You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3882 lines
123 KiB

var LZMA = (function () {
var action_compress = 1,
action_decompress = 2,
action_update = 3;
function update_progress(percent, callback_num) {
///TODO: Calculate ETA.
action: 3,
callback_num: callback_num,
result: percent
var $moduleName, $moduleBase;
var _,
N8000000000000000_longLit = [0, -9223372036854775808],
N1_longLit = [4294967295, -4294967296],
P0_longLit = [0, 0],
P1_longLit = [1, 0],
P4_longLit = [4, 0],
P1000_longLit = [4096, 0],
Pffffff_longLit = [16777215, 0],
P1000000_longLit = [16777216, 0],
Pff000000_longLit = [4278190080, 0],
Pffffffff_longLit = [4294967295, 0],
P7fffffffffffffff_longLit = [4294967295, 9223372032559808512];
function getClass_18() {
return Ljava_lang_Object_2_classLit;
function Object_0() {
_ = Object_0.prototype = {};
_.getClass$ = getClass_18;
_.typeMarker$ = nullMethod;
_.typeId$ = 1;
function getClass_22() {
return Ljava_lang_Throwable_2_classLit;
function Throwable() {
_ = Throwable.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_22;
_.typeId$ = 3;
_.detailMessage = null;
function getClass_13() {
return Ljava_lang_Exception_2_classLit;
function Exception() {
_ = Exception.prototype = new Throwable();
_.getClass$ = getClass_13;
_.typeId$ = 4;
function $RuntimeException(this$static, message) {
this$static.detailMessage = message;
return this$static;
function getClass_19() {
return Ljava_lang_RuntimeException_2_classLit;
function RuntimeException() {
_ = RuntimeException.prototype = new Exception();
_.getClass$ = getClass_19;
_.typeId$ = 5;
function $JavaScriptException(this$static, e) {
return this$static;
function getClass_0() {
return Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptException_2_classLit;
function JavaScriptException() {
_ = JavaScriptException.prototype = new RuntimeException();
_.getClass$ = getClass_0;
_.typeId$ = 6;
function $append(a, x) {
a[a.explicitLength++] = x;
function $appendNonNull(a, x) {
a[a.explicitLength++] = x;
function $toString(a) {
var s_0, s;
s_0 = (s = a.join('') , a.length = a.explicitLength = 0 , s);
a[a.explicitLength++] = s_0;
return s_0;
function createFromSeed(seedType, length_0) {
var array = new Array(length_0);
if (seedType > 0) {
var value = [null, 0, false, [0, 0]][seedType];
for (var i = 0; i < length_0; ++i) {
array[i] = value;
return array;
function getClass_2() {
return this.arrayClass$;
function initDim(arrayClass, typeId, queryId, length_0, seedType) {
var result;
result = createFromSeed(seedType, length_0);
wrapArray(result, expandoNames_0, expandoValues_0);
result.arrayClass$ = arrayClass;
result.typeId$ = typeId;
result.queryId$ = queryId;
return result;
function initValues(arrayClass, typeId, queryId, array) {
wrapArray(array, expandoNames_0, expandoValues_0);
array.arrayClass$ = arrayClass;
array.typeId$ = typeId;
array.queryId$ = queryId;
return array;
function setCheck(array, index, value) {
if (value != null) {
if (array.queryId$ > 0 && !canCastUnsafe(value.typeId$, array.queryId$)) {
throw new ArrayStoreException();
if (array.queryId$ < 0 && (value.typeMarker$ == nullMethod || value.typeId$ == 2)) {
throw new ArrayStoreException();
return array[index] = value;
function Array_0() {
_ = Array_0.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_2;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.arrayClass$ = null;
_.length = 0;
_.queryId$ = 0;
function $clinit_4() {
$clinit_4 = nullMethod;
expandoNames_0 = [];
expandoValues_0 = [];
initExpandos(new Array_0(), expandoNames_0, expandoValues_0);
function initExpandos(protoType, expandoNames, expandoValues) {
var i = 0, value;
for (var name_0 in protoType) {
if (value = protoType[name_0]) {
expandoNames[i] = name_0;
expandoValues[i] = value;
function wrapArray(array, expandoNames, expandoValues) {
for (var i = 0, c = expandoNames.length; i < c; ++i) {
array[expandoNames[i]] = expandoValues[i];
var expandoNames_0, expandoValues_0;
function canCast(srcId, dstId) {
return srcId && !!typeIdArray[srcId][dstId];
function canCastUnsafe(srcId, dstId) {
return srcId && typeIdArray[srcId][dstId];
function dynamicCast(src, dstId) {
if (src != null && !canCastUnsafe(src.typeId$, dstId)) {
throw new ClassCastException();
return src;
function instanceOf(src, dstId) {
return src != null && canCast(src.typeId$, dstId);
function round_int(x) {
return ~~Math.max(Math.min(x, 2147483647), -2147483648);
var typeIdArray = [
{2:1, 10:1},
{2:1, 11:1},
function caught(e) {
if (e != null && canCast(e.typeId$, 2)) {
return e;
return $JavaScriptException(new JavaScriptException(), e);
function add(a, b) {
var newHigh, newLow;
newHigh = a[1] + b[1];
newLow = a[0] + b[0];
return create(newLow, newHigh);
function addTimes(accum, a, b) {
if (a == 0) {
return accum;
if (b == 0) {
return accum;
return add(accum, create(a * b, 0));
function and(a, b) {
return makeFromBits(~~Math.max(Math.min(a[1] / 4294967296, 2147483647), -2147483648) & ~~Math.max(Math.min(b[1] / 4294967296, 2147483647), -2147483648), lowBits_0(a) & lowBits_0(b));
function compare(a, b) {
var nega, negb;
if (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1]) {
return 0;
nega = a[1] < 0;
negb = b[1] < 0;
if (nega && !negb) {
return -1;
if (!nega && negb) {
return 1;
if (sub(a, b)[1] < 0) {
return -1;
else {
return 1;
function create(valueLow, valueHigh) {
var diffHigh, diffLow;
valueHigh %= 1.8446744073709552E19;
valueLow %= 1.8446744073709552E19;
diffHigh = valueHigh % 4294967296;
diffLow = Math.floor(valueLow / 4294967296) * 4294967296;
valueHigh = valueHigh - diffHigh + diffLow;
valueLow = valueLow - diffLow + diffHigh;
while (valueLow < 0) {
valueLow += 4294967296;
valueHigh -= 4294967296;
while (valueLow > 4294967295) {
valueLow -= 4294967296;
valueHigh += 4294967296;
valueHigh = valueHigh % 1.8446744073709552E19;
while (valueHigh > 9223372032559808512) {
valueHigh -= 1.8446744073709552E19;
while (valueHigh < -9223372036854775808) {
valueHigh += 1.8446744073709552E19;
return [valueLow, valueHigh];
function div(a, b) {
var approx, deltaRem, deltaResult, halfa, rem, result;
if (b[0] == 0 && b[1] == 0) {
throw $ArithmeticException(new ArithmeticException(), '/ by zero');
if (a[0] == 0 && a[1] == 0) {
return $clinit_10() , ZERO;
if (eq(a, ($clinit_10() , MIN_VALUE))) {
if (eq(b, ONE) || eq(b, NEG_ONE)) {
return MIN_VALUE;
halfa = shr(a, 1);
approx = shl(div(halfa, b), 1);
rem = sub(a, mul(b, approx));
return add(approx, div(rem, b));
if (eq(b, MIN_VALUE)) {
return ZERO;
if (a[1] < 0) {
if (b[1] < 0) {
return div(neg(a), neg(b));
} else {
return neg(div(neg(a), b));
if (b[1] < 0) {
return neg(div(a, neg(b)));
result = ZERO;
rem = a;
while (compare(rem, b) >= 0) {
deltaResult = fromDouble(Math.floor(toDoubleRoundDown(rem) / toDoubleRoundUp(b)));
if (deltaResult[0] == 0 && deltaResult[1] == 0) {
deltaResult = ONE;
deltaRem = mul(deltaResult, b);
result = add(result, deltaResult);
rem = sub(rem, deltaRem);
return result;
function eq(a, b) {
return a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1];
function fromDouble(value) {
if (isNaN(value)) {
return $clinit_10() , ZERO;
if (value < -9223372036854775808) {
return $clinit_10() , MIN_VALUE;
if (value >= 9223372036854775807) {
return $clinit_10() , MAX_VALUE;
if (value > 0) {
return create(Math.floor(value), 0);
} else {
return create(Math.ceil(value), 0);
function fromInt(value) {
var rebase, result;
if (value > -129 && value < 128) {
rebase = value + 128;
result = ($clinit_9() , boxedValues)[rebase];
if (result == null) {
result = boxedValues[rebase] = internalFromInt(value);
return result;
return internalFromInt(value);
function internalFromInt(value) {
if (value >= 0) {
return [value, 0];
} else {
return [value + 4294967296, -4294967296];
function lowBits_0(a) {
if (a[0] >= 2147483648) {
return ~~Math.max(Math.min(a[0] - 4294967296, 2147483647), -2147483648);
} else {
return ~~Math.max(Math.min(a[0], 2147483647), -2147483648);
function makeFromBits(highBits, lowBits) {
var high, low;
high = highBits * 4294967296;
low = lowBits;
if (lowBits < 0) {
low += 4294967296;
return [low, high];
function mul(a, b) {
var a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4, res;
if (a[0] == 0 && a[1] == 0) {
return $clinit_10() , ZERO;
if (b[0] == 0 && b[1] == 0) {
return $clinit_10() , ZERO;
if (eq(a, ($clinit_10() , MIN_VALUE))) {
return multByMinValue(b);
if (eq(b, MIN_VALUE)) {
return multByMinValue(a);
if (a[1] < 0) {
if (b[1] < 0) {
return mul(neg(a), neg(b));
} else {
return neg(mul(neg(a), b));
if (b[1] < 0) {
return neg(mul(a, neg(b)));
if (compare(a, TWO_PWR_24) < 0 && compare(b, TWO_PWR_24) < 0) {
return create((a[1] + a[0]) * (b[1] + b[0]), 0);
a3 = a[1] % 281474976710656;
a4 = a[1] - a3;
a1 = a[0] % 65536;
a2 = a[0] - a1;
b3 = b[1] % 281474976710656;
b4 = b[1] - b3;
b1 = b[0] % 65536;
b2 = b[0] - b1;
res = ZERO;
res = addTimes(res, a4, b1);
res = addTimes(res, a3, b2);
res = addTimes(res, a3, b1);
res = addTimes(res, a2, b3);
res = addTimes(res, a2, b2);
res = addTimes(res, a2, b1);
res = addTimes(res, a1, b4);
res = addTimes(res, a1, b3);
res = addTimes(res, a1, b2);
res = addTimes(res, a1, b1);
return res;
function multByMinValue(a) {
if ((lowBits_0(a) & 1) == 1) {
return $clinit_10() , MIN_VALUE;
} else {
return $clinit_10() , ZERO;
function neg(a) {
var newHigh, newLow;
if (eq(a, ($clinit_10() , MIN_VALUE))) {
return MIN_VALUE;
newHigh = -a[1];
newLow = -a[0];
if (newLow > 4294967295) {
newLow -= 4294967296;
newHigh += 4294967296;
if (newLow < 0) {
newLow += 4294967296;
newHigh -= 4294967296;
return [newLow, newHigh];
function pwrAsDouble(n) {
if (n <= 30) {
return 1 << n;
} else {
return pwrAsDouble(30) * pwrAsDouble(n - 30);
function shl(a, n) {
var diff, newHigh, newLow, twoToN;
n &= 63;
if (eq(a, ($clinit_10() , MIN_VALUE))) {
if (n == 0) {
return a;
} else {
return ZERO;
if (a[1] < 0) {
return neg(shl(neg(a), n));
twoToN = pwrAsDouble(n);
newHigh = a[1] * twoToN % 1.8446744073709552E19;
newLow = a[0] * twoToN;
diff = newLow - newLow % 4294967296;
newHigh += diff;
newLow -= diff;
if (newHigh >= 9223372036854775807) {
newHigh -= 1.8446744073709552E19;
return [newLow, newHigh];
function shr(a, n) {
var newHigh, newLow, shiftFact;
n &= 63;
shiftFact = pwrAsDouble(n);
newHigh = a[1] / shiftFact;
newLow = Math.floor(a[0] / shiftFact);
return create(newLow, newHigh);
function shru(a, n) {
var sr;
n &= 63;
sr = shr(a, n);
if (a[1] < 0) {
sr = add(sr, shl(($clinit_10() , TWO), 63 - n));
return sr;
function sub(a, b) {
var newHigh, newLow;
newHigh = a[1] - b[1];
newLow = a[0] - b[0];
return create(newLow, newHigh);
function toDoubleRoundDown(a) {
var diff, magnitute, toSubtract;
magnitute = round_int(Math.log(a[1]) / ($clinit_10() , LN_2));
if (magnitute <= 48) {
return a[1] + a[0];
} else {
diff = magnitute - 48;
toSubtract = (1 << diff) - 1;
return a[1] + (a[0] - toSubtract);
function toDoubleRoundUp(a) {
var diff, magnitute, toAdd;
magnitute = round_int(Math.log(a[1]) / ($clinit_10() , LN_2));
if (magnitute <= 48) {
return a[1] + a[0];
} else {
diff = magnitute - 48;
toAdd = (1 << diff) - 1;
return a[1] + (a[0] + toAdd);
function toString_0(a) {
var digits, rem, remDivTenPower, res, tenPowerLong, zeroesNeeded;
if (a[0] == 0 && a[1] == 0) {
return '0';
if (eq(a, ($clinit_10() , MIN_VALUE))) {
return '-9223372036854775808';
if (a[1] < 0) {
return '-' + toString_0(neg(a));
rem = a;
res = '';
while (!(rem[0] == 0 && rem[1] == 0)) {
tenPowerLong = fromInt(1000000000);
remDivTenPower = div(rem, tenPowerLong);
digits = '' + lowBits_0(sub(rem, mul(remDivTenPower, tenPowerLong)));
rem = remDivTenPower;
if (!(rem[0] == 0 && rem[1] == 0)) {
zeroesNeeded = 9 - digits.length;
for (; zeroesNeeded > 0; --zeroesNeeded) {
digits = '0' + digits;
res = digits + res;
return res;
function $clinit_9() {
$clinit_9 = nullMethod;
boxedValues = initDim(_3_3D_classLit, 0, 9, 256, 0);
var boxedValues;
function $clinit_10() {
$clinit_10 = nullMethod;
LN_2 = Math.log(2);
MAX_VALUE = P7fffffffffffffff_longLit;
MIN_VALUE = N8000000000000000_longLit;
NEG_ONE = fromInt(-1);
ONE = fromInt(1);
TWO = fromInt(2);
TWO_PWR_24 = P1000000_longLit;
ZERO = fromInt(0);
function getClass_6() {
return Ljava_io_InputStream_2_classLit;
function InputStream() {
_ = InputStream.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_6;
_.typeId$ = 0;
