'use strict'; require('../support/test_helper'); const assert = require('../support/assert'); const TestClient = require('../support/test-client'); const serverOptions = require('../../lib/cartodb/server_options'); const suites = [ { desc: 'mvt (mapnik)', usePostGIS: false }, { desc: 'mvt (postgis)', usePostGIS: true } ]; // Generate points with values and times. // The point location is spanned over a given length, by default it is 0 so // all points have the same location, which can be used to test aggregation dimensions // the default point is in tile function pointsWithTimeSQL(n, startTime, endTime, span = 0, x0 = 0.1, y0 = 0.1) { return ` WITH params AS ( SELECT '${startTime}'::timestamp with time zone AS min_t, '${endTime}'::timestamp with time zone AS max_t, ${x0} AS x0, ${y0} AS y0, ${span} AS length, ${n} AS n ), positions AS ( SELECT step::float8/n AS s, x0 + (step::float8/n - 0.5)*length AS x, y0 AS y FROM params, generate_series(1, n) AS step ) SELECT row_number() over () AS cartodb_id, n*10 AS value, min_t + (max_t - min_t)*s AS date, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x, y), 4326) AS the_geom, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x, y), 4326), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator FROM params, positions `; } describe('aggregation', function () { const POINTS_SQL_1 = ` select x + 4 as cartodb_id, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10), 4326) as the_geom, st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10), 4326), 3857) as the_geom_webmercator, x as value from generate_series(-3, 3) x `; const POINTS_SQL_0 = ` select x + 4 as cartodb_id, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10+1, x*10+1), 4326) as the_geom, st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10+1, x*10+1), 4326), 3857) as the_geom_webmercator, x as value from generate_series(-3, 3) x `; const POINTS_SQL_TIMESTAMP_1 = ` select row_number() over() AS cartodb_id, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10), 4326) as the_geom, st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10), 4326), 3857) as the_geom_webmercator, x as value, date from generate_series(-3, 3) x, generate_series( '2007-02-15 01:00:00'::timestamp, '2007-02-18 01:00:00'::timestamp, '1 day'::interval ) date `; const POINTS_SQL_2 = ` select x + 4 as cartodb_id, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10*(-1)), 4326) as the_geom, st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10*(-1)), 4326), 3857) as the_geom_webmercator, x as value, x*x as sqrt_value from generate_series(-3, 3) x `; const POINTS_OVER_THRESHOLD = 'SELECT * FROM test_table_200k'; const POLYGONS_SQL_1 = ` select x + 4 as cartodb_id, st_buffer(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10), 4326)::geography, 100000)::geometry as the_geom, st_transform( st_buffer(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10), 4326)::geography, 100000)::geometry, 3857 ) as the_geom_webmercator, x as value from generate_series(-3, 3) x `; const SQL_WRAP = ` WITH hgrid AS ( SELECT CDB_RectangleGrid ( ST_Expand(!bbox!, CDB_XYZ_Resolution(1) * 12), CDB_XYZ_Resolution(1) * 12, CDB_XYZ_Resolution(1) * 12 ) as cell ) SELECT hgrid.cell as the_geom_webmercator, count(1) as agg_value, count(1) /power( 12 * CDB_XYZ_Resolution(1), 2 ) as agg_value_density, row_number() over () as cartodb_id FROM hgrid, (<%= sql %>) i WHERE ST_Intersects(i.the_geom_webmercator, hgrid.cell) GROUP BY hgrid.cell `; const TURBO_CARTOCSS_SQL_WRAP = ` #layer { polygon-fill: ramp([agg_value], (#245668, #04817E, #39AB7E, #8BD16D, #EDEF5D), quantiles); } #layer::outline { line-width: 1; line-color: #FFFFFF; line-opacity: 1; } `; const POINTS_SQL_ONLY_WEBMERCATOR = ` select x + 4 as cartodb_id, st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x*10, x*10), 4326), 3857) as the_geom_webmercator, x as value from generate_series(-3, 3) x `; const POINTS_SQL_PAIRS = ` -- Generate pairs of near points select x + 1 as cartodb_id, st_setsrid( st_makepoint( Floor((x-6)/2)*10 + 9E-3*(x % 2 + 1), Floor((x-6)/2)*10 + 9E-3*(x % 2 + 1) ), 4326 ) as the_geom, st_transform( st_setsrid( st_makepoint( Floor((x-6)/2)*10 + 9E-3*(x % 2 + 1), Floor((x-6)/2)*10 + 9E-3*(x % 2 + 1) ), 4326 ), 3857 ) as the_geom_webmercator, x as value from generate_series(0, 13) x `; // Some points at corners and centers of aggregation grids (zoom=1, resolution=1) // @ = point location // --+---+---+---+---+---+---+-- // | | | | | | | // --+---+---@---@---@---+---+-- // | | | @ | @ | | | // --+---+---@---@---@---+---+--- Y = 0 // | | | @ | @ | | | // --+---+---@---@---@---+---+-- // | | | | | | | // --+---+---+---+---+---+---+-- // | // X = 0 // Point identifiers (cartodb_id) // --+---+---+---+---+---+---+-- // | | | | | | | // --+---+---7---8---9---+---+-- // | | |12 |13 | | | // --+---+---4---5---6---+---+--- // | | |10 |11 | | | // --+---+---1---2---3---+---+-- // | | | | | | | // --+---+---+---+---+---+---+-- // Point count per aggregation cell and Z=1 tiles // // Tile 0,0 -+---+---+---+- Tile 1,0 // | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | | // --+---+---@---@---@---+---+-- // | | | 2 | 2 | 1 | | // --+---+---@---@---@---+---+--- // | | | 2 | 2 | 1 | | // --+---+---@---@---@---+---+-- // | | | | | | | // Tile 0, 1 -+---+---+---+- Tile 1,1 // const POINTS_SQL_GRID = ` WITH params AS ( SELECT CDB_XYZ_Resolution($Z)*$resolution AS l -- cell size for Z, resolution ) SELECT row_number() OVER () AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x*l, y*l), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x*l, y*l), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom FROM params, generate_series(-1,1) x, generate_series(-1,1) y UNION ALL SELECT row_number() OVER () + 9 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x*l-l/2, y*l-l/2), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x*l-l/2, y*l-l/2), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom FROM params, generate_series(0,1) x, generate_series(0,1) y `; // Points positioned inside one cell of Z=20, X=1000000, X=1000000 (the SW corner) // The center of the cell is x = 18181005.874444414, y = -18181043.94366749 const POINTS_SQL_CELL = ` SELECT 1 