11 }), '<11 <=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '90' }), '<11 =90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '90' }), '<11 !=90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }), '<11 >90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }), '<11 >=90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }), '<11 <90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }), '<11 <=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '9' }), '<11 =9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '9' }), '<11 !=9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }), '<11 >9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }), '<11 >=9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }), '<11 <9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }), '<11 <=9'); }); it('adding to set with one and same key and <=', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 11 }); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }), '<=11 =11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }), '<=11 !=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }), '<=11 >11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 11 }), '<=11 >=11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }), '<=11 <11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 11 }), '<=11 <=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '90' }), '<=11 =90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '90' }), '<=11 !=90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }), '<=11 >90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }), '<=11 >=90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }), '<=11 <90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }), '<=11 <=90'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '9' }), '<=11 =9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '9' }), '<=11 !=9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }), '<=11 >9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }), '<=11 >=9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }), '<=11 <9'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }), '<=11 <=9'); }); it('adding to filterset with three filters', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 11 }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '10' }); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '10' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 =10'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '10.5' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 =10.5'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '9' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 =9'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '8' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 =8'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 =11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '10' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 !=10'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '10.5' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 !=10.5'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '9' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 !=9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '8' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 !=8'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }), '<=11 >9 !=10 !=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 >11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 11 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 >=11'); assert.ok(true === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 <11'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 11 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 <=11'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 >90'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 >=90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 <90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 <=90'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 >9'); assert.ok(null === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 >=9'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 <9'); assert.ok(false === f.addable({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }), '<=11 >9 !=10 <=9'); }); }); it('should add filtersets', function() { var f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL=': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '=', val: '11' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '4' }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL!=4': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '4' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: '4' }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL>': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: '4' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: '4' }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL>=': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: '4' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: '4' }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL<': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: '4' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: '4' }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL<=': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: '4' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '9' }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL!=9': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '9' }, 'TOTAL!=11': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL>': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 9 }, 'TOTAL!=11': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL>': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL>': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 90 }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL>=': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 9 }, 'TOTAL!=11': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 11 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL>': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '>', val: 11 }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL>=': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '>=', val: 90 }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL<': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 9 }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL<': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL<': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 90 }, 'TOTAL!=11': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL<=': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 9 }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 11 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL<': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '<', val: 11 }}); f = new tree.Filterset(); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }); f.add({ key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }); assert.deepEqual(f.filters, { 'TOTAL<=': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '<=', val: 90 }, 'TOTAL!=11': { key: 'TOTAL', op: '!=', val: '11' }}); }); });