function $ByteArrayInputStream(this$static, buf) {
$ByteArrayInputStream_0(this$static, buf, 0, buf.length);
return this$static;
function $ByteArrayInputStream_0(this$static, buf, off, len) {
this$static.buf = buf;
this$static.pos = off;
this$static.count = off + len;
if (this$static.count > buf.length)
this$static.count = buf.length;
return this$static;
function $read(this$static) {
if (this$static.pos >= this$static.count)
return -1;
return this$static.buf[this$static.pos++] & 255;
function $read_0(this$static, buf, off, len) {
if (this$static.pos >= this$static.count)
return -1;
len = min(len, this$static.count - this$static.pos);
arraycopy(this$static.buf, this$static.pos, buf, off, len);
this$static.pos += len;
return len;
function getClass_3() {
return Ljava_io_ByteArrayInputStream_2_classLit;
function ByteArrayInputStream() {
_ = ByteArrayInputStream.prototype = new InputStream();
_.getClass$ = getClass_3;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.buf = null;
_.count = 0;
_.pos = 0;
function getClass_7() {
return Ljava_io_OutputStream_2_classLit;
function OutputStream() {
_ = OutputStream.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_7;
_.typeId$ = 0;
function $ByteArrayOutputStream(this$static) {
this$static.buf = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, 32, 1);
return this$static;
function $ensureCapacity(this$static, len) {
var newbuf;
if (len <= this$static.buf.length)
len = max(len, this$static.buf.length * 2);
newbuf = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, len, 1);
arraycopy(this$static.buf, 0, newbuf, 0, this$static.buf.length);
this$static.buf = newbuf;
function $toByteArray(this$static) {
var data;
data = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, this$static.count, 1);
arraycopy(this$static.buf, 0, data, 0, this$static.count);
return data;
function $write(this$static, b) {
$ensureCapacity(this$static, this$static.count + 1);
this$static.buf[this$static.count++] = b << 24 >> 24;
function $write_0(this$static, buf, off, len) {
$ensureCapacity(this$static, this$static.count + len);
arraycopy(buf, off, this$static.buf, this$static.count, len);
this$static.count += len;
function getClass_4() {
return Ljava_io_ByteArrayOutputStream_2_classLit;
function ByteArrayOutputStream() {
_ = ByteArrayOutputStream.prototype = new OutputStream();
_.getClass$ = getClass_4;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.buf = null;
_.count = 0;
function $IOException(this$static, message) {
this$static.detailMessage = message;
return this$static;
function getClass_5() {
return Ljava_io_IOException_2_classLit;
function IOException() {
_ = IOException.prototype = new Exception();
_.getClass$ = getClass_5;
_.typeId$ = 7;
function $ArithmeticException(this$static, explanation) {
this$static.detailMessage = explanation;
return this$static;
function getClass_8() {
return Ljava_lang_ArithmeticException_2_classLit;
function ArithmeticException() {
_ = ArithmeticException.prototype = new RuntimeException();
_.getClass$ = getClass_8;
_.typeId$ = 8;
function $ArrayStoreException(this$static, message) {
this$static.detailMessage = message;
return this$static;
function getClass_9() {
return Ljava_lang_ArrayStoreException_2_classLit;
function ArrayStoreException() {
_ = ArrayStoreException.prototype = new RuntimeException();
_.getClass$ = getClass_9;
_.typeId$ = 9;
function createForArray(packageName, className) {
var clazz;
clazz = new Class();
clazz.typeName = packageName + className;
return clazz;
function createForClass(packageName, className) {
var clazz;
clazz = new Class();
clazz.typeName = packageName + className;
return clazz;
function createForEnum(packageName, className) {
var clazz;
clazz = new Class();
clazz.typeName = packageName + className;
return clazz;
function getClass_11() {
return Ljava_lang_Class_2_classLit;
function Class() {
_ = Class.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_11;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.typeName = null;
function getClass_10() {
return Ljava_lang_ClassCastException_2_classLit;
function ClassCastException() {
_ = ClassCastException.prototype = new RuntimeException();
_.getClass$ = getClass_10;
_.typeId$ = 12;
function getClass_12() {
return Ljava_lang_Enum_2_classLit;
function Enum() {
_ = Enum.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_12;
_.typeId$ = 0;
function $IllegalArgumentException(this$static, message) {
this$static.detailMessage = message;
return this$static;
function getClass_14() {
return Ljava_lang_IllegalArgumentException_2_classLit;
function IllegalArgumentException() {
_ = IllegalArgumentException.prototype = new RuntimeException();
_.getClass$ = getClass_14;
_.typeId$ = 13;
function getClass_15() {
return Ljava_lang_IllegalStateException_2_classLit;
function IllegalStateException() {
_ = IllegalStateException.prototype = new RuntimeException();
_.getClass$ = getClass_15;
_.typeId$ = 14;
function getClass_16() {
return Ljava_lang_IndexOutOfBoundsException_2_classLit;
function IndexOutOfBoundsException() {
_ = IndexOutOfBoundsException.prototype = new RuntimeException();
_.getClass$ = getClass_16;
_.typeId$ = 15;
function max(x, y) {
return x > y?x:y;
function min(x, y) {
return x < y?x:y;
function getClass_17() {
return Ljava_lang_NullPointerException_2_classLit;
function NullPointerException() {
_ = NullPointerException.prototype = new RuntimeException();
_.getClass$ = getClass_17;
_.typeId$ = 16;
function $equals(this$static, other) {
if (other == null) {
return false;
return String(this$static) == other;
function $getChars(this$static, srcBegin, srcEnd, dst, dstBegin) {
var srcIdx;
for (srcIdx = srcBegin; srcIdx < srcEnd; ++srcIdx) {
dst[dstBegin++] = this$static.charCodeAt(srcIdx);
function getClass_21() {
return Ljava_lang_String_2_classLit;
_ = String.prototype;
_.getClass$ = getClass_21;
_.typeId$ = 2;
function $StringBuilder(this$static) {
var array;
this$ = (array = [] , array.explicitLength = 0 , array);
return this$static;
function getClass_20() {
return Ljava_lang_StringBuilder_2_classLit;
function StringBuilder() {
_ = StringBuilder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_20;
_.typeId$ = 0;
function arraycopy(src, srcOfs, dest, destOfs, len) {
var destArray, destEnd, destTypeName, destlen, i, srcArray, srcTypeName, srclen;
if (src == null || dest == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
srcTypeName = (src.typeMarker$ == nullMethod || src.typeId$ == 2 ? src.getClass$() : Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptObject_2_classLit).typeName;
destTypeName = (dest.typeMarker$ == nullMethod || dest.typeId$ == 2 ? dest.getClass$() : Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptObject_2_classLit).typeName;
if (srcTypeName.charCodeAt(0) != 91 || destTypeName.charCodeAt(0) != 91) {
throw $ArrayStoreException(new ArrayStoreException(), 'Must be array types');
if (srcTypeName.charCodeAt(1) != destTypeName.charCodeAt(1)) {
throw $ArrayStoreException(new ArrayStoreException(), 'Array types must match');
srclen = src.length;
destlen = dest.length;
if (srcOfs < 0 || destOfs < 0 || len < 0 || srcOfs + len > srclen || destOfs + len > destlen) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if ((srcTypeName.charCodeAt(1) == 76 || srcTypeName.charCodeAt(1) == 91) && !$equals(srcTypeName, destTypeName)) {
srcArray = dynamicCast(src, 3);
destArray = dynamicCast(dest, 3);
if ((src == null ? null : src) === (dest == null ? null : dest) && srcOfs < destOfs) {
srcOfs += len;
for (destEnd = destOfs + len; destEnd-- > destOfs;) {
setCheck(destArray, destEnd, srcArray[--srcOfs]);
} else {
for (destEnd = destOfs + len; destOfs < destEnd;) {
setCheck(destArray, destOfs++, srcArray[srcOfs++]);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
dest[destOfs + i] = src[srcOfs + i]
function $configure(this$static, encoder) {
if (!$SetDictionarySize_0(encoder, 1 << this$static.dictionarySize))
throw $RuntimeException(new RuntimeException(), 'unexpected failure');
if (!$SetNumFastBytes(encoder, this$static.fb))
throw $RuntimeException(new RuntimeException(), 'unexpected failure');
if (!$SetMatchFinder(encoder, this$static.matchFinder))
throw $RuntimeException(new RuntimeException(), 'unexpected failure');
if (!$SetLcLpPb_0(encoder, this$, this$static.lp, this$static.pb))
throw $RuntimeException(new RuntimeException(), 'unexpected failure');
function getClass_23() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_CompressionMode_2_classLit;
function CompressionMode() {
_ = CompressionMode.prototype = new Enum();
_.getClass$ = getClass_23;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.dictionarySize = 0;
_.fb = 0; = 0;
_.lp = 0;
_.matchFinder = 0;
_.pb = 0;
function $execute(this$static) {
var $e0;
try {
return $processChunk(this$static.chunker);
catch ($e0) {
$e0 = caught($e0);
if (instanceOf($e0, 10)) {
return false;
} else {
throw $e0;
function $init(this$static, input, output, length_0, mode) {
var encoder, i;
if (!mode)
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'null mode');
if (compare(length_0, N1_longLit) < 0)
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'invalid length ' + toString_0(length_0));
this$static.length_0 = length_0;
encoder = $Encoder(new Encoder());
$configure(mode, encoder);
encoder._writeEndMark = true;
$WriteCoderProperties(encoder, output);
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8)
$write(output, lowBits_0(shr(length_0, i)) & 255);
this$static.chunker = (encoder._needReleaseMFStream = false , (encoder._inStream = input , encoder._finished = false , $Create_2(encoder) , encoder._rangeEncoder.Stream = output , $Init_4(encoder) , $FillDistancesPrices(encoder) , $FillAlignPrices(encoder) , encoder._lenEncoder._tableSize = encoder._numFastBytes + 1 - 2 , $UpdateTables(encoder._lenEncoder, 1 << encoder._posStateBits) , encoder._repMatchLenEncoder._tableSize = encoder._numFastBytes + 1 - 2 , $UpdateTables(encoder._repMatchLenEncoder, 1 << encoder._posStateBits) , encoder.nowPos64 = P0_longLit , undefined) , $Chunker_0(new Chunker(), encoder));
function getClass_26() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_LZMACompressor_2_classLit;
function LZMACompressor() {
_ = LZMACompressor.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_26;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.chunker = null;
function $LZMAByteArrayCompressor(this$static, data, mode) {
var $e0;
this$static.output = $ByteArrayOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
try {
$init(this$static, $ByteArrayInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(), data), this$static.output, fromInt(data.length), mode);
} catch ($e0) {
$e0 = caught($e0);
if (instanceOf($e0, 10)) {
throw $RuntimeException(new RuntimeException(), 'impossible exception');
} else {
throw $e0;
return this$static;
function getClass_24() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_LZMAByteArrayCompressor_2_classLit;
function LZMAByteArrayCompressor() {
_ = LZMAByteArrayCompressor.prototype = new LZMACompressor();
_.getClass$ = getClass_24;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.output = null;
function $execute_0(this$static) {
var $e0, e;
try {
return $processChunk(this$static.chunker);
catch ($e0) {
$e0 = caught($e0);
if (instanceOf($e0, 10)) {
e = $e0;
this$static.exception = e;
return false;
} else {
throw $e0;
function $init_0(this$static, input, output) {
var decoder,
hex_length = "",
properties = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, 5, 1);
for (i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) {
r = $read(input);
if (r == -1)
throw $IOException(new IOException(), 'truncated input');
properties[i] = r << 24 >> 24;
decoder = $Decoder(new Decoder());
if (!$SetDecoderProperties(decoder, properties))
throw $IOException(new IOException(), 'corrupted input');
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) {
r = $read(input);
if (r == -1)
throw $IOException(new IOException(), 'truncated input');
r = r.toString(16);
if (r.length == 1) r = "0" + r;
hex_length = r + "" + hex_length;
/// Was the length set in the header (if it was compressed from a stream, the length is all f's).
if (hex_length.toLowerCase() == "ffffffffffffffffff" || hex_length == 0) {
/// The length is unknown, so set to -1.