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.8, -18181043.9), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.8, -18181043.9), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.9, -18181044.0), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.9, -18181044.0), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.87, -18181043.94), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.87, -18181043.94), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.8, -18181043.9), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.8, -18181043.9), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom `; // Points positioned inside one cell of Z=20, X=1000000, X=1000000 (inner cell not on border) // The center of the cell is x = 18181006.023735486, y = -18181043.794376418 const POINTS_SQL_CELL_INNER = ` SELECT 1 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.95, -18181043.8), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181005.95, -18181043.8), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181006.09, -18181043.72), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181006.09, -18181043.72), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181006.02, -18181043.79), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181006.02, -18181043.79), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181006.01, -18181043.75), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(18181006.01, -18181043.75), 3857), 4326) AS the_geom `; function createVectorMapConfig (layers = [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: true } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: true } } ]) { return { version: '1.6.0', layers: layers }; } suites.forEach((suite) => { const { desc, usePostGIS } = suite; describe(desc, function () { const originalUsePostGIS = serverOptions.renderer.mvt.usePostGIS; before(function () { serverOptions.renderer.mvt.usePostGIS = usePostGIS; this.layerStatsConfig = global.environment.enabledFeatures.layerStats; }); after(function (){ serverOptions.renderer.mvt.usePostGIS = originalUsePostGIS; }); afterEach(function (done) { this.testClient.drain(done); global.environment.enabledFeatures.layerStats = this.layerStatsConfig; }); it('should return a layergroup indicating the mapconfig was aggregated', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1 } } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: { threshold: 1 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(!layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it('should return a NOT aggregated layergroup', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [value]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.equal(layer.meta.aggregation, undefined)); done(); }); }); it('should return a layergroup with aggregation and cartocss compatible', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { columns: { total: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, threshold: 1 }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [total]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it('should fail when aggregation and cartocss are not compatible', function (done) { const response = { status: 400, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } }; this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { columns: { total: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, threshold: 1 }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [value]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup({ response }, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.ok(body.errors[0].match(/column "value" does not exist/)); done(); }); }); it('should fail if cartocss uses "value" column and it\'s not defined in the aggregation', function (done) { const response = { status: 400, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } }; this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: { threshold: 1, placement: 'centroid' }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [value]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup({ response }, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.ok(body.errors[0].match(/column "value" does not exist/)); done(); }); }); it('should provide all columns in the default aggregation ', function (done) { const response = { status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } }; this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: { threshold: 1 }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [value]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup({ response }, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); ['centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it('should provide all the requested columns in non-default aggregation ', function (done) { const response = { status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } }; this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: { placement: placement, columns: { 'first_column': { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, dimensions: { second_column: 'sqrt_value' }, threshold: 1 }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [first_column]; line-width: [second_column]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup({ response }, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it('should provide only the requested columns in non-default aggregation ', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: { placement: placement, columns: { 'first_column': { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, dimensions: { second_column: 'sqrt_value' }, threshold: 1 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, { format: 'mvt' }, function (err, res, mvt) { if (err) { return done(err); } const geojsonTile = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); let columns = new Set(); geojsonTile.features.forEach(f => { Object.keys(f.properties).forEach(p => columns.add(p)); }); columns = Array.from(columns); const expected_columns = [ '_cdb_feature_count', 'cartodb_id', 'first_column', 'second_column' ]; assert.deepEqual(columns.sort(), expected_columns.sort()); done(); }); }); }); it('should skip aggregation to create a layergroup with aggregation defined already', function (done) { const mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { columns: { total: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, threshold: 1 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig); const