You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

135 lines
4.5 KiB

'use strict';
const fqdn = require('@carto/fqdn-sync');
var _ = require('underscore');
var OverviewsQueryRewriter = require('./utils/overviews-query-rewriter');
const Logger = require('./utils/logger');
var rendererConfig = _.defaults(global.environment.renderer || {}, {
cache_ttl: 60000, // milliseconds
statsInterval: 60000,
mapnik: {
poolSize: 8,
poolMaxWaitingClients: 64,
metatile: 2,
bufferSize: 64,
snapToGrid: false,
clipByBox2d: false,
metrics: false,
postgis: {
simplify_geometries: false,
extent: '-20037508.3,-20037508.3,20037508.3,20037508.3',
row_limit: 65535,
persist_connection: false,
use_overviews: true,
max_size: 500,
twkb_encoding: true
limits: {}
http: {},
mvt: {}
rendererConfig.mapnik.queryRewriter = new OverviewsQueryRewriter({
zoom_level: 'cartodb.CDB_ZoomFromScale(!scale_denominator!)'
rendererConfig.mvt.queryRewriter = new OverviewsQueryRewriter({
zoom_level: 'cartodb.CDB_ZoomFromScale(!scale_denominator!)'
// Perform keyword substitution in statsd
// See
if (global.environment.statsd) {
if (global.environment.statsd.prefix) {
global.environment.statsd.prefix = global.environment.statsd.prefix.replace(/:host/, fqdn.reverse());
var analysisConfig = _.defaults(global.environment.analysis || {}, {
batch: {
inlineExecution: false,
endpoint: '',
hostHeaderTemplate: '{{=it.username}}.localhost.lan'
limits: {}
module.exports = {
bind: {
port: global.environment.port,
// Base URLs for the APIs
// See
routes: global.environment.routes || {
api: [{
paths: [
// Base url for the Detached Maps API
// "/api/v1/map" is the new API,
map: [{
paths: [
// Base url for the Templated Maps API
// "/api/v1/map/named" is the new API,
template: [{
paths: [
grainstore: {
map: {
// TODO: allow to specify in configuration
srid: 3857
datasource: rendererConfig.mapnik.postgis || global.environment.postgres || {},
cachedir: global.environment.millstone.cache_basedir,
use_workers: rendererConfig.mapnik.useCartocssWorkers || false,
mapnik_version: global.environment.mapnik_version,
mapnik_tile_format: global.environment.mapnik_tile_format || 'png',
default_layergroup_ttl: global.environment.mapConfigTTL || 7200
statsd: global.environment.statsd,
renderCache: {
ttl: rendererConfig.cache_ttl || 60000,
statsInterval: rendererConfig.statsInterval || 60000
renderer: {
mvt: Object.assign({ dbPoolParams: global.environment.postgres.pool }, rendererConfig.mvt),
mapnik: rendererConfig.mapnik,
torque: Object.assign({ dbPoolParams: global.environment.postgres.pool }, rendererConfig.torque),
http: rendererConfig.http
analysis: {
batch: {
inlineExecution: analysisConfig.batch.inlineExecution,
endpoint: analysisConfig.batch.endpoint,
hostHeaderTemplate: analysisConfig.batch.hostHeaderTemplate
limits: analysisConfig.limits
// Do not send unwatch on release. See
redis: _.extend(global.environment.redis, { unwatchOnRelease: false }),
enable_cors: global.environment.enable_cors,
varnish_port: global.environment.varnish.port,
varnish_http_port: global.environment.varnish.http_port,
varnish_secret: global.environment.varnish.secret,
varnish_purge_enabled: global.environment.varnish.purge_enabled,
fastly: global.environment.fastly || {},
cache_enabled: global.environment.cache_enabled,
useProfiler: global.environment.useProfiler,
pubSubMetrics: Object.assign({ enabled: false }, global.environment.pubSubMetrics),
logger: new Logger()