this$static.length_0 = N1_longLit;
} else {
///NOTE: If there is a problem with the decoder because of the length, you can always set the length to -1 (N1_longLit) which means unknown.
tmp_length = parseInt(hex_length, 16);
/// If the length is too long to handle, just set it to unknown.
if (tmp_length > 4294967295) {
this$static.length_0 = N1_longLit;
} else {
this$static.length_0 = fromDouble(tmp_length);
this$static.chunker = $CodeInChunks(decoder, input, output, this$static.length_0);
function getClass_27() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_LZMADecompressor_2_classLit;
function LZMADecompressor() {
_ = LZMADecompressor.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_27;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.chunker = null;
_.exception = null;
_.length_0 = P0_longLit;
function $LZMAByteArrayDecompressor(this$static, data) {
this$static.output = $ByteArrayOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
$init_0(this$static, $ByteArrayInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(), data), this$static.output);
return this$static;
function getClass_25() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_LZMAByteArrayDecompressor_2_classLit;
function LZMAByteArrayDecompressor() {
_ = LZMAByteArrayDecompressor.prototype = new LZMADecompressor();
_.getClass$ = getClass_25;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.output = null;
function $Create_4(this$static, keepSizeBefore, keepSizeAfter, keepSizeReserv) {
var blockSize;
this$static._keepSizeBefore = keepSizeBefore;
this$static._keepSizeAfter = keepSizeAfter;
blockSize = keepSizeBefore + keepSizeAfter + keepSizeReserv;
if (this$static._bufferBase == null || this$static._blockSize != blockSize) {
this$static._bufferBase = null;
this$static._blockSize = blockSize;
this$static._bufferBase = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, this$static._blockSize, 1);
this$static._pointerToLastSafePosition = this$static._blockSize - keepSizeAfter;
function $GetIndexByte(this$static, index) {
return this$static._bufferBase[this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos + index];
function $GetMatchLen(this$static, index, distance, limit) {
var i, pby;
if (this$static._streamEndWasReached) {
if (this$static._pos + index + limit > this$static._streamPos) {
limit = this$static._streamPos - (this$static._pos + index);
pby = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos + index;
for (i = 0; i < limit && this$static._bufferBase[pby + i] == this$static._bufferBase[pby + i - distance]; ++i) {
return i;
function $GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static) {
return this$static._streamPos - this$static._pos;
function $MoveBlock(this$static) {
var i, numBytes, offset;
offset = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos - this$static._keepSizeBefore;
if (offset > 0) {
numBytes = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._streamPos - offset;
for (i = 0; i < numBytes; ++i) {
this$static._bufferBase[i] = this$static._bufferBase[offset + i];
this$static._bufferOffset -= offset;
function $MovePos_1(this$static) {
var pointerToPostion;
if (this$static._pos > this$static._posLimit) {
pointerToPostion = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos;
if (pointerToPostion > this$static._pointerToLastSafePosition) {
function $ReadBlock(this$static) {
var numReadBytes, pointerToPostion, size;
if (this$static._streamEndWasReached)
while (true) {
size = -this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._blockSize - this$static._streamPos;
if (size == 0)
numReadBytes = $read_0(this$static._stream, this$static._bufferBase, this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._streamPos, size);
if (numReadBytes == -1) {
this$static._posLimit = this$static._streamPos;
pointerToPostion = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._posLimit;
if (pointerToPostion > this$static._pointerToLastSafePosition) {
this$static._posLimit = this$static._pointerToLastSafePosition - this$static._bufferOffset;
this$static._streamEndWasReached = true;
this$static._streamPos += numReadBytes;
if (this$static._streamPos >= this$static._pos + this$static._keepSizeAfter) {
this$static._posLimit = this$static._streamPos - this$static._keepSizeAfter;
function $ReduceOffsets(this$static, subValue) {
this$static._bufferOffset += subValue;
this$static._posLimit -= subValue;
this$static._pos -= subValue;
this$static._streamPos -= subValue;
function getClass_40() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZ_InWindow_2_classLit;
function InWindow() {
_ = InWindow.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_40;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_._blockSize = 0;
_._bufferBase = null;
_._bufferOffset = 0;
_._keepSizeAfter = 0;
_._keepSizeBefore = 0;
_._pointerToLastSafePosition = 0;
_._pos = 0;
_._posLimit = 0;
_._stream = null;
_._streamEndWasReached = false;
_._streamPos = 0;
function $clinit_60() {
$clinit_60 = nullMethod;
var i, j, r;
CrcTable = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 256, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
r = i;
for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
if ((r & 1) != 0) {
r = r >>> 1 ^ -306674912;
} else {
r >>>= 1;
CrcTable[i] = r;
function $Create_3(this$static, historySize, keepAddBufferBefore, matchMaxLen, keepAddBufferAfter) {
var cyclicBufferSize, hs, windowReservSize;
if (historySize > 1073741567) {
return false;
this$static._cutValue = 16 + (matchMaxLen >> 1);
windowReservSize = ~~((historySize + keepAddBufferBefore + matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter) / 2) + 256;
$Create_4(this$static, historySize + keepAddBufferBefore, matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter, windowReservSize);
this$static._matchMaxLen = matchMaxLen;
cyclicBufferSize = historySize + 1;
if (this$static._cyclicBufferSize != cyclicBufferSize) {
this$static._son = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, (this$static._cyclicBufferSize = cyclicBufferSize) * 2, 1);
hs = 65536;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
hs = historySize - 1;
hs |= hs >> 1;
hs |= hs >> 2;
hs |= hs >> 4;
hs |= hs >> 8;
hs >>= 1;
hs |= 65535;
if (hs > 16777216)
hs >>= 1;
this$static._hashMask = hs;
hs += this$static.kFixHashSize;
if (hs != this$static._hashSizeSum) {
this$static._hash = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, this$static._hashSizeSum = hs, 1);
return true;
function $GetMatches(this$static, distances) {
var count, cur, curMatch, curMatch2, curMatch3, cyclicPos, delta, hash2Value, hash3Value, hashValue, len, len0, len1, lenLimit, matchMinPos, maxLen, offset, pby1, ptr0, ptr1, temp;
if (this$static._pos + this$static._matchMaxLen <= this$static._streamPos) {
lenLimit = this$static._matchMaxLen;
} else {
lenLimit = this$static._streamPos - this$static._pos;
if (lenLimit < this$static.kMinMatchCheck) {
return 0;
offset = 0;
matchMinPos = this$static._pos > this$static._cyclicBufferSize?this$static._pos - this$static._cyclicBufferSize:0;
cur = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos;
maxLen = 1;
hash2Value = 0;
hash3Value = 0;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
temp = CrcTable[this$static._bufferBase[cur] & 255] ^ this$static._bufferBase[cur + 1] & 255;
hash2Value = temp & 1023;
temp ^= (this$static._bufferBase[cur + 2] & 255) << 8;
hash3Value = temp & 65535;
hashValue = (temp ^ CrcTable[this$static._bufferBase[cur + 3] & 255] << 5) & this$static._hashMask;
} else {
hashValue = this$static._bufferBase[cur] & 255 ^ (this$static._bufferBase[cur + 1] & 255) << 8;
curMatch = this$static._hash[this$static.kFixHashSize + hashValue];
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
curMatch2 = this$static._hash[hash2Value];
curMatch3 = this$static._hash[1024 + hash3Value];
this$static._hash[hash2Value] = this$static._pos;
this$static._hash[1024 + hash3Value] = this$static._pos;
if (curMatch2 > matchMinPos) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch2] == this$static._bufferBase[cur]) {
distances[offset++] = maxLen = 2;
distances[offset++] = this$static._pos - curMatch2 - 1;
if (curMatch3 > matchMinPos) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch3] == this$static._bufferBase[cur]) {
if (curMatch3 == curMatch2) {
offset -= 2;
distances[offset++] = maxLen = 3;
distances[offset++] = this$static._pos - curMatch3 - 1;
curMatch2 = curMatch3;
if (offset != 0 && curMatch2 == curMatch) {
offset -= 2;
maxLen = 1;
this$static._hash[this$static.kFixHashSize + hashValue] = this$static._pos;
ptr0 = (this$static._cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1;
ptr1 = this$static._cyclicBufferPos << 1;
len0 = len1 = this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes;
if (this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes != 0) {
if (curMatch > matchMinPos) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch + this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes] != this$static._bufferBase[cur + this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes]) {
distances[offset++] = maxLen = this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes;
distances[offset++] = this$static._pos - curMatch - 1;
count = this$static._cutValue;
while (true) {
if (curMatch <= matchMinPos || count-- == 0) {
this$static._son[ptr0] = this$static._son[ptr1] = 0;
delta = this$static._pos - curMatch;
cyclicPos = (delta <= this$static._cyclicBufferPos?this$static._cyclicBufferPos - delta:this$static._cyclicBufferPos - delta + this$static._cyclicBufferSize) << 1;
pby1 = this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch;
len = len0 < len1?len0:len1;
if (this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] == this$static._bufferBase[cur + len]) {
while (++len != lenLimit) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] != this$static._bufferBase[cur + len]) {
if (maxLen < len) {
distances[offset++] = maxLen = len;
distances[offset++] = delta - 1;
if (len == lenLimit) {
this$static._son[ptr1] = this$static._son[cyclicPos];
this$static._son[ptr0] = this$static._son[cyclicPos + 1];
if ((this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] & 255) < (this$static._bufferBase[cur + len] & 255)) {
this$static._son[ptr1] = curMatch;
ptr1 = cyclicPos + 1;
curMatch = this$static._son[ptr1];
len1 = len;
} else {
this$static._son[ptr0] = curMatch;
ptr0 = cyclicPos;
curMatch = this$static._son[ptr0];
len0 = len;
return offset;
function $Init_5(this$static) {
var i;
this$static._bufferOffset = 0;
this$static._pos = 0;
this$static._streamPos = 0;
this$static._streamEndWasReached = false;
for (i = 0; i < this$static._hashSizeSum; ++i) {
this$static._hash[i] = 0;
this$static._cyclicBufferPos = 0;
$ReduceOffsets(this$static, -1);
function $MovePos_0(this$static) {
var subValue;
if (++this$static._cyclicBufferPos >= this$static._cyclicBufferSize) {
this$static._cyclicBufferPos = 0;
if (this$static._pos == 1073741823) {
subValue = this$static._pos - this$static._cyclicBufferSize;
$NormalizeLinks(this$static._son, this$static._cyclicBufferSize * 2, subValue);
$NormalizeLinks(this$static._hash, this$static._hashSizeSum, subValue);
$ReduceOffsets(this$static, subValue);
function $NormalizeLinks(items, numItems, subValue) {
var i, value;
for (i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) {
value = items[i];
if (value <= subValue) {
value = 0;
} else {
value -= subValue;
items[i] = value;
function $SetType(this$static, numHashBytes) {
this$static.HASH_ARRAY = numHashBytes > 2;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes = 0;
this$static.kMinMatchCheck = 4;
this$static.kFixHashSize = 66560;
} else {
this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes = 2;
this$static.kMinMatchCheck = 3;
this$static.kFixHashSize = 0;
function $Skip(this$static, num) {
var count, cur, curMatch, cyclicPos, delta, hash2Value, hash3Value, hashValue, len, len0, len1, lenLimit, matchMinPos, pby1, ptr0, ptr1, temp;
do {
if (this$static._pos + this$static._matchMaxLen <= this$static._streamPos) {
lenLimit = this$static._matchMaxLen;
} else {
lenLimit = this$static._streamPos - this$static._pos;
if (lenLimit < this$static.kMinMatchCheck) {
matchMinPos = this$static._pos > this$static._cyclicBufferSize?this$static._pos - this$static._cyclicBufferSize:0;
cur = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
temp = CrcTable[this$static._bufferBase[cur] & 255] ^ this$static._bufferBase[cur + 1] & 255;
hash2Value = temp & 1023;
this$static._hash[hash2Value] = this$static._pos;
temp ^= (this$static._bufferBase[cur + 2] & 255) << 8;
hash3Value = temp & 65535;
this$static._hash[1024 + hash3Value] = this$static._pos;
hashValue = (temp ^ CrcTable[this$static._bufferBase[cur + 3] & 255] << 5) & this$static._hashMask;
} else {
hashValue = this$static._bufferBase[cur] & 255 ^ (this$static._bufferBase[cur + 1] & 255) << 8;
curMatch = this$static._hash[this$static.kFixHashSize + hashValue];
this$static._hash[this$static.kFixHashSize + hashValue] = this$static._pos;
ptr0 = (this$static._cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1;
ptr1 = this$static._cyclicBufferPos << 1;
len0 = len1 = this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes;
count = this$static._cutValue;
while (true) {
if (curMatch <= matchMinPos || count-- == 0) {
this$static._son[ptr0] = this$static._son[ptr1] = 0;
delta = this$static._pos - curMatch;
cyclicPos = (delta <= this$static._cyclicBufferPos?this$static._cyclicBufferPos - delta:this$static._cyclicBufferPos - delta + this$static._cyclicBufferSize) << 1;
pby1 = this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch;
len = len0 < len1?len0:len1;
if (this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] == this$static._bufferBase[cur + len]) {
while (++len != lenLimit) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] != this$static._bufferBase[cur + len]) {
if (len == lenLimit) {
this$static._son[ptr1] = this$static._son[cyclicPos];
this$static._son[ptr0] = this$static._son[cyclicPos + 1];
if ((this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] & 255) < (this$static._bufferBase[cur + len] & 255)) {
this$static._son[ptr1] = curMatch;
ptr1 = cyclicPos + 1;
curMatch = this$static._son[ptr1];
len1 = len;
} else {
this$static._son[ptr0] = curMatch;
ptr0 = cyclicPos;
curMatch = this$static._son[ptr0];
len0 = len;
while (--num != 0);
function getClass_39() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZ_BinTree_2_classLit;
function BinTree() {
_ = BinTree.prototype = new InWindow();
_.getClass$ = getClass_39;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.HASH_ARRAY = true;
_._cutValue = 255;
_._cyclicBufferPos = 0;
_._cyclicBufferSize = 0;
_._hash = null;
_._hashMask = 0;
_._hashSizeSum = 0;
_._matchMaxLen = 0;
_._son = null;
_.kFixHashSize = 66560;
_.kMinMatchCheck = 4;
_.kNumHashDirectBytes = 0;
var CrcTable;
function $CopyBlock(this$static, distance, len) {
var pos;
pos = this$static._pos - distance - 1;
if (pos < 0) {
pos += this$static._windowSize;
for (; len != 0; --len) {
if (pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
pos = 0;
this$static._buffer[this$static._pos++] = this$static._buffer[pos++];