options = { aggregation: false }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.equal(layer.meta.aggregation, undefined)); done(); }); }); it('skip default aggregation by setting `aggregation: false` for just one layer', function (done) { const mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1 } } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { // Note that we need the table to have more than AggregationMapConfig.THRESHOLD rows // otherwise it won't get aggregated in any case sql: POINTS_OVER_THRESHOLD, aggregation: false } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.mvt, true); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[1].meta.aggregation.mvt, false); done(); }); }); it('use default aggregation by setting `aggregation: true`', function (done) { const mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_OVER_THRESHOLD, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: 7; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0', aggregation: true } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.mvt, true); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.png, true); done(); }); }); it('but do not aggregate below threshold by setting `aggregation: true`', function (done) { const mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: 7; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0', aggregation: true } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.mvt, false); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.png, false); done(); }); }); it('when the aggregation param is not valid should respond with error', function (done) { const mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 }, aggregation: 'wadus' }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ "Invalid value for 'aggregation' query param: wadus." + " Valid ones are 'true' or 'false'" ], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'unknown', message: "Invalid value for 'aggregation' query param: wadus." + " Valid ones are 'true' or 'false'" }] }); done(); }); }); it('when the layer\'s row count is lower than threshold should skip aggregation', function (done) { const mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { columns: { total: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, threshold: 1001 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig); const options = {}; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer =>{ assert.deepEqual(layer.meta.aggregation, { png: false, mvt: false }); }); done(); }); }); it('when the layer\'s geometry type is not point should respond with error', function (done) { const mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POLYGONS_SQL_1, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [value]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0', aggregation: { threshold: 1 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Unsupported geometry type: ST_Polygon.' + ' Aggregation is available only for geometry type: ST_Point' ], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Unsupported geometry type: ST_Polygon.' + ' Aggregation is available only for geometry type: ST_Point', layer: { id: 'layer0', index: 0, type: 'mapnik' } }] }); done(); }); }); it('when sql_wrap is provided should return a layergroup', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql_wrap: SQL_WRAP, sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1 }, cartocss: TURBO_CARTOCSS_SQL_WRAP, cartocss_version: '3.0.12' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it('when sql_wrap is provided should return a tile', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql_wrap: SQL_WRAP, sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1 }, cartocss: TURBO_CARTOCSS_SQL_WRAP, cartocss_version: '3.0.12' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, {}, (err) => { if (err) { return done(err); } done(); }); }); it('when dimensions is provided should return a tile returning the column used as dimensions', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { value: "value" } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.value, 'number')); done(); }); }); it('time dimensions', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_TIMESTAMP_1, dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { dow: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'dayOfWeek' } } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.dow, 'number')); done(); }); }); it('aggregation dimensions only used if present', function (done) { const nPoints = 50; this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: pointsWithTimeSQL(nPoints, '2000-01-01T00:00:00+00', '2019-12-31T23:59:59+00', 0), dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); // Everything's aggregated into a single feature because the only // dimension is space and all points are in the same place. assert.deepEqual(tileJSON[0].features.map(f => f.properties._cdb_feature_count), [nPoints]); done(); }); }); it('aggregation dimension year used', function (done) { const nPoints = 50; this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: pointsWithTimeSQL(nPoints, '2000-01-01T00:00:00+00', '2019-12-31T23:59:59+00', 0), dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { year: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'year' } } } }, } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); // Now all features have same location, but the year is an additional dimension // with 20 different values, so we'll have an aggregated feature for each. const expectedYears = Array.from({length: 20}, (_, k) => 2000 + k); // 2000 to 2019 const resultYears = tileJSON[0].features.map(f => f.properties.year).sort((a, b) => a - b); assert.deepEqual(resultYears, expectedYears); done(); }); }); it('aggregation dimension month with count', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: pointsWithTimeSQL(50, '2018-01-01T00:00:00+00', '2018-12-31T23:59:59+00', 0), dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { month: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'month', count: 5, starting: '2018-01' } } } }, } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); assert.equal(tileJSON[0].features.length, 3); const resultQuimesters = tileJSON[0].features.map(f => f.properties.month).sort((a, b) => a - b); assert.deepEqual(resultQuimesters, [1, 2, 3]); done(); }); }); it('aggregation dimension month with starting', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: pointsWithTimeSQL(50, '2018-01-01T00:00:00+00', '2018-12-31T23:59:59+00', 0), dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { month: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'month', starting: '2017-01' } } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); const resultMonths = tileJSON[0].features.map(f => f.properties.month).sort((a, b) => a - b); assert.deepEqual(resultMonths, [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]); done(); }); }); it('aggregation dimension month by default UTC', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: pointsWithTimeSQL(50, '2018-01-01T00:00:00+00', '2018-01-31T23:59:59+00', 0), dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { dow: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'month', timezone: '+00' } } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); // In UTC all times are in the same month 2018-01 assert.equal(tileJSON[0].features.length, 1); done(); }); }); it('aggregation dimension month with timezone', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: pointsWithTimeSQL(50, '2018-01-01T00:00:00+00', '2018-01-31T23:59:59+00', 0), dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { dow: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'month', timezone: '+7200' } } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); // In UTC+2 some times are in a different month assert.equal(tileJSON[0].features.length, 2); done(); }); }); it('time dimensions stats', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_TIMESTAMP_1, dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { dow: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'dayOfWeek' } } } }, metadata: { dimensions: true } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup(function(err, layergroup) { assert.ifError(err); const expectedDimensions = { dow: { params: { time: 'to_timestamp("date")', timezone: 'utc', units: 'dayOfWeek', count: 1 }, min: 4, max: 7, type: 'number' } }; assert.deepEqual(layergroup.metadata.layers[0].meta.stats.dimensions, expectedDimensions); done(); }); }); it('no time dimensions stats by default', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_TIMESTAMP_1, dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { dow: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'dayOfWeek' } } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup(function(err, layergroup) { assert.ifError(err); assert(!layergroup.metadata.layers[0].meta.stats.dimensions); done(); }); }); it('aggregation dimension month iso format', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: pointsWithTimeSQL(50, '2018-01-01T00:00:00+00', '2018-12-31T23:59:59+00', 0), dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { month: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'month', }, format: 'iso' } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); const resultMonths = tileJSON[0].features.map(f => f.properties.month).sort(); assert.deepEqual(resultMonths, [ '2018-01', '2018-02', '2018-03', '2018-04', '2018-05','2018-06', '2018-07', '2018-08', '2018-09', '2018-10', '2018-11', '2018-12' ]); done(); }); }); it('aggregation dimension month iso format with timezone', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: pointsWithTimeSQL(50, '2018-01-01T00:00:00+00', '2018-12-31T23:59:59+00', 0), dates_as_numbers: true, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { month: { column: 'date', group: { units: 'month', timezone: '+7200' }, format: 'iso', } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); const resultMonths = tileJSON[0].features.map(f => f.properties.month).sort(); assert.deepEqual(resultMonths, [ '2018-01', '2018-02', '2018-03', '2018-04', '2018-05', '2018-06', '2018-07', '2018-08', '2018-09', '2018-10', '2018-11', '2018-12', '2019-01' ]); done(); }); }); ['centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it(`dimensions should work for ${placement} placement`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: placement , threshold: 1, dimensions: { value: "value" } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach( feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.value, 'number') ); done(); }); }); }); ['centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it(`dimensions with alias should work for ${placement} placement`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: placement , threshold: 1, dimensions: { value2: "value" } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach( feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.value2, 'number') ); done(); }); }); }); it(`dimensions should trigger non-default aggregation`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: { threshold: 1, dimensions: { value: "value" } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach( feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.value, 'number') ); tileJSON[0].features.forEach( feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.sqrt_value, 'undefined') ); done(); }); }); it(`aggregation columns should trigger non-default aggregation`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach( feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.value, 'number') ); tileJSON[0].features.forEach( feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.sqrt_value, 'undefined') ); done(); }); }); ['centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it(`aggregations with base column names should work for ${placement} placement`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: placement , threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach( feature => assert.equal(typeof feature.properties.value, 'number') ); done(); }); }); }); it('should work when the sql has single quotes', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: ` SELECT cartodb_id, the_geom_webmercator, the_geom, value, DATE_PART('day', date::timestamp - '1912-12-31 01:00:00'::timestamp )::numeric AS day FROM (${POINTS_SQL_TIMESTAMP_1}) _query `, aggregation: { threshold: 1 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(!layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it('aggregates