'use strict'; require('../support/test-helper'); var assert = require('assert'); var RedisPool = require('redis-mpool'); var TemplateMaps = require('../../lib/backends/template-maps'); describe('template_maps_auth', function () { // configure redis pool instance to use in tests var redisPool = new RedisPool(global.environment.redis); var templateMaps = new TemplateMaps(redisPool, { max_user_templates: 1000 }); function makeTemplate (method, validTokens) { var template = { name: 'wadus_template', auth: { method: method } }; if (method === 'token') { template.auth.valid_tokens = validTokens || []; } return template; } var methodToken = 'token'; var methodOpen = 'open'; var tokenFoo = 'foo'; var tokenBar = 'bar'; var authorizationTestScenarios = [ { desc: 'open method is always authorized', template: makeTemplate(methodOpen), token: undefined, expected: true }, { desc: 'token method is authorized for valid token', template: makeTemplate(methodToken, [tokenFoo]), token: tokenFoo, expected: true }, { desc: 'token method not authorized for invalid token', template: makeTemplate(methodToken, [tokenFoo]), token: tokenBar, expected: false }, { desc: 'token method is authorized for valid token array', template: makeTemplate(methodToken, [tokenFoo]), token: [tokenFoo], expected: true }, { desc: 'token method not authorized for invalid token array', template: makeTemplate(methodToken, [tokenFoo]), token: [tokenBar], expected: false }, { desc: 'wadus method not authorized', template: makeTemplate('wadus', [tokenFoo]), token: tokenFoo, expected: false }, { desc: 'undefined template result in not authorized', template: undefined, token: tokenFoo, expected: false }, { desc: 'undefined template auth result in not authorized', template: {}, token: tokenFoo, expected: false } ]; authorizationTestScenarios.forEach(function (testScenario) { it(testScenario.desc, function (done) { var debugMessage = testScenario.expected ? 'should be authorized' : 'unexpectedly authorized'; var result = templateMaps.isAuthorized(testScenario.template, testScenario.token); assert.equal(result, testScenario.expected, debugMessage); done(); }); }); it("auth as 'open' string is authorized", function (done) { var template = { name: 'wadus_template', auth: 'open' }; assert.ok(templateMaps.isAuthorized(template)); done(); }); });