if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
function $Create_5(this$static, windowSize) {
if (this$static._buffer == null || this$static._windowSize != windowSize) {
this$static._buffer = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, windowSize, 1);
this$static._windowSize = windowSize;
this$static._pos = 0;
this$static._streamPos = 0;
function $Flush_0(this$static) {
var size;
size = this$static._pos - this$static._streamPos;
if (size == 0) {
$write_0(this$static._stream, this$static._buffer, this$static._streamPos, size);
if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
this$static._pos = 0;
this$static._streamPos = this$static._pos;
function $GetByte(this$static, distance) {
var pos;
pos = this$static._pos - distance - 1;
if (pos < 0) {
pos += this$static._windowSize;
return this$static._buffer[pos];
function $Init_7(this$static, solid) {
if (!solid) {
this$static._streamPos = 0;
this$static._pos = 0;
function $PutByte(this$static, b) {
this$static._buffer[this$static._pos++] = b;
if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
function $ReleaseStream(this$static) {
this$static._stream = null;
function $SetStream_0(this$static, stream) {
this$static._stream = null;
this$static._stream = stream;
function getClass_41() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZ_OutWindow_2_classLit;
function OutWindow() {
_ = OutWindow.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_41;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_._buffer = null;
_._pos = 0;
_._stream = null;
_._streamPos = 0;
_._windowSize = 0;
function GetLenToPosState(len) {
len -= 2;
if (len < 4) {
return len;
return 3;
function StateUpdateChar(index) {
if (index < 4) {
return 0;
if (index < 10) {
return index - 3;
return index - 6;
function $Chunker_0(this$static, encoder) {
this$static.encoder = encoder;
this$static.decoder = null;
this$static.alive = true;
return this$static;
function $Chunker(this$static, decoder) {
this$static.decoder = decoder;
this$static.encoder = null;
this$static.alive = true;
return this$static;
function $processChunk(this$static) {
var exception;
if (!this$static.alive) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
exception = true;
try {
if (this$static.encoder) {
} else {
exception = false;
return this$static.alive;
} finally {
if (exception) {
this$static.alive = false;
function $processDecoderChunk(this$static) {
var result;
result = $CodeOneChunk(this$static.decoder);
if (result == -1) {
throw $IOException(new IOException(), 'corrupted input');
this$static.inBytesProcessed = N1_longLit;
this$static.outBytesProcessed = this$static.decoder.nowPos64;
if (result == 1 || compare(this$static.decoder.outSize, P0_longLit) >= 0 && compare(this$static.decoder.nowPos64, this$static.decoder.outSize) >= 0) {
this$static.alive = false;
function $processEncoderChunk(this$static) {
$CodeOneBlock(this$static.encoder, this$static.encoder.processedInSize, this$static.encoder.processedOutSize, this$static.encoder.finished);
this$static.inBytesProcessed = this$static.encoder.processedInSize[0];
if (this$static.encoder.finished[0]) {
this$static.alive = false;
function getClass_28() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Chunker_2_classLit;
function Chunker() {
_ = Chunker.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_28;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.alive = false;
_.decoder = null;
_.encoder = null;
function $CodeFinish(this$static) {
this$static.m_RangeDecoder.Stream = null;
function $CodeInChunks(this$static, inStream, outStream, outSize) {
this$static.m_RangeDecoder.Stream = inStream;
$SetStream_0(this$static.m_OutWindow, outStream);
this$static.state = 0;
this$static.rep0 = 0;
this$static.rep1 = 0;
this$static.rep2 = 0;
this$static.rep3 = 0;
this$static.outSize = outSize;
this$static.nowPos64 = P0_longLit;
this$static.prevByte = 0;
return $Chunker(new Chunker(), this$static);
function $CodeOneChunk(this$static) {
var decoder2, distance, len, numDirectBits, posSlot, posState;
posState = lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64) & this$static.m_PosStateMask;
if ($DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsMatchDecoders, (this$static.state << 4) + posState) == 0) {
decoder2 = $GetDecoder(this$static.m_LiteralDecoder, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64), this$static.prevByte);
if (this$static.state < 7) {
this$static.prevByte = $DecodeNormal(decoder2, this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
else {
this$static.prevByte = $DecodeWithMatchByte(decoder2, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, $GetByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.rep0));
$PutByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.prevByte);
this$static.state = StateUpdateChar(this$static.state);
this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, P1_longLit);
} else {
if ($DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepDecoders, this$static.state) == 1) {
len = 0;
if ($DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG0Decoders, this$static.state) == 0) {
if ($DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRep0LongDecoders, (this$static.state << 4) + posState) == 0) {
this$static.state = this$static.state < 7?9:11;
len = 1;
} else {
if ($DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG1Decoders, this$static.state) == 0) {
distance = this$static.rep1;
} else {
if ($DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG2Decoders, this$static.state) == 0) {
distance = this$static.rep2;
} else {
distance = this$static.rep3;
this$static.rep3 = this$static.rep2;
this$static.rep2 = this$static.rep1;
this$static.rep1 = this$static.rep0;
this$static.rep0 = distance;
if (len == 0) {
len = $Decode(this$static.m_RepLenDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, posState) + 2;
this$static.state = this$static.state < 7?8:11;
} else {
this$static.rep3 = this$static.rep2;
this$static.rep2 = this$static.rep1;
this$static.rep1 = this$static.rep0;
len = 2 + $Decode(this$static.m_LenDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, posState);
this$static.state = this$static.state < 7?7:10;
posSlot = $Decode_0(this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder[GetLenToPosState(len)], this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
if (posSlot >= 4) {
numDirectBits = (posSlot >> 1) - 1;
this$static.rep0 = (2 | posSlot & 1) << numDirectBits;
if (posSlot < 14) {
this$static.rep0 += ReverseDecode(this$static.m_PosDecoders, this$static.rep0 - posSlot - 1, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, numDirectBits);
} else {
this$static.rep0 += $DecodeDirectBits(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, numDirectBits - 4) << 4;
this$static.rep0 += $ReverseDecode(this$static.m_PosAlignDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
if (this$static.rep0 < 0) {
if (this$static.rep0 == -1) {
return 1;
return -1;
} else
this$static.rep0 = posSlot;
if (compare(fromInt(this$static.rep0), this$static.nowPos64) >= 0 || this$static.rep0 >= this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck) {
return -1;
$CopyBlock(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.rep0, len);
this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, fromInt(len));
this$static.prevByte = $GetByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, 0);
return 0;
function $Decoder(this$static) {
var i;
this$static.m_OutWindow = new OutWindow();
this$static.m_RangeDecoder = new Decoder_0();
this$static.m_IsMatchDecoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 192, 1);
this$static.m_IsRepDecoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 12, 1);
this$static.m_IsRepG0Decoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 12, 1);
this$static.m_IsRepG1Decoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 12, 1);
this$static.m_IsRepG2Decoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 12, 1);
this$static.m_IsRep0LongDecoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 192, 1);
this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeDecoder_2_classLit, 0, 7, 4, 0);
this$static.m_PosDecoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 114, 1);
this$static.m_PosAlignDecoder = $BitTreeDecoder(new BitTreeDecoder(), 4);
this$static.m_LenDecoder = $Decoder$LenDecoder(new Decoder$LenDecoder());
this$static.m_RepLenDecoder = $Decoder$LenDecoder(new Decoder$LenDecoder());
this$static.m_LiteralDecoder = new Decoder$LiteralDecoder();
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder[i] = $BitTreeDecoder(new BitTreeDecoder(), 6);
return this$static;
function $Init_1(this$static) {
var i;
$Init_7(this$static.m_OutWindow, false);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
function $SetDecoderProperties(this$static, properties) {
var dictionarySize, i, lc, lp, pb, remainder, val;
if (properties.length < 5)
return false;
val = properties[0] & 255;
lc = val % 9;
remainder = ~~(val / 9);
lp = remainder % 5;
pb = ~~(remainder / 5);
dictionarySize = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
dictionarySize += (properties[1 + i] & 255) << i * 8;
if (!$SetLcLpPb(this$static, lc, lp, pb)) {
return false;
return $SetDictionarySize(this$static, dictionarySize);
function $SetDictionarySize(this$static, dictionarySize) {
if (dictionarySize < 0) {
return false;
if (this$static.m_DictionarySize != dictionarySize) {
this$static.m_DictionarySize = dictionarySize;
this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck = max(this$static.m_DictionarySize, 1);
$Create_5(this$static.m_OutWindow, max(this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck, 4096));
return true;
function $SetLcLpPb(this$static, lc, lp, pb) {
var numPosStates;
if (lc > 8 || lp > 4 || pb > 4) {
return false;
$Create_0(this$static.m_LiteralDecoder, lp, lc);
numPosStates = 1 << pb;
$Create(this$static.m_LenDecoder, numPosStates);
$Create(this$static.m_RepLenDecoder, numPosStates);
this$static.m_PosStateMask = numPosStates - 1;
return true;
function getClass_32() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder_2_classLit;
function Decoder() {
_ = Decoder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_32;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.m_DictionarySize = -1;
_.m_DictionarySizeCheck = -1;
_.m_PosStateMask = 0;
_.nowPos64 = P0_longLit;
_.outSize = P0_longLit;
_.prevByte = 0;
_.rep0 = 0;
_.rep1 = 0;
_.rep2 = 0;
_.rep3 = 0;
_.state = 0;
function $Create(this$static, numPosStates) {
for (; this$static.m_NumPosStates < numPosStates; ++this$static.m_NumPosStates) {
this$static.m_LowCoder[this$static.m_NumPosStates] = $BitTreeDecoder(new BitTreeDecoder(), 3);
this$static.m_MidCoder[this$static.m_NumPosStates] = $BitTreeDecoder(new BitTreeDecoder(), 3);
function $Decode(this$static, rangeDecoder, posState) {
var symbol;
if ($DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Choice, 0) == 0) {
return $Decode_0(this$static.m_LowCoder[posState], rangeDecoder);
symbol = 8;
if ($DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Choice, 1) == 0) {
symbol += $Decode_0(this$static.m_MidCoder[posState], rangeDecoder);
} else {
symbol += 8 + $Decode_0(this$static.m_HighCoder, rangeDecoder);
return symbol;
function $Decoder$LenDecoder(this$static) {
this$static.m_Choice = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 2, 1);
this$static.m_LowCoder = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeDecoder_2_classLit, 0, 7, 16, 0);
this$static.m_MidCoder = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeDecoder_2_classLit, 0, 7, 16, 0);
this$static.m_HighCoder = $BitTreeDecoder(new BitTreeDecoder(), 8);
return this$static;
function $Init(this$static) {
var posState;
for (posState = 0; posState < this$static.m_NumPosStates; ++posState) {
function getClass_29() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder$LenDecoder_2_classLit;
function Decoder$LenDecoder() {
_ = Decoder$LenDecoder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_29;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.m_NumPosStates = 0;
function $Create_0(this$static, numPosBits, numPrevBits) {
var i, numStates;
if (this$static.m_Coders != null && this$static.m_NumPrevBits == numPrevBits && this$static.m_NumPosBits == numPosBits)
this$static.m_NumPosBits = numPosBits;
this$static.m_PosMask = (1 << numPosBits) - 1;
this$static.m_NumPrevBits = numPrevBits;
numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
this$static.m_Coders = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2_2_classLit, 0, 4, numStates, 0);
for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i)
this$static.m_Coders[i] = $Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2(new Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2());
function $GetDecoder(this$static, pos, prevByte) {
return this$static.m_Coders[((pos & this$static.m_PosMask) << this$static.m_NumPrevBits) + ((prevByte & 255) >>> 8 - this$static.m_NumPrevBits)];
function $Init_0(this$static) {
var i, numStates;
numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i) {
function getClass_31() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder$LiteralDecoder_2_classLit;
function Decoder$LiteralDecoder() {
_ = Decoder$LiteralDecoder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_31;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.m_Coders = null;
_.m_NumPosBits = 0;
_.m_NumPrevBits = 0;
_.m_PosMask = 0;
function $DecodeNormal(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
var symbol;
symbol = 1;
do {
symbol = symbol << 1 | $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, symbol);
} while (symbol < 256);
return symbol << 24 >> 24;
function $DecodeWithMatchByte(this$static, rangeDecoder, matchByte) {
var bit, matchBit, symbol;
symbol = 1;
do {
matchBit = matchByte >> 7 & 1;
matchByte <<= 1;
bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, (1 + matchBit << 8) + symbol);
symbol = symbol << 1 | bit;
if (matchBit != bit) {
while (symbol < 256) {
symbol = symbol << 1 | $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, symbol);
} while (symbol < 256);
return symbol << 24 >> 24;
function $Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2(this$static) {
this$static.m_Decoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 768, 1);
return this$static;
function getClass_30() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2_2_classLit;
function Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2() {
_ = Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_30;
_.typeId$ = 17;
function $clinit_59() {
$clinit_59 = nullMethod;
var c, j, k, slotFast;
g_FastPos = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, 2048, 1);
c = 2;
g_FastPos[0] = 0;
g_FastPos[1] = 1;
for (slotFast = 2; slotFast < 22; ++slotFast) {
k = 1 << (slotFast >> 1) - 1;
for (j = 0; j < k; ++j , ++c)
g_FastPos[c] = slotFast << 24 >> 24;
function $Backward(this$static, cur) {
var backCur, backMem, posMem, posPrev;
this$static._optimumEndIndex = cur;
posMem = this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev;
backMem = this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev;
do {
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev1IsChar) {
