require('../../support/test_helper'); var assert = require('../../support/assert'); var TestClient = require('../../support/test-client'); var dot = require('dot'); describe('analysis-layers use cases', function() { var multitypeStyleTemplate = dot.template([ "#points['mapnik::geometry_type'=1] {", " marker-fill-opacity: {{=it._opacity}};", " marker-line-color: #FFF;", " marker-line-width: 0.5;", " marker-line-opacity: {{=it._opacity}};", " marker-placement: point;", " marker-type: ellipse;", " marker-width: 8;", " marker-fill: {{=it._color}};", " marker-allow-overlap: true;", "}", "#lines['mapnik::geometry_type'=2] {", " line-color: {{=it._color}};", " line-width: 2;", " line-opacity: {{=it._opacity}};", "}", "#polygons['mapnik::geometry_type'=3] {", " polygon-fill: {{=it._color}};", " polygon-opacity: {{=it._opacity}};", " line-color: #FFF;", " line-width: 0.5;", " line-opacity: {{=it._opacity}};", "}" ].join('\n')); function cartocss(color, opacity) { return multitypeStyleTemplate({ _color: color || '#F11810', _opacity: Number.isFinite(opacity) ? opacity : 1 }); } function mapConfig(layers, dataviews, analysis) { return { version: '1.5.0', layers: layers, dataviews: dataviews || {}, analysis: analysis || [] }; } function analysisDef(analysis) { return JSON.stringify(analysis); } var DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE = cartocss(); var TILE_ANALYSIS_TABLES = { z: 14, x: 8023, y: 6177 }; var useCases = [ { desc: '1 mapnik layer', mapConfig: { version: '1.5.0', layers: [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: "select * from analysis_rent_listings", cartocss: DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE, cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ] } }, { desc: '2 mapnik layers', mapConfig: mapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: "select * from analysis_banks", cartocss: cartocss('#2167AB'), cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: "select * from analysis_rent_listings", cartocss: DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE, cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]) }, { desc: 'rent listings + buffer over atm-machines', mapConfig: mapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: "select * from analysis_rent_listings", cartocss: DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE, cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } }, { type: 'analysis', options: { def: analysisDef({ "type": "buffer", "params": { "source": { "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select * from analysis_banks" } }, "radius": 250 } }), cartocss: cartocss('black', 0.5) } } ]) }, { desc: 'rent listings + point-in-polygon from buffer atm-machines and rent listings', mapConfig: mapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: "select * from analysis_rent_listings", cartocss: DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE, cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } }, { type: 'analysis', options: { def: analysisDef({ "type": "point-in-polygon", "params": { "pointsSource": { "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select * from analysis_rent_listings" } }, "polygonsSource": { "type": "buffer", "params": { "source": { "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select * from analysis_banks" } }, "radius": 250 } } } }), cartocss: cartocss('green', 1.0) } } ]) }, { desc: 'point-in-polygon from buffer atm-machines and rent listings + rent listings', mapConfig: mapConfig([ { type: 'analysis', options: { def: analysisDef({ "type": "point-in-polygon", "params": { "pointsSource": { "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select * from analysis_rent_listings" } }, "polygonsSource": { "type": "buffer", "params": { "source": { "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select * from analysis_banks" } }, "radius": 250 } } } }), cartocss: cartocss('green', 1.0) } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: "select * from analysis_rent_listings", cartocss: DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE, cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } } ]) }, { desc: 'buffer + point-in-polygon from buffer atm-machines and rent listings + rent listings', mapConfig: mapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: "select * from analysis_rent_listings", cartocss: DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE, cartocss_version: '2.3.0' } }, { type: 'analysis', options: { def: analysisDef({ "type": "buffer", "params": { "source": { "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select * from analysis_banks" } }, "radius": 300 } }), cartocss: cartocss('magenta', 0.5) } }, { type: 'analysis', options: { def: analysisDef({ "type": "point-in-polygon", "params": { "pointsSource": { "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select * from analysis_rent_listings" } }, "polygonsSource": { "type": "buffer", "params": { "source": { "type": "source", "params": { "query": "select * from analysis_banks" } }, "radius": 300 } } } }), cartocss: cartocss('green', 1.0) } } ]) }, { skip: true, desc: 'buffer + point-in-polygon from buffer atm-machines and rent listings + rent listings', mapConfig: mapConfig([ { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "a" }, "cartocss": DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE, "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "b1" }, "cartocss": cartocss('green', 1.0), "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "b2" }, "cartocss": cartocss('magenta', 0.5), "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], [ { id: "b2", options: { def: analysisDef({ "type": "count-in-polygon", "id": "a0", "params": { "columnName": 'count_airbnb', "pointsSource": { "type": "source", "params": { query: "select * from analysis_rent_listings" }, dataviews: { price_histogram: { type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'price' } } } }, "polygonsSource": { "id": "b1", "type": "buffer", "params": { "source": { "id": "b0", "type": "source", "params": { query: "select * from analysis_banks" } }, "radius": 250 }, dataviews: { bank_category: { type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'bank' } } } } }, dataviews: { count_histogram: { type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'count_airbnb' } } } }), cartocss: cartocss('green', 1.0) } } ]) }, { skip: true, desc: 'I. Distribution centers', mapConfig: mapConfig( // layers [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "b0" }, "cartocss": [ "#distribution_centers {", " marker-fill-opacity: 1.0;", " marker-line-color: #FFF;", " marker-line-width: 0.5;", " marker-line-opacity: 0.7;", " marker-placement: point;", " marker-type: ellipse;", " marker-width: 8;", " marker-fill: blue;", " marker-allow-overlap: true;", "}" ].join('\n'), "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "a0" }, "cartocss": [ "#shops {", " marker-fill-opacity: 1.0;", " marker-line-color: #FFF;", " marker-line-width: 0.5;", " marker-line-opacity: 0.7;", " marker-placement: point;", " marker-type: ellipse;", " marker-width: 8;", " marker-fill: red;", " marker-allow-overlap: true;", "}" ].join('\n'), "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "a1" }, "cartocss": [ "#routing {", " line-color: ramp([routing_time], colorbrewer(Reds));", " line-width: ramp([routing_time], 2, 8);", " line-opacity: 1.0;", "}" ].join('\n'), "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], // dataviews { distribution_center_name_category: { source: { id: 'b0' }, type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'name' } }, time_histogram: { source: { id: 'a1' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'routing_time' } }, distance_histogram: { source: { id: 'a1' }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'routing_distance' } } }, // analysis [ { id: 'a1', type: 'routing-n-to-n', params: { // distanceColumn: 'routing_distance', // timeColumn: 'routing_time', originSource: { id: 'b0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'select * from distribution_centers' } }, destinationSource: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'select * from shops' } } } } ] ) }, { skip: true, desc: 'II. Population analysis', mapConfig: mapConfig( // layers [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "a2" }, "cartocss": [ "#count_in_polygon {", " polygon-opacity: 1.0", " line-color: #FFF;", " line-width: 0.5;", " line-opacity: 0.7", " polygon-fill: ramp([estimated_people], colorbrewer(Reds));", "}" ].join('\n'), "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } }, { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "a0" }, "cartocss": DEFAULT_MULTITYPE_STYLE, "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], // dataviews { total_population_formula: { "source": { id: "a3" }, type: 'formula', options: { column: 'total_population', operation: 'sum' } }, people_histogram: { // this injects a range filter at `a2` node output "source": { id: "a2" }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'estimated_people' } }, subway_line_category: { // this injects a category filter at `a0` node output "source": { id: "a0" }, type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'subway_line' } } }, // analysis [ { id: 'a3', // this will union the polygons, produce just one polygon, and calculate the total population for it type: 'total-population', params: { columnName: 'total_population', source: { id: 'a2', type: 'estimated-population', params: { columnName: 'estimated_people', source: { id: 'a1', type: 'trade-area', params: { source: { "id": "a0", "type": "source", "params": { query: "select * from subway_stops" } }, kind: 'walk', time: 300 } } } } } } ]) }, { skip: true, desc: 'III. Point in polygon', mapConfig: mapConfig( // layers [ { type: 'cartodb', options: { "source": { id: "a1" }, "cartocss": [ "#count_in_polygon {", " polygon-opacity: 1.0", " line-color: #FFF;", " line-width: 0.5;", " line-opacity: 0.7", " polygon-fill: ramp([count_people], colorbrewer(Reds));", "}" ].join('\n'), "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], // dataviews { age_histogram: { "source": { id: "a0" }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'age' } }, income_histogram: { "source": { id: "a0" }, type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'income' } }, gender_category: { "source": { id: "a0" }, type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'gender' } } }, // analysis [ { "id": "a1", "type": "count-in-polygon", "params": { "columnName": 'count_people', "pointsSource": { "id": 'a0', "type": "source", "params": { query: "select the_geom, age, gender, income from people" } }, "polygonsSource": { "id": "b0", "type": "source", "params": { query: "select * from postal_codes" } } } } ] ) } ]; useCases.forEach(function(useCase, imageIdx) { if (!!useCase.skip) { console.log(JSON.stringify(useCase.mapConfig, null, 4)); } it.skip('should implement use case: "' + useCase.desc + '"', function(done) { var testClient = new TestClient(useCase.mapConfig, 1234); var tile = useCase.tile || TILE_ANALYSIS_TABLES; testClient.getTile(tile.z, tile.x, tile.y, function(err, res, image) { assert.ok(!err, err);'/tmp/tests/' + imageIdx + '---' + useCase.desc.replace(/\s/g, '-') + '.png'); assert.equal(image.width(), 256); testClient.drain(done); }); }); }); });