with point-grid placement', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: 'point-grid', columns: { total: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' }, v_avg: { aggregate_function: 'avg', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, threshold: 1 }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [total]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it('aggregates with point-sample placement', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: 'point-sample', columns: { total: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' }, v_avg: { aggregate_function: 'avg', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, threshold: 1 }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [total]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it('aggregates with centroid placement', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: 'centroid', columns: { total: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' }, v_avg: { aggregate_function: 'avg', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, threshold: 1 }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: [total]; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it('aggregates with full-sample placement by default', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, { format: 'mvt' }, function (err, res, mvt) { if (err) { return done(err); } const geojsonTile = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); assert.ok(Array.isArray(geojsonTile.features)); assert.ok(geojsonTile.features.length > 0); const feature = geojsonTile.features[0]; assert.ok(feature.properties.hasOwnProperty('value'), 'Missing value property'); done(); }); }); it('should fail with bad resolution', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { id: 'wadus', type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { resolution: 'wadus', } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Invalid resolution, should be a number greather than 0' ], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Invalid resolution, should be a number greather than 0', layer: { "id": "wadus", "index": 0, "type": "mapnik" } }] }); done(); }); }); it('should fail with bad placement', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: 'wadus', } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Invalid placement. Valid values: centroid, point-grid, point-sample'], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Invalid placement. Valid values: centroid, point-grid, point-sample', layer: { id: "layer0", index: 0, type: "mapnik", } }] }); done(); }); }); it('should fail with bad threshold', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 'wadus', } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Invalid threshold, should be a number greather than 0' ], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Invalid threshold, should be a number greather than 0', layer: { "id": "layer0", "index": 0, "type": "mapnik" } }] }); done(); }); }); it('should fail with bad column name', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { columns : { '': { aggregate_function: 'count', aggregated_column: 'value', } }, } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Invalid column name, should be a non empty string' ], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Invalid column name, should be a non empty string', layer: { "id": "layer0", "index": 0, "type": "mapnik" } }] }); done(); }); }); it('should fail with bad aggregated function', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { columns : { 'wadus_function': { aggregate_function: 'wadus', aggregated_column: 'value', } }, } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Unsupported aggregation function wadus, ' + 'valid ones: count, avg, sum, min, max, mode' ], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Unsupported aggregation function wadus, ' + 'valid ones: count, avg, sum, min, max, mode', layer: { "id": "layer0", "index": 0, "type": "mapnik" } }] }); done(); }); }); it('should fail with bad aggregated columns', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { columns : { 'total_wadus': { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: '', } }, } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Invalid aggregated column, should be a non empty string' ], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Invalid aggregated column, should be a non empty string', layer: { "id": "layer0", "index": 0, "type": "mapnik" } }] }); done(); }); }); it('should skip aggregation w/o failing when is Vector Only MapConfig and layer has polygons', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POLYGONS_SQL_1 } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(!layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(!layer.meta.aggregation.png)); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); assert.equal(tileJSON[0].features.length, 7); done(); }); }); }); it('should skip aggregation for polygons (w/o failing) and aggregate when the layer has points', function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POLYGONS_SQL_1 } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1 } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.mvt, false); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[1].meta.aggregation.mvt, true); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); assert.equal(tileJSON[0].features.length, 7); done(); }); }); }); ['centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid', 'default'].forEach(placement => { it(`cartodb_id should be present in ${placement} aggregation`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined }, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: 1; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0', interactivity: ['cartodb_id'] } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it(`should only require the_geom_webmercator for ${placement} aggregation`, function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_ONLY_WEBMERCATOR, aggregation: { threshold: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(!layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); it(`${placement} aggregation should work with attributes`, function (done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, cartocss: '#layer { marker-width: 