this$static._optimum[posMem].PosPrev = posMem - 1;
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev2) {
this$static._optimum[posMem - 1].Prev1IsChar = false;
this$static._optimum[posMem - 1].PosPrev = this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev2;
this$static._optimum[posMem - 1].BackPrev = this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev2;
posPrev = posMem;
backCur = backMem;
backMem = this$static._optimum[posPrev].BackPrev;
posMem = this$static._optimum[posPrev].PosPrev;
this$static._optimum[posPrev].BackPrev = backCur;
this$static._optimum[posPrev].PosPrev = cur;
cur = posPrev;
} while (cur > 0);
this$static.backRes = this$static._optimum[0].BackPrev;
this$static._optimumCurrentIndex = this$static._optimum[0].PosPrev;
return this$static._optimumCurrentIndex;
function $BaseInit(this$static) {
var i;
this$static._state = 0;
this$static._previousByte = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static._repDistances[i] = 0;
function $CodeOneBlock(this$static, inSize, outSize, finished) {
var baseVal, complexState, curByte, distance, footerBits, i, len, lenToPosState, matchByte, pos, posReduced, posSlot, posState, progressPosValuePrev, subCoder;
inSize[0] = P0_longLit;
outSize[0] = P0_longLit;
finished[0] = true;
if (this$static._inStream) {
this$static._matchFinder._stream = this$static._inStream;
this$static._needReleaseMFStream = true;
this$static._inStream = null;
if (this$static._finished) {
this$static._finished = true;
progressPosValuePrev = this$static.nowPos64;
if (eq(this$static.nowPos64, P0_longLit)) {
if ($GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder) == 0) {
$Flush(this$static, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64));
posState = lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64) & this$static._posStateMask;
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isMatch, (this$static._state << 4) + posState, 0);
this$static._state = StateUpdateChar(this$static._state);
curByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static._additionalOffset);
$Encode_1($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64), this$static._previousByte), this$static._rangeEncoder, curByte);
this$static._previousByte = curByte;
this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, P1_longLit);
if ($GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder) == 0) {
$Flush(this$static, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64));
while (true) {
len = $GetOptimum(this$static, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64));
pos = this$static.backRes;
posState = lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64) & this$static._posStateMask;
complexState = (this$static._state << 4) + posState;
if (len == 1 && pos == -1) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isMatch, complexState, 0);
curByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static._additionalOffset);
subCoder = $GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64), this$static._previousByte);
if (this$static._state < 7) {
$Encode_1(subCoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, curByte);
} else {
matchByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static._repDistances[0] - 1 - this$static._additionalOffset);
$EncodeMatched(subCoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, matchByte, curByte);
this$static._previousByte = curByte;
this$static._state = StateUpdateChar(this$static._state);
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isMatch, complexState, 1);
if (pos < 4) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep, this$static._state, 1);
if (pos == 0) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG0, this$static._state, 0);
if (len == 1) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep0Long, complexState, 0);
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep0Long, complexState, 1);
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG0, this$static._state, 1);
if (pos == 1) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG1, this$static._state, 0);
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG1, this$static._state, 1);
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG2, this$static._state, pos - 2);
if (len == 1) {
this$static._state = this$static._state < 7?9:11;
} else {
$Encode_0(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, len - 2, posState);
this$static._state = this$static._state < 7?8:11;
distance = this$static._repDistances[pos];
if (pos != 0) {
for (i = pos; i >= 1; --i) {
this$static._repDistances[i] = this$static._repDistances[i - 1];
this$static._repDistances[0] = distance;
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep, this$static._state, 0);
this$static._state = this$static._state < 7?7:10;
$Encode_0(this$static._lenEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, len - 2, posState);
pos -= 4;
posSlot = GetPosSlot(pos);
lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(len);
$Encode_2(this$static._posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState], this$static._rangeEncoder, posSlot);
if (posSlot >= 4) {
footerBits = (posSlot >> 1) - 1;
baseVal = (2 | posSlot & 1) << footerBits;
posReduced = pos - baseVal;
if (posSlot < 14) {
ReverseEncode(this$static._posEncoders, baseVal - posSlot - 1, this$static._rangeEncoder, footerBits, posReduced);
} else {
$EncodeDirectBits(this$static._rangeEncoder, posReduced >> 4, footerBits - 4);
$ReverseEncode(this$static._posAlignEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, posReduced & 15);
distance = pos;
for (i = 3; i >= 1; --i) {
this$static._repDistances[i] = this$static._repDistances[i - 1];
this$static._repDistances[0] = distance;
this$static._previousByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, len - 1 - this$static._additionalOffset);
this$static._additionalOffset -= len;
this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, fromInt(len));
if (this$static._additionalOffset == 0) {
if (this$static._matchPriceCount >= 128) {
if (this$static._alignPriceCount >= 16) {
inSize[0] = this$static.nowPos64;
outSize[0] = $GetProcessedSizeAdd(this$static._rangeEncoder);
if ($GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder) == 0) {
$Flush(this$static, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64));
if (compare(sub(this$static.nowPos64, progressPosValuePrev), P1000_longLit) >= 0) {
this$static._finished = false;
finished[0] = false;
function $Create_2(this$static) {
var bt, numHashBytes;
if (!this$static._matchFinder) {
bt = ($clinit_60() , new BinTree());
numHashBytes = 4;
if (this$static._matchFinderType == 0) {
numHashBytes = 2;
$SetType(bt, numHashBytes);
this$static._matchFinder = bt;
$Create_1(this$static._literalEncoder, this$static._numLiteralPosStateBits, this$static._numLiteralContextBits);
if (this$static._dictionarySize == this$static._dictionarySizePrev && this$static._numFastBytesPrev == this$static._numFastBytes) {
$Create_3(this$static._matchFinder, this$static._dictionarySize, 4096, this$static._numFastBytes, 274);
this$static._dictionarySizePrev = this$static._dictionarySize;
this$static._numFastBytesPrev = this$static._numFastBytes;
function $Encoder(this$static) {
var i;
this$static._repDistances = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 4, 1);
this$static._optimum = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$Optimal_2_classLit, 0, 6, 4096, 0);
this$static._rangeEncoder = ($clinit_66() , new Encoder_0());
this$static._isMatch = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 192, 1);
this$static._isRep = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 12, 1);
this$static._isRepG0 = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 12, 1);
this$static._isRepG1 = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 12, 1);
this$static._isRepG2 = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 12, 1);
this$static._isRep0Long = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 192, 1);
this$static._posSlotEncoder = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeEncoder_2_classLit, 0, 8, 4, 0);
this$static._posEncoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 114, 1);
this$static._posAlignEncoder = $BitTreeEncoder(new BitTreeEncoder(), 4);
this$static._lenEncoder = $Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder(new Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder());
this$static._repMatchLenEncoder = $Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder(new Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder());
this$static._literalEncoder = new Encoder$LiteralEncoder();
this$static._matchDistances = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 548, 1);
this$static._posSlotPrices = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 256, 1);
this$static._distancesPrices = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 512, 1);
this$static._alignPrices = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 16, 1);
this$static.reps = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 4, 1);
this$static.repLens = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 4, 1);
this$static.processedInSize = initDim(_3J_classLit, 0, -1, 1, 3);
this$static.processedOutSize = initDim(_3J_classLit, 0, -1, 1, 3);
this$static.finished = initDim(_3Z_classLit, 0, -1, 1, 2);
this$ = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, 5, 1);
this$static.tempPrices = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 128, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 4096; ++i) {
this$static._optimum[i] = new Encoder$Optimal();
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static._posSlotEncoder[i] = $BitTreeEncoder(new BitTreeEncoder(), 6);
return this$static;
function $FillAlignPrices(this$static) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
this$static._alignPrices[i] = $ReverseGetPrice(this$static._posAlignEncoder, i);
this$static._alignPriceCount = 0;
function $FillDistancesPrices(this$static) {
var baseVal, encoder, footerBits, i, lenToPosState, posSlot, st, st2;
for (i = 4; i < 128; ++i) {
posSlot = GetPosSlot(i);
footerBits = (posSlot >> 1) - 1;
baseVal = (2 | posSlot & 1) << footerBits;
this$static.tempPrices[i] = ReverseGetPrice(this$static._posEncoders, baseVal - posSlot - 1, footerBits, i - baseVal);
for (lenToPosState = 0; lenToPosState < 4; ++lenToPosState) {
encoder = this$static._posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState];
st = lenToPosState << 6;
for (posSlot = 0; posSlot < this$static._distTableSize; ++posSlot) {
this$static._posSlotPrices[st + posSlot] = $GetPrice_1(encoder, posSlot);
for (posSlot = 14; posSlot < this$static._distTableSize; ++posSlot) {
this$static._posSlotPrices[st + posSlot] += (posSlot >> 1) - 1 - 4 << 6;
st2 = lenToPosState * 128;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static._distancesPrices[st2 + i] = this$static._posSlotPrices[st + i];
for (; i < 128; ++i) {
this$static._distancesPrices[st2 + i] = this$static._posSlotPrices[st + GetPosSlot(i)] + this$static.tempPrices[i];
this$static._matchPriceCount = 0;
function $Flush(this$static, nowPos) {
$WriteEndMarker(this$static, nowPos & this$static._posStateMask);
function $GetOptimum(this$static, position) {
var cur, curAnd1Price, curAndLenCharPrice, curAndLenPrice, curBack, curPrice, currentByte, distance, i, len, lenEnd, lenMain, lenRes, lenTest, lenTest2, lenTestTemp, matchByte, matchPrice, newLen, nextIsChar, nextMatchPrice, nextOptimum, nextRepMatchPrice, normalMatchPrice, numAvailableBytes, numAvailableBytesFull, numDistancePairs, offs, offset, opt, optimum, pos, posPrev, posState, posStateNext, price_4, repIndex, repLen, repMatchPrice, repMaxIndex, shortRepPrice, startLen, state, state2, t, price, price_0, price_1, price_2, price_3;
if (this$static._optimumEndIndex != this$static._optimumCurrentIndex) {
lenRes = this$static._optimum[this$static._optimumCurrentIndex].PosPrev - this$static._optimumCurrentIndex;
this$static.backRes = this$static._optimum[this$static._optimumCurrentIndex].BackPrev;
this$static._optimumCurrentIndex = this$static._optimum[this$static._optimumCurrentIndex].PosPrev;
return lenRes;
this$static._optimumCurrentIndex = this$static._optimumEndIndex = 0;
if (this$static._longestMatchWasFound) {
lenMain = this$static._longestMatchLength;
this$static._longestMatchWasFound = false;
} else {
lenMain = $ReadMatchDistances(this$static);
numDistancePairs = this$static._numDistancePairs;
numAvailableBytes = $GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder) + 1;
if (numAvailableBytes < 2) {
this$static.backRes = -1;
return 1;
if (numAvailableBytes > 273) {
numAvailableBytes = 273;
repMaxIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static.reps[i] = this$static._repDistances[i];
this$static.repLens[i] = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, -1, this$static.reps[i], 273);
if (this$static.repLens[i] > this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex]) {
repMaxIndex = i;
if (this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex] >= this$static._numFastBytes) {
this$static.backRes = repMaxIndex;
lenRes = this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex];
$MovePos(this$static, lenRes - 1);
return lenRes;
if (lenMain >= this$static._numFastBytes) {
this$static.backRes = this$static._matchDistances[numDistancePairs - 1] + 4;
$MovePos(this$static, lenMain - 1);
return lenMain;
currentByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -1);
matchByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static._repDistances[0] - 1 - 1);
if (lenMain < 2 && currentByte != matchByte && this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex] < 2) {
this$static.backRes = -1;
return 1;
this$static._optimum[0].State = this$static._state;
posState = position & this$static._posStateMask;
this$static._optimum[1].Price = ($clinit_66() , ProbPrices[this$static._isMatch[(this$static._state << 4) + posState] >>> 2]) + $GetPrice_0($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, position, this$static._previousByte), this$static._state >= 7, matchByte, currentByte);
matchPrice = ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(this$static._state << 4) + posState] >>> 2];
repMatchPrice = matchPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[this$static._state] >>> 2];
if (matchByte == currentByte) {
shortRepPrice = repMatchPrice + $GetRepLen1Price(this$static, this$static._state, posState);
if (shortRepPrice < this$static._optimum[1].Price) {
this$static._optimum[1].Price = shortRepPrice;
lenEnd = lenMain >= this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex]?lenMain:this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex];
if (lenEnd < 2) {
this$static.backRes = this$static._optimum[1].BackPrev;
return 1;
this$static._optimum[1].PosPrev = 0;
this$static._optimum[0].Backs0 = this$static.reps[0];
this$static._optimum[0].Backs1 = this$static.reps[1];
this$static._optimum[0].Backs2 = this$static.reps[2];
this$static._optimum[0].Backs3 = this$static.reps[3];
len = lenEnd;
do {
this$static._optimum[len--].Price = 268435455;
} while (len >= 2);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
repLen = this$static.repLens[i];
