require('../../support/test_helper'); var assert = require('../../support/assert'); var TestClient = require('../../support/test-client'); describe('widgets-regressions', function() { describe('aggregations', function() { afterEach(function(done) { if (this.testClient) { this.testClient.drain(done); } else { done(); } }); it('should work when there is a mix of layers with and without widgets', function(done) { var layersWithNoWidgetsMapConfig = { version: '1.5.0', layers: [ { type: 'mapnik', options: { sql: 'select * from populated_places_simple_reduced', cartocss: '#layer0 { marker-fill: red; marker-width: 10; }', cartocss_version: '2.0.1', widgets: { adm0name: { type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'adm0name', aggregation: 'sum', aggregationColumn: 'pop_max' } } } } }, { type: 'mapnik', options: { sql: 'select * from populated_places_simple_reduced limit 100', cartocss: '#layer0 { marker-fill: red; marker-width: 10; }', cartocss_version: '2.0.1' } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(layersWithNoWidgetsMapConfig); this.testClient.getWidget('adm0name', { own_filter: 0 }, function (err, res, aggregation) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.ok(aggregation); assert.equal(aggregation.type, 'aggregation'); assert.equal(aggregation.categories.length, 6); assert.deepEqual( aggregation.categories[0], { category: 'China', value: 374537585, agg: false } ); assert.deepEqual( aggregation.categories[aggregation.categories.length - 1], { category: 'Other', value: 1412626289, agg: true } ); done(); }); }); it('should work when there is a mix of layers with and without widgets, source and sql', function(done) { var mixOfLayersMapConfig = { version: '1.5.0', layers: [ { type: 'mapnik', options: { sql: 'select * from populated_places_simple_reduced', cartocss: '#layer0 { marker-fill: red; marker-width: 10; }', cartocss_version: '2.0.1', widgets: { adm0name_categories: { type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'adm0name', aggregation: 'sum', aggregationColumn: 'pop_max' } }, adm1name_categories: { type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'adm1name', aggregation: 'sum', aggregationColumn: 'pop_max' } } } } }, { type: 'mapnik', options: { source: {id: 'head-limited'}, cartocss: '#layer0 { marker-fill: red; marker-width: 10; }', cartocss_version: '2.0.1', widgets: { pop_max_histogram: { type: 'histogram', options: { column: 'pop_max' } } } } }, { "type": "http", "options": { "urlTemplate": "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "subdomains": "abcd" } } ], analyses: [ { id: 'head-limited', type: 'source', params: { query: 'select * from populated_places_simple_reduced limit 100' } } ], dataviews: { wadus: { type: 'histogram', source: { id: 'head-limited' }, options: { column: 'population' } } } }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mixOfLayersMapConfig); this.testClient.getLayergroup(function(err, layergroup) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.ok(layergroup.metadata); var metadata = layergroup.metadata; assert.equal(metadata.layers.length, 3); assert.equal(metadata.analyses.length, 2); assert.equal(Object.keys(metadata.dataviews).length, 4); assert.deepEqual( Object.keys(metadata.dataviews), ['wadus', 'adm0name_categories', 'adm1name_categories', 'pop_max_histogram'] ); done(); }); }); it('should work with layers not containing sql', function(done) { var nonSqlLayersMapConfig = { version: '1.5.0', layers: [ { type: 'mapnik', options: { sql: 'select * from populated_places_simple_reduced', cartocss: '#layer0 { marker-fill: red; marker-width: 10; }', cartocss_version: '2.0.1', widgets: { adm0name: { type: 'aggregation', options: { column: 'adm0name', aggregation: 'sum', aggregationColumn: 'pop_max' } } } } }, { "type": "http", "options": { "urlTemplate": "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "subdomains": "abcd" } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(nonSqlLayersMapConfig); this.testClient.getWidget('adm0name', { own_filter: 0 }, function (err, res, aggregation) { assert.ok(!err, err); assert.ok(aggregation); assert.equal(aggregation.type, 'aggregation'); assert.equal(aggregation.categories.length, 6); assert.deepEqual( aggregation.categories[0], { category: 'China', value: 374537585, agg: false } ); assert.deepEqual( aggregation.categories[aggregation.categories.length - 1], { category: 'Other', value: 1412626289, agg: true } ); done(); }); }); it('should not count the polygons outside the bounding box', function(done) { // $ % $ = not intersecting left triangle // $$ **VVVVV** %% % = not intersecting right triangle // $$$ *VVVVV* %%% * = intersecting triangle // $$$$ ***** %%%% V = bounding box // $$$$$ *** %%%%% // $$$$$$ * %%%%%% // $$$$$$$ %%%%%%% // $$$$$$$$ %%%%%%%% var notIntersectingLeftTriangle = { type: "Polygon", coordinates:[[ [-161.015625,69.28725695167886], [-162.7734375,-7.710991655433217], [-40.78125,-8.059229627200192], [-161.015625,69.28725695167886] ]] }; var notIntersectingRightTriangle = { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[ [-29.179687499999996,-7.01366792756663], [103.71093749999999,-6.664607562172573], [105.46875,69.16255790810501], [-29.179687499999996,-7.01366792756663] ]] }; var intersectingTriangle = { type: "Polygon", coordinates:[[ [-117.42187500000001,68.13885164925573], [-35.859375,20.96143961409684], [59.4140625,68.52823492039876], [-117.42187500000001,68.13885164925573] ]] }; let query = ` SELECT ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON( '${JSON.stringify(notIntersectingLeftTriangle)}' ), 4326), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator, 1 AS cartodb_id, 'notIntersectingLeftTriangle' AS name UNION SELECT ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON( '${JSON.stringify(notIntersectingRightTriangle)}' ), 4326), 3857), 2, 'notIntersectingRightTriangle' UNION SELECT ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON( '${JSON.stringify(intersectingTriangle)}' ), 4326), 3857), 3, 'intersectingTriangle' `; var mapConfig = { version: '1.5.0', layers: [ { "type": "cartodb", "options": { "source": { "id": "a0" }, "cartocss": "#points { marker-width: 10; marker-fill: red; }", "cartocss_version": "2.3.0" } } ], dataviews: { val_formula: { source: { id: 'a0' }, type: 'aggregation', options: { column: "name", aggregation: "count", } } }, analyses: [ { "id": "a0", "type": "source", "params": { "query": query } } ] }; this.testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, 1234); var params = { bbox: '-77.34374999999999,45.82879925192134,17.578125,55.97379820507658' }; this.testClient.getDataview('val_formula', params, function(err, dataview) { assert.equal(dataview.categories.length, 1); assert.equal(dataview.categories[0].category, 'intersectingTriangle'); done(); }); }); }); });