'use strict'; var testHelper = require('../../support/test_helper'); var assert = require('../../support/assert'); var cartodbServer = require('../../../lib/cartodb/server'); var ServerOptions = require('./support/ported_server_options'); var testClient = require('./support/test_client'); describe('server', function() { var server; before(function () { server = cartodbServer(ServerOptions); server.setMaxListeners(0); }); after(function() { testHelper.rmdirRecursiveSync(global.environment.millstone.cache_basedir); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GET INVALID // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it("get call to server returns 200", function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/', method: 'GET' },{ // FIXME: shouldn't this be a 404 ? status: 200 }, function() { done(); } ); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GET VERSION // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it("get /version returns versions", function(done){ assert.response(server, { url: '/version', method: 'GET' },{ status: 200 }, function(res) { var parsed = JSON.parse(res.body); assert.ok(parsed.hasOwnProperty('windshaft'), "No 'windshaft' version in " + parsed); assert.ok(parsed.hasOwnProperty('grainstore'), "No 'grainstore' version in " + parsed); assert.ok(parsed.hasOwnProperty('node_mapnik'), "No 'node_mapnik' version in " + parsed); assert.ok(parsed.hasOwnProperty('mapnik'), "No 'mapnik' version in " + parsed); // TODO: check actual versions ? done(); }); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GET GRID // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it("grid jsonp", function(done){ var mapConfig = testClient.singleLayerMapConfig('select * from test_table', null, null, 'name'); testClient.getGridJsonp(mapConfig, 0, 13, 4011, 3088, 'jsonp_test', function(err, res) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200, res.body); assert.deepEqual(res.headers['content-type'], 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8'); var didRunJsonCallback = false; var response = {}; // jshint ignore:start function jsonp_test(body) { response = body; didRunJsonCallback = true; } eval(res.body); // jshint ignore:end assert.ok(didRunJsonCallback); assert.utfgridEqualsFile(response, './test/fixtures/test_table_13_4011_3088.grid.json', 2, done); }); }); it("get'ing a json with default style and single interactivity should return a grid", function(done){ var mapConfig = testClient.singleLayerMapConfig('select * from test_table', null, null, 'name'); testClient.getGrid(mapConfig, 0, 13, 4011, 3088, function(err, res) { var expected_json = { "1":{"name":"Hawai"}, "2":{"name":"El Estocolmo"}, "3":{"name":"El Rey del Tallarín"}, "4":{"name":"El Lacón"}, "5":{"name":"El Pico"} }; assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(res.body).data, expected_json); done(); }); }); it("get'ing a json with default style and no interactivity should return an error", function(done){ var mapConfig = testClient.singleLayerMapConfig('select * from test_table'); var expectedResponse = { status: 400, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } }; testClient.getGrid(mapConfig, 0, 13, 4011, 3088, expectedResponse, function(err, res) { assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(res.body).errors, ["Tileset has no interactivity"]); done(); }); }); it("get grid jsonp error is returned with 200 status", function(done){ var mapConfig = testClient.singleLayerMapConfig('select * from test_table'); var expectedResponse = { status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8' } }; testClient.getGridJsonp(mapConfig, 0, 13, 4011, 3088, 'test', expectedResponse, function(err, res) { assert.ok(res.body.match(/"errors":/), 'missing error in response: ' + res.body); done(); }); }); // See http://github.com/Vizzuality/Windshaft/issues/50 it("get'ing a json with no data should return an empty grid", function(done){ var query = 'select * from test_table limit 0'; var mapConfig = testClient.singleLayerMapConfig(query, null, null, 'name'); testClient.getGrid(mapConfig, 0, 13, 4011, 3088, function(err, res) { assert.utfgridEqualsFile(res.body, './test/fixtures/test_table_13_4011_3088_empty.grid.json', 2, done); }); }); // Another test for http://github.com/Vizzuality/Windshaft/issues/50 it("get'ing a json with no data but interactivity should return an empty grid", function(done){ var query = 'SELECT * FROM test_table limit 0'; var mapConfig = testClient.singleLayerMapConfig(query, null, null, 'cartodb_id'); testClient.getGrid(mapConfig, 0, 13, 4011, 3088, function(err, res) { assert.utfgridEqualsFile(res.body, './test/fixtures/test_table_13_4011_3088_empty.grid.json', 2, done); }); }); // See https://github.com/Vizzuality/Windshaft-cartodb/issues/67 it("get'ing a solid grid while changing interactivity fields", function(done){ var query = 'SELECT * FROM test_big_poly'; var style211 = "#test_big_poly{polygon-fill:blue;}"; // for solid var mapConfigName = testClient.singleLayerMapConfig(query, style211, null, 'name'); testClient.getGrid(mapConfigName, 0, 3, 2, 2, function(err, res) { var expected_data = { "1":{"name":"west"} }; assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(res.body).data, expected_data); var mapConfigCartodbId = testClient.singleLayerMapConfig(query, style211, null, 'cartodb_id'); testClient.getGrid(mapConfigCartodbId, 0, 3, 2, 2, function(err, res) { var expected_data = { "1":{"cartodb_id":"1"} }; assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(res.body).data, expected_data); done(); }); }); }); });