if (repLen < 2) {
price_4 = repMatchPrice + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, i, this$static._state, posState);
do {
curAndLenPrice = price_4 + $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, repLen - 2, posState);
optimum = this$static._optimum[repLen];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = 0;
optimum.BackPrev = i;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = false;
} while (--repLen >= 2);
normalMatchPrice = matchPrice + ProbPrices[this$static._isRep[this$static._state] >>> 2];
len = this$static.repLens[0] >= 2?this$static.repLens[0] + 1:2;
if (len <= lenMain) {
offs = 0;
while (len > this$static._matchDistances[offs]) {
offs += 2;
for (;; ++len) {
distance = this$static._matchDistances[offs + 1];
curAndLenPrice = normalMatchPrice + $GetPosLenPrice(this$static, distance, len, posState);
optimum = this$static._optimum[len];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = 0;
optimum.BackPrev = distance + 4;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = false;
if (len == this$static._matchDistances[offs]) {
offs += 2;
if (offs == numDistancePairs) {
cur = 0;
while (true) {
if (cur == lenEnd) {
return $Backward(this$static, cur);
newLen = $ReadMatchDistances(this$static);
numDistancePairs = this$static._numDistancePairs;
if (newLen >= this$static._numFastBytes) {
this$static._longestMatchLength = newLen;
this$static._longestMatchWasFound = true;
return $Backward(this$static, cur);
posPrev = this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev;
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev1IsChar) {
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev2) {
state = this$static._optimum[this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev2].State;
if (this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev2 < 4) {
state = (state < 7) ? 8 : 11;
} else {
state = (state < 7) ? 7 : 10;
} else {
state = this$static._optimum[posPrev].State;
state = StateUpdateChar(state);
} else {
state = this$static._optimum[posPrev].State;
if (posPrev == cur - 1) {
if (this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev == 0) {
state = state < 7?9:11;
} else {
state = StateUpdateChar(state);
} else {
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev1IsChar && this$static._optimum[cur].Prev2) {
posPrev = this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev2;
pos = this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev2;
state = state < 7?8:11;
} else {
pos = this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev;
if (pos < 4) {
state = state < 7?8:11;
} else {
state = state < 7?7:10;
opt = this$static._optimum[posPrev];
if (pos < 4) {
if (pos == 0) {
this$static.reps[0] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs2;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs3;
} else if (pos == 1) {
this$static.reps[0] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs2;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs3;
} else if (pos == 2) {
this$static.reps[0] = opt.Backs2;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs3;
} else {
this$static.reps[0] = opt.Backs3;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs2;
} else {
this$static.reps[0] = pos - 4;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs2;
this$static._optimum[cur].State = state;
this$static._optimum[cur].Backs0 = this$static.reps[0];
this$static._optimum[cur].Backs1 = this$static.reps[1];
this$static._optimum[cur].Backs2 = this$static.reps[2];
this$static._optimum[cur].Backs3 = this$static.reps[3];
curPrice = this$static._optimum[cur].Price;
currentByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -1);
matchByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static.reps[0] - 1 - 1);
posState = position & this$static._posStateMask;
curAnd1Price = curPrice + ProbPrices[this$static._isMatch[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2] + $GetPrice_0($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, position, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -2)), state >= 7, matchByte, currentByte);
nextOptimum = this$static._optimum[cur + 1];
nextIsChar = false;
if (curAnd1Price < nextOptimum.Price) {
nextOptimum.Price = curAnd1Price;
nextOptimum.PosPrev = cur;
nextOptimum.BackPrev = -1;
nextOptimum.Prev1IsChar = false;
nextIsChar = true;
matchPrice = curPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2];
repMatchPrice = matchPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[state] >>> 2];
if (matchByte == currentByte && !(nextOptimum.PosPrev < cur && nextOptimum.BackPrev == 0)) {
shortRepPrice = repMatchPrice + (ProbPrices[this$static._isRepG0[state] >>> 2] + ProbPrices[this$static._isRep0Long[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2]);
if (shortRepPrice <= nextOptimum.Price) {
nextOptimum.Price = shortRepPrice;
nextOptimum.PosPrev = cur;
nextOptimum.BackPrev = 0;
nextOptimum.Prev1IsChar = false;
nextIsChar = true;
numAvailableBytesFull = $GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder) + 1;
numAvailableBytesFull = 4095 - cur < numAvailableBytesFull?4095 - cur:numAvailableBytesFull;
numAvailableBytes = numAvailableBytesFull;
if (numAvailableBytes < 2) {
if (numAvailableBytes > this$static._numFastBytes) {
numAvailableBytes = this$static._numFastBytes;
if (!nextIsChar && matchByte != currentByte) {
t = min(numAvailableBytesFull - 1, this$static._numFastBytes);
lenTest2 = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, 0, this$static.reps[0], t);
if (lenTest2 >= 2) {
state2 = StateUpdateChar(state);
posStateNext = position + 1 & this$static._posStateMask;
nextRepMatchPrice = curAnd1Price + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2] + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[state2] >>> 2];
offset = cur + 1 + lenTest2;
while (lenEnd < offset) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + (price = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest2 - 2, posStateNext) , price + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, 0, state2, posStateNext));
optimum = this$static._optimum[offset];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur + 1;
optimum.BackPrev = 0;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = true;
optimum.Prev2 = false;
startLen = 2;
for (repIndex = 0; repIndex < 4; ++repIndex) {
lenTest = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, -1, this$static.reps[repIndex], numAvailableBytes);
if (lenTest < 2) {
lenTestTemp = lenTest;
do {
while (lenEnd < cur + lenTest) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
curAndLenPrice = repMatchPrice + (price_0 = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest - 2, posState) , price_0 + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, repIndex, state, posState));
optimum = this$static._optimum[cur + lenTest];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur;
optimum.BackPrev = repIndex;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = false;
} while (--lenTest >= 2);
lenTest = lenTestTemp;
if (repIndex == 0) {
startLen = lenTest + 1;
if (lenTest < numAvailableBytesFull) {
t = min(numAvailableBytesFull - 1 - lenTest, this$static._numFastBytes);
lenTest2 = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest, this$static.reps[repIndex], t);
if (lenTest2 >= 2) {
state2 = state < 7?8:11;
posStateNext = position + lenTest & this$static._posStateMask;
curAndLenCharPrice = repMatchPrice + (price_1 = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest - 2, posState) , price_1 + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, repIndex, state, posState)) + ProbPrices[this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2] + $GetPrice_0($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, position + lenTest, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1 - 1)), true, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1 - (this$static.reps[repIndex] + 1)), $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1));
state2 = StateUpdateChar(state2);
posStateNext = position + lenTest + 1 & this$static._posStateMask;
nextMatchPrice = curAndLenCharPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2];
nextRepMatchPrice = nextMatchPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[state2] >>> 2];
offset = lenTest + 1 + lenTest2;
while (lenEnd < cur + offset) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + (price_2 = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest2 - 2, posStateNext) , price_2 + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, 0, state2, posStateNext));
optimum = this$static._optimum[cur + offset];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur + lenTest + 1;
optimum.BackPrev = 0;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = true;
optimum.Prev2 = true;
optimum.PosPrev2 = cur;
optimum.BackPrev2 = repIndex;
if (newLen > numAvailableBytes) {
newLen = numAvailableBytes;
for (numDistancePairs = 0; newLen > this$static._matchDistances[numDistancePairs]; numDistancePairs += 2) {
this$static._matchDistances[numDistancePairs] = newLen;
numDistancePairs += 2;
if (newLen >= startLen) {
normalMatchPrice = matchPrice + ProbPrices[this$static._isRep[state] >>> 2];
while (lenEnd < cur + newLen) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
offs = 0;
while (startLen > this$static._matchDistances[offs]) {
offs += 2;
for (lenTest = startLen;; ++lenTest) {
curBack = this$static._matchDistances[offs + 1];
curAndLenPrice = normalMatchPrice + $GetPosLenPrice(this$static, curBack, lenTest, posState);
optimum = this$static._optimum[cur + lenTest];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur;
optimum.BackPrev = curBack + 4;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = false;
if (lenTest == this$static._matchDistances[offs]) {
if (lenTest < numAvailableBytesFull) {
t = min(numAvailableBytesFull - 1 - lenTest, this$static._numFastBytes);
lenTest2 = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest, curBack, t);
if (lenTest2 >= 2) {
state2 = state < 7?7:10;
posStateNext = position + lenTest & this$static._posStateMask;
curAndLenCharPrice = curAndLenPrice + ProbPrices[this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2] + $GetPrice_0($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, position + lenTest, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1 - 1)), true, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - (curBack + 1) - 1), $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1));
state2 = StateUpdateChar(state2);
posStateNext = position + lenTest + 1 & this$static._posStateMask;
nextMatchPrice = curAndLenCharPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2];
nextRepMatchPrice = nextMatchPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[state2] >>> 2];
offset = lenTest + 1 + lenTest2;
while (lenEnd < cur + offset) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + (price_3 = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest2 - 2, posStateNext) , price_3 + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, 0, state2, posStateNext));
optimum = this$static._optimum[cur + offset];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur + lenTest + 1;
optimum.BackPrev = 0;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = true;
optimum.Prev2 = true;
optimum.PosPrev2 = cur;
optimum.BackPrev2 = curBack + 4;
offs += 2;
if (offs == numDistancePairs)
function $GetPosLenPrice(this$static, pos, len, posState) {
var lenToPosState, price;
lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(len);
if (pos < 128) {
price = this$static._distancesPrices[lenToPosState * 128 + pos];
} else {
price = this$static._posSlotPrices[(lenToPosState << 6) + GetPosSlot2(pos)] + this$static._alignPrices[pos & 15];
return price + $GetPrice(this$static._lenEncoder, len - 2, posState);
function $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, repIndex, state, posState) {
var price;
if (repIndex == 0) {
price = ($clinit_66() , ProbPrices[this$static._isRepG0[state] >>> 2]);
price += ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep0Long[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2];
} else {
price = ($clinit_66() , ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRepG0[state] >>> 2]);
if (repIndex == 1) {
price += ProbPrices[this$static._isRepG1[state] >>> 2];
} else {
price += ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRepG1[state] >>> 2];
price += GetPrice(this$static._isRepG2[state], repIndex - 2);
return price;
function $GetRepLen1Price(this$static, state, posState) {
return ($clinit_66() , ProbPrices[this$static._isRepG0[state] >>> 2]) + ProbPrices[this$static._isRep0Long[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2];
function $Init_4(this$static) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
$Init_2(this$static._lenEncoder, 1 << this$static._posStateBits);
$Init_2(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, 1 << this$static._posStateBits);
this$static._longestMatchWasFound = false;
this$static._optimumEndIndex = 0;
this$static._optimumCurrentIndex = 0;
this$static._additionalOffset = 0;
function $MovePos(this$static, num) {
if (num > 0) {
$Skip(this$static._matchFinder, num);
this$static._additionalOffset += num;
function $ReadMatchDistances(this$static) {
var lenRes;
lenRes = 0;
this$static._numDistancePairs = $GetMatches(this$static._matchFinder, this$static._matchDistances);
if (this$static._numDistancePairs > 0) {
lenRes = this$static._matchDistances[this$static._numDistancePairs - 2];
if (lenRes == this$static._numFastBytes)
lenRes += $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, lenRes - 1, this$static._matchDistances[this$static._numDistancePairs - 1], 273 - lenRes);
return lenRes;
function $ReleaseMFStream(this$static) {
if (!!this$static._matchFinder && this$static._needReleaseMFStream) {
this$static._matchFinder._stream = null;
this$static._needReleaseMFStream = false;
function $ReleaseStreams(this$static) {
this$static._rangeEncoder.Stream = null;
function $SetDictionarySize_0(this$static, dictionarySize) {
var dicLogSize;
if (dictionarySize < 1 || dictionarySize > 536870912) {
return false;
this$static._dictionarySize = dictionarySize;
for (dicLogSize = 0; dictionarySize > 1 << dicLogSize; ++dicLogSize) {
this$static._distTableSize = dicLogSize * 2;
return true;
function $SetLcLpPb_0(this$static, lc, lp, pb) {
if (lp < 0 || lp > 4 || lc < 0 || lc > 8 || pb < 0 || pb > 4) {
return false;
this$static._numLiteralPosStateBits = lp;
this$static._numLiteralContextBits = lc;
this$static._posStateBits = pb;
this$static._posStateMask = (1 << this$static._posStateBits) - 1;
return true;
function $SetMatchFinder(this$static, matchFinderIndex) {
var matchFinderIndexPrev;
if (matchFinderIndex < 0 || matchFinderIndex > 2) {
return false;
matchFinderIndexPrev = this$static._matchFinderType;
this$static._matchFinderType = matchFinderIndex;
if (!!this$static._matchFinder && matchFinderIndexPrev != this$static._matchFinderType) {
this$static._dictionarySizePrev = -1;
this$static._matchFinder = null;
return true;
function $SetNumFastBytes(this$static, numFastBytes) {
if (numFastBytes < 5 || numFastBytes > 273) {
return false;
this$static._numFastBytes = numFastBytes;