7; }', cartocss_version: '2.3.0', aggregation: { threshold: 1 }, attributes: { id: 'cartodb_id', columns: [ 'value' ] } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.mvt)); body.metadata.layers.forEach(layer => assert.ok(layer.meta.aggregation.png)); done(); }); }); }); ['centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it(`filters should work for ${placement} placement`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: placement , threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value >= 0); }); done(); }); }); }); ['centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it(`multiple ORed filters should work for ${placement} placement`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { placement: placement , threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: [ { greater_than: 0 }, { less_than: -2 } ] } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value > 0 || row.properties.value < -2); }); done(); }); }); }); ['centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it(`multiple ANDed filters should work for ${placement} placement`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_2, aggregation: { placement: placement , threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' }, value2: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'sqrt_value' } }, filters: { value: { greater_than: 0 }, value2: { less_than: 9 } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value > 0 && row.properties.value2 < 9); }); done(); }); }); }); it(`supports IN filters`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: { in: [1, 3] } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value === 1 || row.properties.value === 3); }); done(); }); }); it(`supports NOT IN filters`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: { not_in: [1, 3] } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value !== 1 && row.properties.value !== 3); }); done(); }); }); it(`supports EQUAL filters`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: [{ equal: 1}, { equal: 3}] } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value === 1 || row.properties.value === 3); }); done(); }); }); it(`supports NOT EQUAL filters`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: { not_equal: 1 } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value !== 1); }); done(); }); }); it(`supports BETWEEN filters`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: { greater_than_or_equal_to: -1, less_than_or_equal_to: 2 } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value >= -1 || row.properties.value <= 2); }); done(); }); }); it(`supports RANGE filters`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: { greater_than: -1, less_than_or_equal_to: 2 } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { format: 'mvt' }; this.testClient.getTile(0, 0, 0, options, (err, res, tile) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); tileJSON[0].features.forEach(row => { assert.ok(row.properties.value > -1 || row.properties.value <= 2); }); done(); }); }); it(`invalid filters cause errors`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: { not_a_valid_parameter: 0 } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Invalid filter parameter name: not_a_valid_parameter'], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Invalid filter parameter name: not_a_valid_parameter', layer: { id: "layer0", index: 0, type: "mapnik", } }] }); done(); }); }); it(`filters on invalid columns cause errors`, function(done) { this.mapConfig = createVectorMapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, columns: { value_sum: { aggregate_function: 'sum', aggregated_column: 'value' } }, filters: { value: { not_a_valid_parameter: 0 } } } } } ]); this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const options = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getLayergroup(options, (err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.deepEqual(body, { errors: [ 'Invalid filtered column: value'], errors_with_context:[{ type: 'layer', message: 'Invalid filtered column: value', layer: { id: "layer0", index: 0, type: "mapnik", } }] }); done(); }); }); ['default', 'centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it(`for ${placement} and no points between tiles has unique ids`, function (done) { this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_0, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getTile(1, 0, 1, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile1 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); assert.ok(Array.isArray(tile1.features)); assert.ok(tile1.features.length > 0); this.testClient.getTile(1, 1, 0, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile2 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); assert.ok(Array.isArray(tile2.features)); assert.ok(tile2.features.length > 0); const tile1Ids = tile1.features.map(f => f.properties.cartodb_id); const tile2Ids = tile2.features.map(f => f.properties.cartodb_id); const repeatedIds = tile1Ids.filter(id => tile2Ids.includes(id)); assert.equal(repeatedIds.length, 0); done(); }); }); }); it(`for ${placement} has unique ids save between tiles`, function (done) { this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_1, resolution: 1, aggregation: { threshold: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getTile(1, 0, 1, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile1 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); assert.ok(Array.isArray(tile1.features)); assert.ok(tile1.features.length > 0); this.testClient.getTile(1, 1, 0, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile2 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); assert.ok(Array.isArray(tile2.features)); assert.ok(tile2.features.length > 0); const tile1Ids = tile1.features.map(f => f.properties.cartodb_id); const tile2Ids = tile2.features.map(f => f.properties.cartodb_id); const repeatedIds = tile1Ids.filter(id => tile2Ids.includes(id)); // It is not guaranteed that features appear in a single tile: // features on the border of tiles can appear in multiple tiles if (repeatedIds.length > 0) { repeatedIds.forEach(id => { const tile1Features = tile1.features.filter(f => f.properties.cartodb_id === id); const tile2Features = tile2.features.filter(f => f.properties.cartodb_id === id); // repetitions cannot occur inside a tile assert.equal(tile1Features.length, 1); assert.equal(tile2Features.length, 1); const feature1 = tile1Features[0]; const feature2 = tile2Features[0]; // features should be identical (geometry and properties) assert.deepEqual(feature1.properties, feature2.properties); assert.deepEqual(feature1.geometry, feature2.geometry); // and geometry should be on the border; // for the dataset and zoom 1, only point with cartodb_id=4 (0,0) assert.equal(feature1.properties.cartodb_id, 4); assert.equal(feature2.properties.cartodb_id, 4); }); } done(); }); }); }); it(`for ${placement} each aggr. cell is in a single tile`, function (done) { const z = 1; const resolution = 1; const query = POINTS_SQL_GRID.replace('$Z', z).replace('$resolution', resolution); this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: query, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: resolution, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const c = Math.pow(2, z - 1) - 1; // center tile coordinates this.testClient.getTile(z, c + 0, c + 0, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile00 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c + 0, c + 1, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile01 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c + 1, c + 0, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile10 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c + 1, c + 1, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile11 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); const tile00Expected = [ { cartodb_id: 4, _cdb_feature_count: 2 }, { cartodb_id: 7, _cdb_feature_count: 1 } ]; const tile10Expected = [ { cartodb_id: 5, _cdb_feature_count: 2 }, { cartodb_id: 6, _cdb_feature_count: 1 }, { cartodb_id: 8, _cdb_feature_count: 1 }, { cartodb_id: 9, _cdb_feature_count: 1 } ]; const tile01Expected = [ { cartodb_id: 1, _cdb_feature_count: 2 } ]; const tile11Expected = [ { cartodb_id: 2, _cdb_feature_count: 2 }, { cartodb_id: 3, _cdb_feature_count: 1 } ]; const tile00Actual = tile00.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile10Actual = tile10.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile01Actual = tile01.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile11Actual = tile11.features.map(f => f.properties); const orderById = (a, b) => a.cartodb_id - b.cartodb_id; assert.deepEqual(tile00Actual.sort(orderById), tile00Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile10Actual.sort(orderById), tile10Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile01Actual.sort(orderById), tile01Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile11Actual.sort(orderById), tile11Expected); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it(`for ${placement} no partially aggregated cells`, function (done) { // Use level 1 with resolution 2 tiles and buffersize 1 (half the cell size) // Only the cells completely inside the buffer are aggregated const z = 1; const resolution = 2; // space the test points by half the resolution: const query = POINTS_SQL_GRID.replace('$Z', z).replace('$resolution', resolution/2); this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 1 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: query, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: resolution, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const c = Math.pow(2, z - 1) - 1; // center tile coordinates this.testClient.getTile(z, c, c, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile00 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c, c + 1, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile01 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c + 1, c, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile10 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c + 1, c + 1, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile11 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); const tile00Expected = [ { cartodb_id: 4, _cdb_feature_count: 3 } ]; const tile10Expected = [ { cartodb_id: 5, _cdb_feature_count: 5 } ]; const tile01Expected = [ { cartodb_id: 1, _cdb_feature_count: 2 } ]; const tile11Expected = [ { cartodb_id: 2, _cdb_feature_count: 3 } ]; const tile00Actual = tile00.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile10Actual = tile10.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile01Actual = tile01.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile11Actual = tile11.features.map(f => f.properties); const orderById = (a, b) => a.cartodb_id - b.cartodb_id; assert.deepEqual(tile00Actual.sort(orderById), tile00Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile10Actual.sort(orderById), tile10Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile01Actual.sort(orderById), tile01Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile11Actual.sort(orderById), tile11Expected); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it(`for ${placement} includes complete cells in buffer`, function (done) { if (!usePostGIS && placement !== 'point-grid') { // Mapnik seem to filter query results by its (inaccurate) bbox, // which makes some aggregated clusters get lost here. // The point-grid placement is resilient to this problem because the result // coordinates are moved to cluster cell centers, so they're well within // bbox limits. this.testClient = new TestClient({}); return done(); } // use buffersize coincident with resolution, the buffer should include neighbour cells const z = 2; const resolution = 1; const query = POINTS_SQL_GRID.replace('$Z', z).replace('$resolution', resolution); this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 1 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: query, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: resolution, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); const c = Math.pow(2, z - 1) - 1; // center tile coordinates this.testClient.getTile(z, c, c, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile00 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c, c + 1, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile01 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c + 1, c, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile10 