require('../../support/test_helper'); var assert = require('../../support/assert'); var TestClient = require('../../support/test-client'); var moment = require('moment'); function createMapConfig(layers, dataviews, analysis) { return { version: '1.5.0', layers: layers, dataviews: dataviews || {}, analyses: analysis || [] }; } function createMapConfig(layers, dataviews, analysis) { return { version: '1.5.0', layers: layers, dataviews: dataviews || {}, analyses: analysis || [] }; } describe('histogram-dataview', function() { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); var mapConfig = createMapConfig( [ { "type": "cartodb", "options": { "source": { "id": "2570e105-7b37-40d2-bdf4-1af889598745" }, "cartocss": "#points { marker-width: 10; marker-fill: red; }", "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], { pop_max_histogram: { source: { id: '2570e105-7b37-40d2-bdf4-1af889598745' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'x' } } }, [ { "id": "2570e105-7b37-40d2-bdf4-1af889598745", "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select null::geometry the_geom_webmercator, x from generate_series(0,1000) x" } } ] ); it('should get bin_width right when max > min in filter', function(done) { var params = { bins: 10, start: 1e3, end: 0 }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('pop_max_histogram', params, function(err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.ok(dataview.bin_width > 0, 'Unexpected bin width: ' + dataview.bin_width); dataview.bins.forEach(function(bin) { assert.ok(bin.min <= bin.max, 'bin min < bin max: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); }); done(); }); }); it('should cast all overridable params to numbers', function(done) { var params = { bins: '256 AS other, (select 256 * 2) AS bins_number--', start: 1e3, end: 0, response: TestClient.RESPONSE.ERROR }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('pop_max_histogram', params, function(err, res) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.ok(res.errors); assert.equal(res.errors.length, 1); assert.ok(res.errors[0].match(/Invalid number format for parameter 'bins'/)); done(); }); }); }); describe('histogram-dataview for date column type', function() { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); var mapConfig = createMapConfig( [ { "type": "cartodb", "options": { "source": { "id": "datetime-histogram-source" }, "cartocss": "#points { marker-width: 10; marker-fill: red; }", "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], { datetime_histogram: { source: { id: 'datetime-histogram-source' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'month', offset: -14400 // EDT Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) in seconds } }, datetime_histogram_tz: { source: { id: 'datetime-histogram-source-tz' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'month', offset: -14400 // EDT Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) in seconds } }, datetime_histogram_automatic: { source: { id: 'datetime-histogram-source' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'auto' } }, date_histogram: { source: { id: 'date-histogram-source' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'year' } }, date_histogram_automatic: { source: { id: 'date-histogram-source' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'auto' } }, minute_histogram: { source: { id: 'minute-histogram-source' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'minute' } } }, [ { "id": "datetime-histogram-source", "type": "source", "params": { "query": [ "select null::geometry the_geom_webmercator, date AS d", "from generate_series(", "'2007-02-15 01:00:00'::timestamp, '2008-04-09 01:00:00'::timestamp, '1 day'::interval", ") date" ].join(' ') } }, { "id": "datetime-histogram-source-tz", "type": "source", "params": { "query": [ "select null::geometry the_geom_webmercator, date AS d", "from generate_series(", "'2007-02-15 01:00:00'::timestamptz, '2008-04-09 01:00:00'::timestamptz, '1 day'::interval", ") date" ].join(' ') } }, { "id": "date-histogram-source", "type": "source", "params": { "query": [ "select null::geometry the_geom_webmercator, date::date AS d", "from generate_series(", "'2007-02-15'::date, '2008-04-09'::date, '1 day'::interval", ") date" ].join(' ') } }, { "id": "minute-histogram-source", "type": "source", "params": { "query": [ "select null::geometry