var assert = require('../support/assert'); var TestClient = require('../support/test-client'); var IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL = 20; function imageCompareFn(fixture, done) { return function(err, res, image) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.imageIsSimilarToFile(image, './test/fixtures/' + fixture, IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL, done); }; } function makeMapconfig(cartocss) { return { "version": "1.4.0", "layers": [ { "type": 'mapnik', "options": { "cartocss_version": '2.3.0', "sql": [ 'SELECT test_table.*, _prices.price FROM test_table JOIN (' + ' SELECT 1 AS cartodb_id, 10.00 AS price', ' UNION', ' SELECT 2, 10.50', ' UNION', ' SELECT 3, 11.00', ' UNION', ' SELECT 4, 12.00', ' UNION', ' SELECT 5, 21.00', ') _prices ON _prices.cartodb_id = test_table.cartodb_id' ].join('\n'), "cartocss": cartocss } } ] }; } describe('turbo-cartocss for anonymous maps', function() { describe('parsing ramp function with colorbrewer for greens and mapnik renderer', function () { beforeEach(function () { var turboCartocss = '#layer { marker-fill: ramp([price], colorbrewer(Greens)); }'; this.testClient = new TestClient(makeMapconfig(turboCartocss)); }); afterEach(function (done) { this.testClient.drain(done); }); it('should get a tile with turbo-cartocss parsed properly', function (done) { var fixturePath = 'test_turbo_cartocss_greens_13_4011_3088.png'; this.testClient.getTile(13, 4011, 3088, imageCompareFn(fixturePath, done)); }); }); describe('parsing ramp function with colorbrewer for reds and mapnik renderer', function () { beforeEach(function () { var turboCartocss = '#layer { marker-fill: ramp([price], colorbrewer(Reds)); }'; this.testClient = new TestClient(makeMapconfig(turboCartocss)); }); afterEach(function (done) { this.testClient.drain(done); }); it('should get a tile with turbo-cartocss parsed properly', function (done) { var fixtureFileName = 'test_turbo_cartocss_reds_13_4011_3088.png'; this.testClient.getTile(13, 4011, 3088, imageCompareFn(fixtureFileName, done)); }); }); describe('parsing ramp function with colorbrewer for greens and toque renderer', function () { var mapConfig = { version: '1.2.0', layers: [ { type: 'torque', options: { sql: "SELECT * FROM populated_places_simple_reduced where the_geom" + " && ST_MakeEnvelope(-90, 0, 90, 65)", cartocss: [ 'Map {', ' buffer-size:0;', ' -torque-frame-count:1;', ' -torque-animation-duration:30;', ' -torque-time-attribute:"cartodb_id";', ' -torque-aggregation-function:"count(cartodb_id)";', ' -torque-resolution:1;', ' -torque-data-aggregation:linear;', '};', '#populated_places_simple_reduced {', ' comp-op: multiply;', ' marker-fill-opacity: 1;', ' marker-line-color: #FFF;', ' marker-line-width: 0;', ' marker-line-opacity: 1;', ' marker-type: rectangle;', ' marker-width: 3;', ' marker-fill: ramp([pop_max], colorbrewer(Greens));', '};' ].join(' '), cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ] }; beforeEach(function () { this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig); }); afterEach(function (done) { this.testClient.drain(done); }); it('should get a tile with turbo-cartocss parsed properly', function (done) { var z = 2; var x = 2; var y = 1; var pngFixture = 'torque/populated_places_simple_reduced-turbo-cartocss-' + [z, x, y].join('.') + '.png'; this.testClient.getTile(z, x, y, { layers: 0, format: 'torque.png' }, imageCompareFn(pngFixture, done)); }); }); });