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); this.testClient.getTile(z, c + 1, c + 1, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile11 = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); const tile00Expected = [ { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 1 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 2 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 4 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 5 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 7 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 8 } ]; const tile10Expected = [ { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 1 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 2 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 3 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 4 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 5 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 6 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 7 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 8 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 9 } ]; const tile01Expected = [ { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 1 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 2 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 4 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 5 } ]; const tile11Expected = [ { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 1 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 2 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 3 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 4 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 2, cartodb_id: 5 }, { _cdb_feature_count: 1, cartodb_id: 6 } ]; const tile00Actual = tile00.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile10Actual = tile10.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile01Actual = tile01.features.map(f => f.properties); const tile11Actual = tile11.features.map(f => f.properties); const orderById = (a, b) => a.cartodb_id - b.cartodb_id; assert.deepEqual(tile00Actual.sort(orderById), tile00Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile10Actual.sort(orderById), tile10Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile01Actual.sort(orderById), tile01Expected); assert.deepEqual(tile11Actual.sort(orderById), tile11Expected); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it(`for ${placement} points aggregated into corner cluster`, function (done) { // this test will fail due to !bbox! lack of accuracy if strict cell filtering is in place this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_CELL, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getTile(20, 1000000, 1000000, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); assert.equal(tile.features.length, 1); assert.equal(tile.features[0].properties._cdb_feature_count, 4); if (placement === 'point-grid') { // check geometry x = 18181005.874444414, y = -18181043.94366749 const expectedPoint = [ 163.322754576802, -83.3823797469878 ]; assert.deepEqual(tile.features[0].geometry.coordinates, expectedPoint); } done(); }); }); it(`for ${placement} points aggregated into correct cluster`, function (done) { this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_CELL_INNER, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getTile(20, 1000000, 1000000, { format: 'mvt' }, (err, res, mvt) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const tile = JSON.parse(mvt.toGeoJSONSync(0)); assert.equal(tile.features.length, 1); assert.equal(tile.features[0].properties._cdb_feature_count, 4); if (placement === 'point-grid') { // check geometry x = 18181006.023735486, y = -18181043.794376418 const expectedPoint = [ 163.322755917907, -83.3823795924354 ]; assert.deepEqual(tile.features[0].geometry.coordinates, expectedPoint); } done(); }); }); }); ['default', 'centroid', 'point-sample', 'point-grid'].forEach(placement => { it(`default pre-aggregation stats are available with ${placement} aggregation`, function (done) { global.environment.enabledFeatures.layerStats = true; this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_PAIRS, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); assert.ok(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.mvt); assert.ok(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.stats.estimatedFeatureCount > 0); done(); }); }); it(`on demand post-aggregation stats are available with ${placement} aggregation`, function (done) { global.environment.enabledFeatures.layerStats = true; this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_PAIRS, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined }, metadata: { aggrFeatureCount: 10 } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); assert.ok(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.mvt); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.stats.aggrFeatureCount, 13); done(); }); }); it(`post-aggregation count adapts to zoom level with ${placement} aggregation`, function (done) { global.environment.enabledFeatures.layerStats = true; this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_PAIRS, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined }, metadata: { aggrFeatureCount: 0 } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); assert.ok(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.mvt); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.stats.aggrFeatureCount, 7); done(); }); }); it(`on-demand pre-aggregation stats are available with ${placement} aggregation`, function (done) { global.environment.enabledFeatures.layerStats = true; this.mapConfig = { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: { 'mvt': 0 }, layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: POINTS_SQL_PAIRS, aggregation: { threshold: 1, resolution: 1, placement: placement !== 'default' ? placement : undefined }, metadata: { featureCount: true } } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(this.mapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(typeof body.metadata, 'object'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(body.metadata.layers)); assert.ok(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.aggregation.mvt); assert.equal(body.metadata.layers[0].meta.stats.featureCount, 14); done(); }); }); }); }); }); });