You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<title>Easy example | CARTO</title>
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html, body, #map {
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function main() {
var vizjson = {
"title":"european_countries_e 0",
"center":"[52.5897007687178, 52.734375]",
"datasource": {
"user_name": "documentation",
"maps_api_template": "http://{user}",
"force_cors": true, // This is sometimes set in the editor,
"stat_tag": "84ec6844-4b4b-11e5-9c1d-080027880ca6"
"className":"default positron_rainbow",
"attribution":"&copy; <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors",
"template": '' +
'<div class="CDB-infowindow CDB-infowindow--custom js-infowindow" style="max-width: 200px;">' +
'<div class="CDB-infowindow-close js-close"></div>' +
'<div class="CDB-infowindow-container">' +
'<div class="CDB-infowindow-header CDB-infowindow-headerBg CDB-infowindow-headerBg--dark">' +
'<div class="CDB-infowindow-list">' +
'<div class="CDB-infowindow-listItem">' +
'<h4 class="CDB-infowindow-title">{{ name }}</h4>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="CDB-hook CDB-hook--white">' +
'<div class="CDB-hook-inner">' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
"fields": [
"name": "name",
"title": true,
"position": 1
"template": ' '+
'<div class="CDB-Tooltip CDB-Tooltip--isDark js-content">'+
'<ul class="CDB-Tooltip-list">'+
'<li class="CDB-Tooltip-listItem">'+
'<h3 class="CDB-Tooltip-listTitle">NAME</h3>'+
'<h4 class="CDB-Tooltip-listText">{{value}}</h4>'+
"name":"Left label",
"name":"Right label",
"sql":"select * from european_countries_e",
"cartocss":"/** choropleth visualization */\n\n#european_countries_e{\n polygon-fill: #FFFFB2;\n polygon-opacity: 0.8;\n line-color: #FFF;\n line-width: 1;\n line-opacity: 0.5;\n}\n#european_countries_e [ area <= 1638094] {\n polygon-fill: #B10026;\n}\n#european_countries_e [ area <= 55010] {\n polygon-fill: #E31A1C;\n}\n#european_countries_e [ area <= 34895] {\n polygon-fill: #FC4E2A;\n}\n#european_countries_e [ area <= 12890] {\n polygon-fill: #FD8D3C;\n}\n#european_countries_e [ area <= 10025] {\n polygon-fill: #FEB24C;\n}\n#european_countries_e [ area <= 9150] {\n polygon-fill: #FED976;\n}\n#european_countries_e [ area <= 5592] {\n polygon-fill: #FFFFB2;\n}",
"options": {
"visible": true,
"type": "Tiled",
"default": "true",
"url": "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
"subdomains": "abcd",
"minZoom": "0",
"maxZoom": "18",
"attribution": "&copy; <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors",
"urlTemplate": "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
"name": "Positron Labels",
"id": "bc054932-1ae8-4d4a-96d6-d49ce4247a59",
"className": "httpsbasemapscartocdncomlight_only_labelszxypng",
"order": 3
"infowindow": null,
"tooltip": null,
"id": "bc054932-1ae8-4d4a-96d6-d49ce4247a59",
"order": 3,
"type": "tiled"
cartodb.createVis('map', vizjson, {})
.done(function(vis, layers) {
.error(function(err) {
window.onload = main;