the_geom_webmercator, date AS d", "from generate_series(", "'2007-02-15 23:50:00'::timestamp, '2007-02-16 00:10:00'::timestamp, '1 minute'::interval", ") date" ].join(' ') } } ] ); var dateHistogramsUseCases = [{ desc: 'supporting timestamp with offset', dataviewId: 'datetime_histogram_tz' }, { desc: 'supporting timestamp without offset', dataviewId: 'datetime_histogram' }]; dateHistogramsUseCases.forEach(function (test) { it('should create a date histogram aggregated in months (EDT) ' + test.desc, function (done) { var OFFSET_EDT_IN_MINUTES = -4 * 60; // EDT Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) in minutes this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, {}, function(err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.ok(dataview.bin_width > 0, 'Unexpected bin width: ' + dataview.bin_width); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 15); var initialTimestamp = '2007-02-01T00:00:00-04:00'; // EDT midnight var binsStartInMilliseconds = dataview.bins_start * 1000; var binsStartFormatted = moment.utc(binsStartInMilliseconds) .utcOffset(OFFSET_EDT_IN_MINUTES) .format(); assert.equal(binsStartFormatted, initialTimestamp); dataview.bins.forEach(function(bin, index) { var binTimestampExpected = moment.utc(initialTimestamp) .utcOffset(OFFSET_EDT_IN_MINUTES) .add(index, 'month') .format(); var binsTimestampInMilliseconds = bin.timestamp * 1000; var binTimestampFormatted = moment.utc(binsTimestampInMilliseconds) .utcOffset(OFFSET_EDT_IN_MINUTES) .format(); assert.equal(binTimestampFormatted, binTimestampExpected); assert.ok(bin.timestamp <= bin.min, 'bin timestamp < bin min: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); assert.ok(bin.min <= bin.max, 'bin min < bin max: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); }); done(); }); }); it('should override aggregation in weeks ' + test.desc, function (done) { var params = { aggregation: 'week' }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.ok(dataview.bin_width > 0, 'Unexpected bin width: ' + dataview.bin_width); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 61); dataview.bins.forEach(function (bin) { assert.ok(bin.min <= bin.max, 'bin min < bin max: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); }); done(); }); }); it('should override start and end ' + test.desc, function (done) { var params = { start: 1180659600, // 2007-06-01 01:00:00 UTC => '2007-05-31T21:00:00-04:00' end: 1193792400 // 2007-10-31 01:00:00 UTC }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.ok(dataview.bin_width > 0, 'Unexpected bin width: ' + dataview.bin_width); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 6); dataview.bins.forEach(function (bin) { assert.ok(bin.min <= bin.max, 'bin min < bin max: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); }); done(); }); }); it('should return same histogram ' + test.desc, function (done) { var params = { start: 1171501200, // 2007-02-15 01:00:00 = min(date_colum) end: 1207702800 // 2008-04-09 01:00:00 = max(date_colum) }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, {}, function (err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, params, function (err, filteredDataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.deepEqual(dataview, filteredDataview); done(); }); }); }); it('should aggregate histogram overriding default offset to CEST ' + test.desc, function (done) { var OFFSET_CEST_IN_SECONDS = 2 * 3600; // Central European Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time) var OFFSET_CEST_IN_MINUTES = 2 * 60; // Central European Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time) var params = { offset: OFFSET_CEST_IN_SECONDS }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.ok(dataview.bin_width > 0, 'Unexpected bin width: ' + dataview.bin_width); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 15); var initialTimestamp = '2007-02-01T00:00:00+02:00'; // CEST midnight var binsStartInMilliseconds = dataview.bins_start * 1000; var binsStartFormatted = moment.utc(binsStartInMilliseconds) .utcOffset(OFFSET_CEST_IN_MINUTES) .format(); assert.equal(binsStartFormatted, initialTimestamp); dataview.bins.forEach(function (bin, index) { var binTimestampExpected = moment.utc(initialTimestamp) .utcOffset(OFFSET_CEST_IN_MINUTES) .add(index, 'month') .format(); var binsTimestampInMilliseconds = bin.timestamp * 1000; var binTimestampFormatted = moment.utc(binsTimestampInMilliseconds) .utcOffset(OFFSET_CEST_IN_MINUTES) .format(); assert.equal(binTimestampFormatted, binTimestampExpected); assert.ok(bin.timestamp <= bin.min, 'bin timestamp < bin min: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); assert.ok(bin.min <= bin.max, 'bin min < bin max: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); }); done(); }); }); it('should aggregate histogram overriding default offset to UTC/GMT ' + test.desc, function (done) { var OFFSET_UTC_IN_SECONDS = 0 * 3600; // UTC var OFFSET_UTC_IN_MINUTES = 0 * 60; // UTC var params = { offset: OFFSET_UTC_IN_SECONDS }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.ok(dataview.bin_width > 0, 'Unexpected bin width: ' + dataview.bin_width); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 15); var initialTimestamp = '2007-02-01T00:00:00Z'; // UTC midnight var binsStartInMilliseconds = dataview.bins_start * 1000; var binsStartFormatted = moment.utc(binsStartInMilliseconds) .utcOffset(OFFSET_UTC_IN_MINUTES) .format(); assert.equal(binsStartFormatted, initialTimestamp); dataview.bins.forEach(function (bin, index) { var binTimestampExpected = moment.utc(initialTimestamp) .utcOffset(OFFSET_UTC_IN_MINUTES) .add(index, 'month') .format(); var binsTimestampInMilliseconds = bin.timestamp * 1000; var binTimestampFormatted = moment.utc(binsTimestampInMilliseconds) .utcOffset(OFFSET_UTC_IN_MINUTES) .format(); assert.equal(binTimestampFormatted, binTimestampExpected); assert.ok(bin.timestamp <= bin.min, 'bin timestamp < bin min: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); assert.ok(bin.min <= bin.max, 'bin min < bin max: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); }); done(); }); }); it('should aggregate histogram using "quarter" aggregation ' + test.desc, function (done) { var OFFSET_UTC_IN_SECONDS = 0 * 3600; // UTC var OFFSET_UTC_IN_MINUTES = 0 * 60; // UTC var params = { offset: OFFSET_UTC_IN_SECONDS, aggregation: 'quarter' }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.ok(dataview.bin_width > 0, 'Unexpected bin width: ' + dataview.bin_width); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 6); var initialTimestamp = '2007-01-01T00:00:00Z'; // UTC midnight var binsStartInMilliseconds = dataview.bins_start * 1000; var binsStartFormatted = moment.utc(binsStartInMilliseconds) .utcOffset(OFFSET_UTC_IN_MINUTES) .format(); assert.equal(binsStartFormatted, initialTimestamp); dataview.bins.forEach(function (bin, index) { var binTimestampExpected = moment.utc(initialTimestamp) .utcOffset(OFFSET_UTC_IN_MINUTES) .add(index * 3, 'month') .format(); var binsTimestampInMilliseconds = bin.timestamp * 1000; var binTimestampFormatted = moment.utc(binsTimestampInMilliseconds) .utcOffset(OFFSET_UTC_IN_MINUTES) .format(); assert.equal(binTimestampFormatted, binTimestampExpected); assert.ok(bin.timestamp <= bin.min, 'bin timestamp < bin min: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); assert.ok(bin.min <= bin.max, 'bin min < bin max: ' + JSON.stringify(bin)); }); done(); }); }); it('bins_count should be equal to bins length filtered by start and end ' + test.desc, function (done) { var OFFSET_UTC_IN_SECONDS = 0 * 3600; // UTC var params = { offset: OFFSET_UTC_IN_SECONDS, aggregation: 'quarter', start: 1167609600, // 2007-01-01T00:00:00Z, first bin start end: 1214870399 // 2008-06-30T23:59:59Z, last bin end }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 6); assert.equal(dataview.bins_count, 6); assert.equal(dataview.bins_count, dataview.bins.length); done(); }); }); it('bins_count should be greater than bins length filtered by start and end ' + test.desc, function (done) { var OFFSET_UTC_IN_SECONDS = 0 * 3600; // UTC var params = { offset: OFFSET_UTC_IN_SECONDS, aggregation: 'quarter', start: 1167609600, // 2007-01-01T00:00:00Z, first bin start end: 1214870400 // 2008-07-01T00:00:00Z, start the next bin to the last }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview(test.dataviewId, params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 6); assert.equal(dataview.bins_count, 7); assert.ok(dataview.bins_count > dataview.bins.length); done(); }); }); }); it('should find the best aggregation (automatic mode) to build the histogram', function (done) { var params = {}; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('datetime_histogram_automatic', params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.equal(dataview.aggregation, 