require('../../support/test_helper'); var assert = require('../../support/assert'); var TestClient = require('../../support/test-client'); describe('aggregations happy cases', function() { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); function aggregationOperationMapConfig(operation, query, column, aggregationColumn) { column = column || 'adm0name'; aggregationColumn = aggregationColumn || 'pop_max'; query = query || 'select * from populated_places_simple_reduced'; var mapConfig = { version: '1.5.0', layers: [ { type: 'mapnik', options: { sql: query, cartocss: '#layer0 { marker-fill: red; marker-width: 10; }', cartocss_version: '2.0.1', widgets: {} } } ] }; mapConfig.layers[0].options.widgets[column] = { type: 'aggregation', options: { column: column, aggregation: operation, aggregationColumn: aggregationColumn } }; return mapConfig; } var operations = ['count', 'sum', 'avg', 'max', 'min']; operations.forEach(function(operation) { it('should be able to use "' + operation + '" as aggregation operation', function(done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(aggregationOperationMapConfig(operation)); this.testClient.getDataview('adm0name', { own_filter: 0 }, function (err, aggregation) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.ok(aggregation); assert.equal(aggregation.type, 'aggregation'); assert.equal(aggregation.aggregation, operation); done(); }); }); }); var query = [ 'select 1 as val, \'a\' as cat, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(0,0),4326),3857) as the_geom_webmercator', 'select null, \'b\', ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(0,1),4326),3857)', 'select null, \'b\', ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(1,0),4326),3857)', 'select null, null, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(1,1),4326),3857)' ].join(' UNION ALL '); operations.forEach(function (operation) { var not = operation === 'count' ? ' not ' : ' '; var description = 'should' + not + 'handle NULL values in category and aggregation columns using "' + operation + '" as aggregation operation'; it(description, function (done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(aggregationOperationMapConfig(operation, query, 'cat', 'val')); this.testClient.getDataview('cat', { own_filter: 0 }, function (err, aggregation) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(aggregation); assert.equal(aggregation.type, 'aggregation'); assert.ok(aggregation.categories); assert.equal(aggregation.categoriesCount, 3); assert.equal(aggregation.count, 4); assert.equal(aggregation.nulls, 1); var hasNullCategory = false; aggregation.categories.forEach(function (category) { if (category.category === null) { hasNullCategory = true; } }); if (operation === 'count') { assert.ok(hasNullCategory, 'aggregation has not a category NULL'); } else { assert.ok(!hasNullCategory, 'aggregation has category NULL'); } done(); }); }); }); var operations_and_values = {'count': 9, 'sum': 45, 'avg': 5, 'max': 9, 'min': 1}; var query_other = [ 'select generate_series(1,3) as val, \'other_a\' as cat, NULL as the_geom_webmercator', 'select generate_series(4,6) as val, \'other_b\' as cat, NULL as the_geom_webmercator', 'select generate_series(7,9) as val, \'other_c\' as cat, NULL as the_geom_webmercator', 'select generate_series(10,12) as val, \'category_1\' as cat, NULL as the_geom_webmercator', 'select generate_series(10,12) as val, \'category_2\' as cat, NULL as the_geom_webmercator', 'select generate_series(10,12) as val, \'category_3\' as cat, NULL as the_geom_webmercator', 'select generate_series(10,12) as val, \'category_4\' as cat, NULL as the_geom_webmercator', 'select generate_series(10,12) as val, \'category_5\' as cat, NULL as the_geom_webmercator' ].join(' UNION ALL '); Object.keys(operations_and_values).forEach(function (operation) { var description = 'should aggregate OTHER category using "' + operation + '"'; it(description, function (done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(aggregationOperationMapConfig(operation, query_other, 'cat', 'val')); this.testClient.getDataview('cat', { own_filter: 0 }, function (err, aggregation) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(aggregation); assert.equal(aggregation.type, 'aggregation'); assert.ok(aggregation.categories); assert.equal(aggregation.categoriesCount, 8); assert.equal(aggregation.count, 24); assert.equal(aggregation.nulls, 0); var aggregated_categories = aggregation.categories.filter( function(category) { return category.agg === true; }); assert.equal(aggregated_categories.length, 1); assert.equal(aggregated_categories[0].value, operations_and_values[operation]); done(); }); }); }); var widgetSearchExpects = { 'count': [ { category: 'other_a', value: 3 } ], 'sum': [ { category: 'other_a', value: 6 } ], 'avg': [ { category: 'other_a', value: 2 } ], 'max': [ { category: 'other_a', value: 3 } ], 'min': [ { category: 'other_a', value: 1 } ] }; Object.keys(operations_and_values).forEach(function (operation) { var description = 'should search OTHER category using "' + operation + '"'; it(description, function (done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(aggregationOperationMapConfig(operation, query_other, 