return true;
function $WriteCoderProperties(this$static, outStream) {
var i;
this$[0] = (this$static._posStateBits * 5 + this$static._numLiteralPosStateBits) * 9 + this$static._numLiteralContextBits << 24 >> 24;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$[1 + i] = this$static._dictionarySize >> 8 * i << 24 >> 24;
$write_0(outStream, this$, 0, 5);
function $WriteEndMarker(this$static, posState) {
var lenToPosState;
if (!this$static._writeEndMark) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isMatch, (this$static._state << 4) + posState, 1);
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep, this$static._state, 0);
this$static._state = this$static._state < 7?7:10;
$Encode_0(this$static._lenEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, 0, posState);
lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(2);
$Encode_2(this$static._posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState], this$static._rangeEncoder, 63);
$EncodeDirectBits(this$static._rangeEncoder, 67108863, 26);
$ReverseEncode(this$static._posAlignEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, 15);
function GetPosSlot(pos) {
if (pos < 2048) {
return g_FastPos[pos];
if (pos < 2097152) {
return g_FastPos[pos >> 10] + 20;
return g_FastPos[pos >> 20] + 40;
function GetPosSlot2(pos) {
if (pos < 131072) {
return g_FastPos[pos >> 6] + 12;
if (pos < 134217728) {
return g_FastPos[pos >> 16] + 32;
return g_FastPos[pos >> 26] + 52;
function getClass_38() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder_2_classLit;
function Encoder() {
_ = Encoder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_38;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_._additionalOffset = 0;
_._alignPriceCount = 0;
_._dictionarySize = 4194304;
_._dictionarySizePrev = -1;
_._distTableSize = 44;
_._finished = false;
_._inStream = null;
_._longestMatchLength = 0;
_._longestMatchWasFound = false;
_._matchFinder = null;
_._matchFinderType = 1;
_._matchPriceCount = 0;
_._needReleaseMFStream = false;
_._numDistancePairs = 0;
_._numFastBytes = 32;
_._numFastBytesPrev = -1;
_._numLiteralContextBits = 3;
_._numLiteralPosStateBits = 0;
_._optimumCurrentIndex = 0;
_._optimumEndIndex = 0;
_._posStateBits = 2;
_._posStateMask = 3;
_._previousByte = 0;
_._state = 0;
_._writeEndMark = false;
_.backRes = 0;
_.nowPos64 = P0_longLit;
var g_FastPos;
function $Encode(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol, posState) {
if (symbol < 8) {
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static._choice, 0, 0);
$Encode_2(this$static._lowCoder[posState], rangeEncoder, symbol);
} else {
symbol -= 8;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static._choice, 0, 1);
if (symbol < 8) {
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static._choice, 1, 0);
$Encode_2(this$static._midCoder[posState], rangeEncoder, symbol);
} else {
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static._choice, 1, 1);
$Encode_2(this$static._highCoder, rangeEncoder, symbol - 8);
function $Encoder$LenEncoder(this$static) {
var posState;
this$static._choice = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 2, 1);
this$static._lowCoder = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeEncoder_2_classLit, 0, 8, 16, 0);
this$static._midCoder = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeEncoder_2_classLit, 0, 8, 16, 0);
this$static._highCoder = $BitTreeEncoder(new BitTreeEncoder(), 8);
for (posState = 0; posState < 16; ++posState) {
this$static._lowCoder[posState] = $BitTreeEncoder(new BitTreeEncoder(), 3);
this$static._midCoder[posState] = $BitTreeEncoder(new BitTreeEncoder(), 3);
return this$static;
function $Init_2(this$static, numPosStates) {
var posState;
for (posState = 0; posState < numPosStates; ++posState) {
function $SetPrices(this$static, posState, numSymbols, prices, st) {
var a0, a1, b0, b1, i;
a0 = ($clinit_66() , ProbPrices[this$static._choice[0] >>> 2]);
a1 = ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._choice[0] >>> 2];
b0 = a1 + ProbPrices[this$static._choice[1] >>> 2];
b1 = a1 + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._choice[1] >>> 2];
i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (i >= numSymbols)
prices[st + i] = a0 + $GetPrice_1(this$static._lowCoder[posState], i);
for (; i < 16; ++i) {
if (i >= numSymbols)
prices[st + i] = b0 + $GetPrice_1(this$static._midCoder[posState], i - 8);
for (; i < numSymbols; ++i) {
prices[st + i] = b1 + $GetPrice_1(this$static._highCoder, i - 8 - 8);
function getClass_33() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LenEncoder_2_classLit;
function Encoder$LenEncoder() {
_ = Encoder$LenEncoder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_33;
_.typeId$ = 0;
function $Encode_0(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol, posState) {
$Encode(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol, posState);
if (--this$static._counters[posState] == 0) {
$SetPrices(this$static, posState, this$static._tableSize, this$static._prices, posState * 272);
this$static._counters[posState] = this$static._tableSize;
function $Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder(this$static) {
this$static._prices = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 4352, 1);
this$static._counters = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 16, 1);
return this$static;
function $GetPrice(this$static, symbol, posState) {
return this$static._prices[posState * 272 + symbol];
function $UpdateTables(this$static, numPosStates) {
var posState;
for (posState = 0; posState < numPosStates; ++posState) {
$SetPrices(this$static, posState, this$static._tableSize, this$static._prices, posState * 272);
this$static._counters[posState] = this$static._tableSize;
function getClass_34() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder_2_classLit;
function Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder() {
_ = Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder.prototype = new Encoder$LenEncoder();
_.getClass$ = getClass_34;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_._tableSize = 0;
function $Create_1(this$static, numPosBits, numPrevBits) {
var i, numStates;
if (this$static.m_Coders != null && this$static.m_NumPrevBits == numPrevBits && this$static.m_NumPosBits == numPosBits) {
this$static.m_NumPosBits = numPosBits;
this$static.m_PosMask = (1 << numPosBits) - 1;
this$static.m_NumPrevBits = numPrevBits;
numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
this$static.m_Coders = initDim(_3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2_2_classLit, 0, 5, numStates, 0);
for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i) {
this$static.m_Coders[i] = $Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2(new Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2());
function $GetSubCoder(this$static, pos, prevByte) {
return this$static.m_Coders[((pos & this$static.m_PosMask) << this$static.m_NumPrevBits) + ((prevByte & 255) >>> 8 - this$static.m_NumPrevBits)];
function $Init_3(this$static) {
var i, numStates;
numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i) {
function getClass_36() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LiteralEncoder_2_classLit;
function Encoder$LiteralEncoder() {
_ = Encoder$LiteralEncoder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_36;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.m_Coders = null;
_.m_NumPosBits = 0;
_.m_NumPrevBits = 0;
_.m_PosMask = 0;
function $Encode_1(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol) {
var bit, context, i;
context = 1;
for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
bit = symbol >> i & 1;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static.m_Encoders, context, bit);
context = context << 1 | bit;
function $EncodeMatched(this$static, rangeEncoder, matchByte, symbol) {
var bit, context, i, matchBit, same, state;
context = 1;
same = true;
for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
bit = symbol >> i & 1;
state = context;
if (same) {
matchBit = matchByte >> i & 1;
state += 1 + matchBit << 8;
same = matchBit == bit;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static.m_Encoders, state, bit);
context = context << 1 | bit;
function $Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2(this$static) {
this$static.m_Encoders = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 768, 1);
return this$static;
function $GetPrice_0(this$static, matchMode, matchByte, symbol) {
var bit, context, i, matchBit, price;
price = 0;
context = 1;
i = 7;
if (matchMode) {
for (; i >= 0; --i) {
matchBit = matchByte >> i & 1;
bit = symbol >> i & 1;
price += GetPrice(this$static.m_Encoders[(1 + matchBit << 8) + context], bit);
context = context << 1 | bit;
if (matchBit != bit) {
for (; i >= 0; --i) {
bit = symbol >> i & 1;
price += GetPrice(this$static.m_Encoders[context], bit);
context = context << 1 | bit;
return price;
function getClass_35() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2_2_classLit;
function Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2() {
_ = Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_35;
_.typeId$ = 18;
function $MakeAsChar(this$static) {
this$static.BackPrev = -1;
this$static.Prev1IsChar = false;
function $MakeAsShortRep(this$static) {
this$static.BackPrev = 0;
this$static.Prev1IsChar = false;
function getClass_37() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$Optimal_2_classLit;
function Encoder$Optimal() {
_ = Encoder$Optimal.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_37;
_.typeId$ = 19;
_.BackPrev = 0;
_.BackPrev2 = 0;
_.Backs0 = 0;
_.Backs1 = 0;
_.Backs2 = 0;
_.Backs3 = 0;
_.PosPrev = 0;
_.PosPrev2 = 0;
_.Prev1IsChar = false;
_.Prev2 = false;
_.Price = 0;
_.State = 0;
function $BitTreeDecoder(this$static, numBitLevels) {
this$static.NumBitLevels = numBitLevels;
this$static.Models = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 1 << numBitLevels, 1);
return this$static;
function $Decode_0(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
var bitIndex, m;
m = 1;
for (bitIndex = this$static.NumBitLevels; bitIndex != 0; --bitIndex) {
m = (m << 1) + $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.Models, m);
return m - (1 << this$static.NumBitLevels);
function $ReverseDecode(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
var bit, bitIndex, m, symbol;
m = 1;
symbol = 0;
for (bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < this$static.NumBitLevels; ++bitIndex) {
bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.Models, m);
m <<= 1;
m += bit;
symbol |= bit << bitIndex;
return symbol;
function ReverseDecode(Models, startIndex, rangeDecoder, NumBitLevels) {
var bit, bitIndex, m, symbol;
m = 1;
symbol = 0;
for (bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < NumBitLevels; ++bitIndex) {
bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, Models, startIndex + m);
m <<= 1;
m += bit;
symbol |= bit << bitIndex;
return symbol;
function getClass_42() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeDecoder_2_classLit;
function BitTreeDecoder() {
_ = BitTreeDecoder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_42;
_.typeId$ = 20;
_.Models = null;
_.NumBitLevels = 0;
function $BitTreeEncoder(this$static, numBitLevels) {
this$static.NumBitLevels = numBitLevels;
this$static.Models = initDim(_3S_classLit, 0, -1, 1 << numBitLevels, 1);
return this$static;
function $Encode_2(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol) {
var bit, bitIndex, m;
m = 1;
for (bitIndex = this$static.NumBitLevels; bitIndex != 0;) {
bit = symbol >>> bitIndex & 1;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static.Models, m, bit);
m = m << 1 | bit;
function $GetPrice_1(this$static, symbol) {
var bit, bitIndex, m, price;
price = 0;
m = 1;
for (bitIndex = this$static.NumBitLevels; bitIndex != 0;) {
bit = symbol >>> bitIndex & 1;
price += GetPrice(this$static.Models[m], bit);
m = (m << 1) + bit;
return price;
function $ReverseEncode(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol) {
var bit, i, m;
m = 1;
for (i = 0; i < this$static.NumBitLevels; ++i) {
bit = symbol & 1;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static.Models, m, bit);
m = m << 1 | bit;
symbol >>= 1;
function $ReverseGetPrice(this$static, symbol) {
var bit, i, m, price;
price = 0;
m = 1;
for (i = this$static.NumBitLevels; i != 0; --i) {
bit = symbol & 1;
symbol >>>= 1;
price += GetPrice(this$static.Models[m], bit);
m = m << 1 | bit;
return price;
function ReverseEncode(Models, startIndex, rangeEncoder, NumBitLevels, symbol) {
var bit, i, m;
m = 1;
for (i = 0; i < NumBitLevels; ++i) {
bit = symbol & 1;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, Models, startIndex + m, bit);
m = m << 1 | bit;
symbol >>= 1;
function ReverseGetPrice(Models, startIndex, NumBitLevels, symbol) {
var bit, i, m, price;
price = 0;
m = 1;
for (i = NumBitLevels; i != 0; --i) {
bit = symbol & 1;
symbol >>>= 1;
price += ($clinit_66() , ProbPrices[((Models[startIndex + m] - bit ^ -bit) & 2047) >>> 2]);
m = m << 1 | bit;
return price;
function getClass_43() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeEncoder_2_classLit;
function BitTreeEncoder() {
_ = BitTreeEncoder.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_43;
_.typeId$ = 21;
_.Models = null;
_.NumBitLevels = 0;
function $DecodeBit(this$static, probs, index) {
var newBound, prob;
prob = probs[index];
newBound = (this$static.Range >>> 11) * prob;
if ((this$static.Code ^ -2147483648) < (newBound ^ -2147483648)) {
this$static.Range = newBound;
probs[index] = prob + (2048 - prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
if ((this$static.Range & -16777216) == 0) {
this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
this$static.Range <<= 8;
return 0;
} else {
this$static.Range -= newBound;
this$static.Code -= newBound;
probs[index] = prob - (prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
if ((this$static.Range & -16777216) == 0) {
this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
this$static.Range <<= 8;
return 1;
function $DecodeDirectBits(this$static, numTotalBits) {
var i, result, t;
result = 0;
for (i = numTotalBits; i != 0; --i) {
this$static.Range >>>= 1;
t = this$static.Code - this$static.Range >>> 31;
this$static.Code -= this$static.Range & t - 1;
result = result << 1 | 1 - t;
if ((this$static.Range & -16777216) == 0) {
this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
this$static.Range <<= 8;
return result;
function $Init_8(this$static) {
var i;
this$static.Code = 0;
this$static.Range = -1;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
function InitBitModels(probs) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < probs.length; ++i) {
probs[i] = 1024;
function getClass_44() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_Decoder_2_classLit;
function Decoder_0() {
_ = Decoder_0.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_44;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.Code = 0;
_.Range = 0;
_.Stream = null;
function $clinit_66() {
$clinit_66 = nullMethod;
var end, i, j, start;
ProbPrices = initDim(_3I_classLit, 0, -1, 512, 1);
for (i = 8; i >= 0; --i) {
start = 1 << 9 - i - 1;
end = 1 << 9 - i;
