'use strict'; const layergroupToken = require('../middlewares/layergroup-token'); const coordinates = require('../middlewares/coordinates'); const cleanUpQueryParams = require('../middlewares/clean-up-query-params'); const credentials = require('../middlewares/credentials'); const dbConnSetup = require('../middlewares/db-conn-setup'); const authorize = require('../middlewares/authorize'); const rateLimit = require('../middlewares/rate-limit'); const { RATE_LIMIT_ENDPOINTS_GROUPS } = rateLimit; const createMapStoreMapConfigProvider = require('../middlewares/map-store-map-config-provider'); const cacheControlHeader = require('../middlewares/cache-control-header'); const cacheChannelHeader = require('../middlewares/cache-channel-header'); const surrogateKeyHeader = require('../middlewares/surrogate-key-header'); const lastModifiedHeader = require('../middlewares/last-modified-header'); const vectorError = require('../middlewares/vector-error'); const SUPPORTED_FORMATS = { grid_json: true, json_torque: true, torque_json: true, png: true, png32: true, mvt: true }; module.exports = class TileLayergroupController { constructor ( tileBackend, pgConnection, mapStore, userLimitsBackend, layergroupAffectedTablesCache, authBackend, surrogateKeysCache ) { this.tileBackend = tileBackend; this.pgConnection = pgConnection; this.mapStore = mapStore; this.userLimitsBackend = userLimitsBackend; this.layergroupAffectedTablesCache = layergroupAffectedTablesCache; this.authBackend = authBackend; this.surrogateKeysCache = surrogateKeysCache; } route (mapRouter) { // REGEXP: doesn't match with `val` const not = (val) => `(?!${val})([^\/]+?)`; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape // Sadly the path that matches 1 also matches with 2 so we need to tell to express // that performs only the middlewares of the first path that matches // for that we use one array to group all paths. mapRouter.get([ '/:token/:z/:x/:y@:scale_factor?x.:format', // 1 '/:token/:z/:x/:y.:format', // 2 `/:token${not('static')}/:layer/:z/:x/:y.(:format)` ], this.middlewares()); } middlewares () { return [ layergroupToken(), coordinates(), credentials(), authorize(this.authBackend), dbConnSetup(this.pgConnection), rateLimit(this.userLimitsBackend, RATE_LIMIT_ENDPOINTS_GROUPS.TILE), cleanUpQueryParams(), createMapStoreMapConfigProvider( this.mapStore, this.userLimitsBackend, this.pgConnection, this.layergroupAffectedTablesCache ), getTile(this.tileBackend), cacheControlHeader(), cacheChannelHeader(), surrogateKeyHeader({ surrogateKeysCache: this.surrogateKeysCache }), lastModifiedHeader(), incrementSuccessMetrics(global.statsClient), incrementErrorMetrics(global.statsClient), tileError(), vectorError() ]; } }; function parseFormat (format = '') { const prettyFormat = format.replace('.', '_'); return SUPPORTED_FORMATS[prettyFormat] ? prettyFormat : 'invalid'; } function getStatusCode (tile, format) { return tile.length === 0 && format === 'mvt' ? 204 : 200; } function getTile (tileBackend) { return function getTileMiddleware (req, res, next) { req.profiler.start(`windshaft.${req.params.layer ? 'maplayer_tile' : 'map_tile'}`); const { mapConfigProvider } = res.locals; const { token } = res.locals; const { layer, z, x, y, format } = req.params; const params = { token, layer, z, x, y, format }; tileBackend.getTile(mapConfigProvider, params, (err, tile, headers, stats = {}) => { req.profiler.add(stats); if (err) { return next(err); } if (headers) { res.set(headers); } const formatStat = parseFormat(req.params.format); res.statusCode = getStatusCode(tile, formatStat); res.body = tile; next(); }); }; } function incrementSuccessMetrics (statsClient) { return function incrementSuccessMetricsMiddleware (req, res, next) { const formatStat = parseFormat(req.params.format); statsClient.increment('windshaft.tiles.success'); statsClient.increment(`windshaft.tiles.${formatStat}.success`); next(); }; } function incrementErrorMetrics (statsClient) { return function incrementErrorMetricsMiddleware (err, req, res, next) { const formatStat = parseFormat(req.params.format); statsClient.increment('windshaft.tiles.error'); statsClient.increment(`windshaft.tiles.${formatStat}.error`); next(err); }; } function tileError () { return function tileErrorMiddleware (err, req, res, next) { // See https://github.com/Vizzuality/Windshaft-cartodb/issues/68 let errMsg = err.message ? ('' + err.message) : ('' + err); // Rewrite mapnik parsing errors to start with layer number const matches = errMsg.match("(.*) in style 'layer([0-9]+)'"); if (matches) { errMsg = `style${matches[2]}: ${matches[1]}`; } err.message = errMsg; err.label = 'TILE RENDER'; next(err); }; }