'cat', 'val')); this.testClient.widgetSearch('cat', 'other_a', function (err, res, searchResult) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(searchResult); assert.equal(searchResult.type, 'aggregation'); assert.equal(searchResult.categories.length, 1); assert.deepEqual( searchResult.categories, widgetSearchExpects[operation] ); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('aggregation-dataview: special float values', function() { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); function createMapConfig(layers, dataviews, analysis) { return { version: '1.5.0', layers: layers, dataviews: dataviews || {}, analyses: analysis || [] }; } var mapConfig = createMapConfig( [ { "type": "cartodb", "options": { "source": { "id": "a0" }, "cartocss": "#points { marker-width: 10; marker-fill: red; }", "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], { val_aggregation: { source: { id: 'a0' }, type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'cat', aggregation: 'avg', aggregationColumn: 'val' } }, sum_aggregation_numeric: { source: { id: 'a1' }, type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'cat', aggregation: 'sum', aggregationColumn: 'val' } } }, [ { "id": "a0", "type": "source", "params": { "query": [ 'SELECT', ' null::geometry the_geom_webmercator,', ' CASE', ' WHEN x % 4 = 0 THEN \'infinity\'::float', ' WHEN x % 4 = 1 THEN \'-infinity\'::float', ' WHEN x % 4 = 2 THEN \'NaN\'::float', ' ELSE x', ' END AS val,', ' CASE', ' WHEN x % 2 = 0 THEN \'category_1\'', ' ELSE \'category_2\'', ' END AS cat', 'FROM generate_series(1, 1000) x' ].join('\n') } }, { "id": "a1", "type": "source", "params": { "query": [ 'SELECT', ' null::geometry the_geom_webmercator,', ' CASE', ' WHEN x % 3 = 0 THEN \'NaN\'::numeric', ' WHEN x % 3 = 1 THEN x', ' ELSE x', ' END AS val,', ' CASE', ' WHEN x % 2 = 0 THEN \'category_1\'', ' ELSE \'category_2\'', ' END AS cat', 'FROM generate_series(1, 1000) x' ].join('\n') } } ] ); // Source a0 // ----------------------------------------------- // the_geom_webmercator | val | cat // ----------------------+-----------+------------ // | -Infinity | category_2 // | NaN | category_1 // | 3 | category_2 // | Infinity | category_1 // | -Infinity | category_2 // | NaN | category_1 // | 7 | category_2 // | Infinity | category_1 // | -Infinity | category_2 // | NaN | category_1 // | 11 | category_2 // | " | " var filters = [{ own_filter: 0 }, {}]; filters.forEach(function (filter) { it('should handle special float values using filter: ' + JSON.stringify(filter), function(done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('val_aggregation', { own_filter: 0 }, function(err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(dataview.infinities === (250 + 250)); assert.ok(dataview.nans === 250); assert.ok(dataview.categories.length === 1); dataview.categories.forEach(function (category) { assert.ok(category.category === 'category_2'); assert.ok(category.value === 501); }); done(); }); }); it('should handle special numeric values using filter: ' + JSON.stringify(filter), function(done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('sum_aggregation_numeric', { own_filter: 0 }, function(err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(dataview.nans === 333); assert.ok(dataview.categories.length === 2); dataview.categories.forEach(function (category) { assert.ok(category.value !== null); }); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('aggregation dataview tuned by categories query param', function () { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); const mapConfig = { version: '1.5.0', layers: [ { type: "cartodb", options: { source: { "id": "a0" }, cartocss: "#points { marker-width: 10; marker-fill: red; }", cartocss_version: "2.3.0" } } ], dataviews: { categories: { source: { id: 'a0' }, type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'cat', aggregation: 'sum', aggregationColumn: 'val' } } }, analyses: [ { id: "a0", type: "source", params: { query: ` SELECT null::geometry the_geom_webmercator, CASE WHEN x % 4 = 0 THEN 1 WHEN x % 4 = 1 THEN 2 WHEN x % 4 = 2 THEN 3 ELSE 4 END AS val, CASE WHEN x % 4 = 0 THEN 'category_1' WHEN x % 4 = 1 THEN 'category_2' WHEN x % 4 = 2 THEN 'category_3' ELSE 'category_4' END AS cat FROM generate_series(1, 1000) x ` } } ] }; var scenarios = [ { params: { own_filter: 0, categories: -1 }, categoriesExpected: 4 }, { params: { own_filter: 0, categories: 0 }, categoriesExpected: 4 }, { params: { own_filter: 0, categories: 1 }, categoriesExpected: 1 }, { params: { own_filter: 0, categories: 2 }, categoriesExpected: 2 }, { params: { own_filter: 0, categories: 4 }, categoriesExpected: 4 }, { params: { own_filter: 0, categories: 5 }, categoriesExpected: 4 } ]; scenarios.forEach(function (scenario) { it(`should handle cartegories to customize aggregations: ${JSON.stringify(scenario.params)}`, function (done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('categories', scenario.params, (err, dataview) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(dataview.categories.length, scenario.categoriesExpected); done(); }); }); }); });