for (j = start; j < end; ++j) {
ProbPrices[j] = (i << 6) + (end - j << 6 >>> 9 - i - 1);
function $Encode_3(this$static, probs, index, symbol) {
var newBound, prob;
prob = probs[index];
newBound = (this$static.Range >>> 11) * prob;
if (symbol == 0) {
this$static.Range = newBound;
probs[index] = prob + (2048 - prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
} else {
this$static.Low = add(this$static.Low, and(fromInt(newBound), Pffffffff_longLit));
this$static.Range -= newBound;
probs[index] = prob - (prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
if ((this$static.Range & -16777216) == 0) {
this$static.Range <<= 8;
function $EncodeDirectBits(this$static, v, numTotalBits) {
var i;
for (i = numTotalBits - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
this$static.Range >>>= 1;
if ((v >>> i & 1) == 1) {
this$static.Low = add(this$static.Low, fromInt(this$static.Range));
if ((this$static.Range & -16777216) == 0) {
this$static.Range <<= 8;
function $FlushData(this$static) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
function $GetProcessedSizeAdd(this$static) {
return add(add(fromInt(this$static._cacheSize), this$static._position), P4_longLit);
function $Init_9(this$static) {
this$static._position = P0_longLit;
this$static.Low = P0_longLit;
this$static.Range = -1;
this$static._cacheSize = 1;
this$static._cache = 0;
function $ShiftLow(this$static) {
var LowHi, temp;
LowHi = lowBits_0(shru(this$static.Low, 32));
if (LowHi != 0 || compare(this$static.Low, Pff000000_longLit) < 0) {
this$static._position = add(this$static._position, fromInt(this$static._cacheSize));
temp = this$static._cache;
do {
$write(this$static.Stream, temp + LowHi);
temp = 255;
} while (--this$static._cacheSize != 0);
this$static._cache = lowBits_0(this$static.Low) >>> 24;
this$static.Low = shl(and(this$static.Low, Pffffff_longLit), 8);
function GetPrice(Prob, symbol) {
return ProbPrices[((Prob - symbol ^ -symbol) & 2047) >>> 2];
function InitBitModels_0(probs) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < probs.length; ++i) {
probs[i] = 1024;
function getClass_45() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_Encoder_2_classLit;
function Encoder_0() {
_ = Encoder_0.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_45;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.Low = P0_longLit;
_.Range = 0;
_.Stream = null;
_._cache = 0;
_._cacheSize = 0;
_._position = P0_longLit;
var ProbPrices;
function decode(utf) {
var buf, i, x, y, z;
buf = $StringBuilder(new StringBuilder());
for (i = 0; i < utf.length; ++i) {
x = utf[i] & 255;
if ((x & 128) == 0) {
if (x == 0) {
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'invalid UTF-8');
$appendNonNull(, String.fromCharCode(x & 65535));
} else if ((x & 224) == 192) {
if (i + 1 >= utf.length) {
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'invalid UTF-8');
y = utf[++i] & 255;
if ((y & 192) != 128) {
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'invalid UTF-8');
$append(, String.fromCharCode((x & 31) << 6 & 65535 | y & 63));
} else if ((x & 240) == 224) {
if (i + 2 >= utf.length) {
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'invalid UTF-8');
y = utf[++i] & 255;
if ((y & 192) != 128) {
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'invalid UTF-8');
z = utf[++i] & 255;
if ((z & 192) != 128) {
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'invalid UTF-8');
$appendNonNull(, String.fromCharCode(((x & 15) << 12 | (y & 63) << 6 | z & 63) & 65535));
} else {
throw $IllegalArgumentException(new IllegalArgumentException(), 'invalid UTF-8');
return $toString(;
function encode(s) {
var ch, chars, data, elen, i, charArr, n;
chars = (n = s.length , charArr = initDim(_3C_classLit, 0, -1, n, 1) , $getChars(s, 0, n, charArr, 0) , charArr);
elen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
ch = chars[i];
if (ch >= 1 && ch <= 127) {
} else if (ch == 0 || ch >= 128 && ch <= 2047) {
elen += 2;
} else {
elen += 3;
data = initDim(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, elen, 1);
elen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
ch = chars[i];
if (ch >= 1 && ch <= 127) {
data[elen++] = ch << 24 >> 24;
} else if (ch == 0 || ch >= 128 && ch <= 2047) {
data[elen++] = (192 | ch >> 6 & 31) << 24 >> 24;
data[elen++] = (128 | ch & 63) << 24 >> 24;
} else {
data[elen++] = (224 | ch >> 12 & 15) << 24 >> 24;
data[elen++] = (128 | ch >> 6 & 63) << 24 >> 24;
data[elen++] = (128 | ch & 63) << 24 >> 24;
return data;
function $LZMADemo(this$static) {
return this$static;
function toDouble(a) {
return a[1] + a[0];
function compress() {
var this$static = $LZMADemo(new LZMADemo()),
/// Arguments
str = arguments[0],
mode = arguments[1],
if (typeof arguments[2] === "function") {
on_finish = arguments[2];
if (typeof arguments[3] === "function") {
on_progress = arguments[3];
} else {
callback_num = arguments[2];
this$static.mode = get_mode_obj(mode);
this$static.c = $LZMAByteArrayCompressor(new LZMAByteArrayCompressor(), encode(str), this$static.mode);
if (on_progress) {
} else if (typeof callback_num !== "undefined") {
update_progress(0, callback_num);
function do_action() {
var res;
start = (new Date).getTime();
while ($execute(this$static.c)) {
percent = toDouble(this$static.c.chunker.inBytesProcessed) / toDouble(this$static.c.length_0);
/// If about 200 miliseconds have passed, update the progress.
if ((new Date).getTime() - start > 200) {
if (on_progress) {
} else if (typeof callback_num !== "undefined") {
update_progress(percent, callback_num);
setTimeout(do_action, 0);
return false;
if (on_progress) {
} else if (typeof callback_num !== "undefined") {
update_progress(1, callback_num);
/// .slice(0) is required for Firefox 4.0 (because I think arrays are now passed by reference, which is not allowed when sending messages to or from web workers).
/// .slice(0) simply returns the entire array by value.
res = $toByteArray(this$static.c.output).slice(0);
if (on_finish) {
} else if (typeof callback_num !== "undefined") {
action: action_compress,
callback_num: callback_num,
result: res
setTimeout(do_action, 1);
function decompress() {
var this$static = $LZMADemo(new LZMADemo()),
/// Arguments
byte_arr = arguments[0],
if (typeof arguments[1] === "function") {
on_finish = arguments[1];
if (typeof arguments[2] === "function") {
on_progress = arguments[2];
} else {
callback_num = arguments[1];
data = initValues(_3B_classLit, 0, -1, byte_arr);
this$static.d = $LZMAByteArrayDecompressor(new LZMAByteArrayDecompressor(), data);
if (on_progress) {
} else if (typeof callback_num !== "undefined") {
update_progress(0, callback_num);
function do_action() {
var res;
start = (new Date).getTime();
while ($execute_0(this$static.d)) {
percent = toDouble(this$static.d.chunker.decoder.nowPos64) / toDouble(this$static.d.length_0);
/// If about 200 miliseconds have passed, update the progress.
if ((new Date).getTime() - start > 200) {
if (on_progress) {
} else if (typeof callback_num !== "undefined") {
update_progress(percent, callback_num);
setTimeout(do_action, 0);
return false;
if (on_progress) {
} else if (typeof callback_num !== "undefined") {
update_progress(1, callback_num);
res = decode($toByteArray(this$static.d.output));
if (on_finish) {
} else if (typeof callback_num !== "undefined") {
action: action_decompress,
callback_num: callback_num,
result: res
setTimeout(do_action, 0);
function $onModuleLoad(this$static) {
function getClass_46() {
return Lorg_dellroad_lzma_demo_client_LZMADemo_2_classLit;
function LZMADemo () {}
_ = LZMADemo.prototype = new Object_0();
_.getClass$ = getClass_46;
_.typeId$ = 0;
_.c = null;
_.d = null;
function init() {
!!$stats && $stats({moduleName:$moduleName, subSystem:'startup', evtGroup:'moduleStartup', millis:(new Date()).getTime(), type:'onModuleLoadStart', className:'org.dellroad.lzma.demo.client.LZMADemo'});
function gwtOnLoad(errFn, modName, modBase) {
$moduleName = modName;
$moduleBase = modBase;
if (errFn) {
try {
catch (e) {
} else {
function nullMethod() {
var Ljava_lang_Object_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'Object'),
Ljava_lang_Throwable_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'Throwable'),
Ljava_lang_Exception_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'Exception'),
Ljava_lang_RuntimeException_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'RuntimeException'),
Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptException_2_classLit = createForClass('', 'JavaScriptException'),
Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptObject_2_classLit = createForClass('', 'JavaScriptObject$'), _3_3D_classLit = createForArray('', '[[D'),
Ljava_io_InputStream_2_classLit = createForClass('', 'InputStream'),
Ljava_io_ByteArrayInputStream_2_classLit = createForClass('', 'ByteArrayInputStream'), _3B_classLit = createForArray('', '[B'),
Ljava_io_OutputStream_2_classLit = createForClass('', 'OutputStream'),
Ljava_io_ByteArrayOutputStream_2_classLit = createForClass('', 'ByteArrayOutputStream'),
Ljava_io_IOException_2_classLit = createForClass('', 'IOException'),
Ljava_lang_Enum_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'Enum'),
Ljava_lang_ArithmeticException_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'ArithmeticException'),
Ljava_lang_ArrayStoreException_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'ArrayStoreException'), _3C_classLit = createForArray('', '[C'),
Ljava_lang_Class_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'Class'),
Ljava_lang_ClassCastException_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'ClassCastException'),
Ljava_lang_IllegalArgumentException_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'IllegalArgumentException'),
Ljava_lang_IllegalStateException_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'IllegalStateException'),
Ljava_lang_IndexOutOfBoundsException_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'), _3I_classLit = createForArray('', '[I'),
Ljava_lang_NullPointerException_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'NullPointerException'),
Ljava_lang_String_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'String'),
Ljava_lang_StringBuilder_2_classLit = createForClass('java.lang.', 'StringBuilder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZ_InWindow_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZ.', 'InWindow'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZ_BinTree_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZ.', 'BinTree'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZ_OutWindow_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZ.', 'OutWindow'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Chunker_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Chunker'), _3S_classLit = createForArray('', '[S'), _3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeDecoder_2_classLit = createForArray('[Lorg.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.', 'BitTreeDecoder;'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Decoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder$LenDecoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Decoder$LenDecoder'), _3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2_2_classLit = createForArray('[Lorg.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2;'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder$LiteralDecoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Decoder$LiteralDecoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2'), _3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$Optimal_2_classLit = createForArray('[Lorg.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Encoder$Optimal;'), _3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeEncoder_2_classLit = createForArray('[Lorg.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.', 'BitTreeEncoder;'), _3J_classLit = createForArray('', '[J'), _3Z_classLit = createForArray('', '[Z'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Encoder'), _3Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2_2_classLit = createForArray('[Lorg.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2;'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LiteralEncoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Encoder$LiteralEncoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LenEncoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Encoder$LenEncoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_LZMA_Encoder$Optimal_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.', 'Encoder$Optimal'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeDecoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.', 'BitTreeDecoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_BitTreeEncoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.', 'BitTreeEncoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_Decoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.', 'Decoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_SevenZip_Compression_RangeCoder_Encoder_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.', 'Encoder'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_CompressionMode_2_classLit = createForEnum('org.dellroad.lzma.client.', 'CompressionMode'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_LZMACompressor_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.', 'LZMACompressor'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_LZMAByteArrayCompressor_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.', 'LZMAByteArrayCompressor'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_LZMADecompressor_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.', 'LZMADecompressor'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_client_LZMAByteArrayDecompressor_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.client.', 'LZMAByteArrayDecompressor'),
Lorg_dellroad_lzma_demo_client_LZMADemo_2_classLit = createForClass('org.dellroad.lzma.demo.client.', 'LZMADemo');
gwtOnLoad(function() {},'lzma_demo','');
var get_mode_obj = (function () {
var modes = [
{dictionarySize: 16, fb: 64, matchFinder: 0, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2},
{dictionarySize: 20, fb: 64, matchFinder: 0, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2},
{dictionarySize: 19, fb: 64, matchFinder: 1, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2},
{dictionarySize: 20, fb: 64, matchFinder: 1, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2},
{dictionarySize: 21, fb: 128, matchFinder: 1, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2},
{dictionarySize: 22, fb: 128, matchFinder: 1, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2},
{dictionarySize: 23, fb: 128, matchFinder: 1, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2},
{dictionarySize: 24, fb: 255, matchFinder: 1, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2},
{dictionarySize: 25, fb: 255, matchFinder: 1, lc: 3, lp: 0, pb: 2}
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
return function (mode) {
if (!isNumber(mode)) {
mode = 1;
} else {
if (mode < 1) {
mode = 1;
} else if (mode > 9) {
mode = 9;
return modes[mode - 1];
return {
compress: compress,
decompress: decompress
module.exports = LZMA;