'week'); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 61); assert.equal(dataview.bins_count, 61); done(); }); }); it('should work with dates', function (done) { var params = {}; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('date_histogram', params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.equal(dataview.aggregation, 'year'); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 2); assert.equal(dataview.bins_count, 2); done(); }); }); it('should find the best aggregation (automatic mode) to build the histogram with dates', function (done) { var params = {}; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('date_histogram_automatic', params, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(dataview.type, 'histogram'); assert.equal(dataview.aggregation, 'week'); assert.equal(dataview.bins.length, 61); assert.equal(dataview.bins_count, 61); done(); }); }); it('should not apply offset for a histogram aggregated by minutes', function (done) { var self = this; var params = { offset: '-3600' }; self.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); self.testClient.getDataview('minute_histogram', {}, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); self.testClient.getDataview('minute_histogram', params, function (err, dataviewWithOffset) { assert.ifError(err); assert.notEqual(dataview.offset, dataviewWithOffset.offset); dataview.offset = dataviewWithOffset.offset; assert.deepEqual(dataview, dataviewWithOffset); done(); }); }); }); it('should filter by "start" & "end" for a histogram aggregated by minutes', function (done) { var self = this; var paramsWithFilter = { start: 1171583400, // 2007-02-15 23:50:00 = min(date_colum) end: 1171584600 // 2007-02-16 00:10:00 = max(date_colum) }; var paramsWithOffset = { start: 1171583400, // 2007-02-15 23:50:00 = min(date_colum) end: 1171584600, // 2007-02-16 00:10:00 = max(date_colum) offset: '-3600' }; self.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); self.testClient.getDataview('minute_histogram', paramsWithFilter, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); self.testClient.getDataview('minute_histogram', paramsWithFilter, function (err, filteredDataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(dataview, filteredDataview); self.testClient.getDataview('minute_histogram', paramsWithOffset, function (err, filteredWithOffsetDataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.notEqual(filteredWithOffsetDataview.offset, filteredDataview.offset); filteredWithOffsetDataview.offset = filteredDataview.offset; assert.deepEqual(filteredWithOffsetDataview, filteredDataview); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should return an histogram aggregated by days', function (done) { var self = this; var paramsWithDailyAgg = { aggregation: 'day', }; // data: from 2007-02-15 23:50:00 to 2007-02-16 00:10:00 var dataviewWithDailyAggFixture = { aggregation: 'day', bin_width: 600, bins_count: 2, bins_start: 1171497600, timestamp_start: 1171497600, offset: 0, nulls: 0, bins: [{ bin: 0, timestamp: 1171497600, min: 1171583400, max: 1171583940, avg: 1171583670, freq: 10 }, { bin: 1, timestamp: 1171584000, min: 1171584000, max: 1171584600, avg: 1171584300, freq: 11 }], type: 'histogram' }; self.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); self.testClient.getDataview('minute_histogram', paramsWithDailyAgg, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(dataview, dataviewWithDailyAggFixture); done(); }); }); it('should return a histogram aggregated by days with offset', function (done) { var self = this; var paramsWithDailyAggAndOffset = { aggregation: 'day', offset: '-3600' }; // data (UTC): from 2007-02-15 23:50:00 to 2007-02-16 00:10:00 var dataviewWithDailyAggAndOffsetFixture = { aggregation: 'day', bin_width: 1200, bins_count: 1, bins_start: 1171501200, timestamp_start: 1171497600, nulls: 0, offset: -3600, bins: [{ bin: 0, timestamp: 1171501200, min: 1171583400, max: 1171584600, avg: 1171584000, freq: 21 }], type: 'histogram' }; self.