quoting of enumerations is okay, so let this be okay to carto tests

Dane Springmeyer 10 years ago
parent 7d3ba895f5
commit 544491b91d

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#world[zoom=5] {
text-face-name: 2;
line-rasterizer: 'full';
text-name: 'foo';

@ -1,2 +1 @@
invalid_value.mss:2:2 Invalid value for text-face-name, the type font is expected. 2 (of type float) was given.
invalid_value.mss:3:2 Invalid value for line-rasterizer, the type keyword (options: full, fast) is expected. full (of type string) was given.
invalid_value.mss:2:2 Invalid value for text-face-name, the type font is expected. 2 (of type float) was given.

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#world {
line-rasterizer: 'fast';
// carto should collapse to one
line-rasterizer: fast;

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<Style name="style" filter-mode="first">
<LineSymbolizer rasterizer="fast" />