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); self.testClient.getDataview('minute_histogram', paramsWithDailyAggAndOffset, function (err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(dataview, dataviewWithDailyAggAndOffsetFixture); done(); }); }); }); describe('histogram-dataview: special float valuer', function() { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); var mapConfig = createMapConfig( [ { "type": "cartodb", "options": { "source": { "id": "a0" }, "cartocss": "#points { marker-width: 10; marker-fill: red; }", "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], { val_histogram: { source: { id: 'a0' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'val' } } }, [ { "id": "a0", "type": "source", "params": { "query": [ 'SELECT', ' null::geometry the_geom_webmercator,', ' CASE', ' WHEN x % 4 = 0 THEN \'infinity\'::float', ' WHEN x % 4 = 1 THEN \'-infinity\'::float', ' WHEN x % 4 = 2 THEN \'NaN\'::float', ' ELSE x', ' END AS val', 'FROM generate_series(1, 1000) x' ].join('\n') } } ] ); it('should filter infinities out and count them in the summary', function(done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); this.testClient.getDataview('val_histogram', {}, function(err, dataview) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.ok(dataview.infinities === (250 + 250)); assert.ok(dataview.nans === 250); done(); }); }); }); describe('histogram-dates: aggregation input value', function() { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); var mapConfig = createMapConfig( [ { type: "cartodb", options: { source: { id: "a0" }, cartocss: "#points { marker-width: 10; marker-fill: red; }", cartocss_version: "2.3.0" } } ], { agg_value_histogram: { source: { id: 'a0' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'day' } }, bad_agg_value_histogram: { source: { id: 'a0' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'wadus' } } }, [ { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: [ 'select null::geometry the_geom_webmercator, date AS d', 'from generate_series(', '\'2007-02-15 01:00:00\'::timestamp,', '\'2008-04-09 01:00:00\'::timestamp,', ' \'1 day\'::interval', ') date' ].join(' ') } } ] ); it('should fail when aggregation values is not valid while instantiating the map', function(done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); const override = { response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getDataview('bad_agg_value_histogram', override, function(err, dataviewError) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(dataviewError, { errors: [ 'Invalid aggregation value. Valid ones: auto, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year' ], errors_with_context: [{ type: 'unknown', message: [ 'Invalid aggregation value. ', 'Valid ones: auto, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year' ].join('') }] }); done(); }); }); it('should fail when aggregation values is not valid while fetching dataview result', function(done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); const override = { aggregation: 'wadus', response: { status: 400 } }; this.testClient.getDataview('agg_value_histogram', override, function(err, dataviewError) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(dataviewError, { errors: [ 'Invalid aggregation value. Valid ones: auto, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year' ], errors_with_context: [{ type: 'unknown', message: [ 'Invalid aggregation value. ', 'Valid ones: auto, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year' ].join('') }] }); done(); }); }); }); describe('histogram-dates: timestamp starts at epoch', function() { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); var mapConfig = createMapConfig( [ { type: "cartodb", options: { source: { id: "a0" }, cartocss: "#points { marker-width: 10; marker-fill: red; }", cartocss_version: "2.3.0" } } ], { epoch_start_histogram: { source: { id: 'a0' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'd', aggregation: 'auto' } } }, [ { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: [ 'select null::geometry the_geom_webmercator, date AS d', 'from generate_series(', '\'1970-01-04 10:00:00\'::timestamp,', '\'1984-01-04 10:00:00\'::timestamp,', ' \'1 month\'::interval', ') date' ].join(' ') } } ] ); it('should work when timestamp_start is epoch (1970-01-01 = 0)', function(done) { this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); const override = {}; this.testClient.getDataview('epoch_start_histogram', override, function(err, dataview) { assert.ifError(err); const { aggregation, timestamp_start } = dataview; assert.equal(timestamp_start, 0); assert.equal(aggregation, 'month'); done(); }); }); });