#!/bin/sh # this script prepare database and redis instance to run accpetance test # # NOTE: assumes existance of a "template_postgis" # NOTE2: use PG* environment variables to control who and where # # NOTE3: a side effect of the db preparation is the persistent creation # of two database roles which will be valid for the whole cluster # TODO: fix that # PREPARE_REDIS=yes PREPARE_PGSQL=yes while [ -n "$1" ]; do OPTION=$(echo "$1" | tr -d '[:space:]') if [[ "$OPTION" == "--skip-pg" ]]; then PREPARE_PGSQL=no shift; continue elif [[ "$OPTION" == "--skip-redis" ]]; then PREPARE_REDIS=no shift; continue else shift; continue; fi done die() { msg=$1 echo "${msg}" >&2 exit 1 } # This is where postgresql connection parameters are read from TESTENV=../../config/environments/test.js if [ \! -r ${TESTENV} ]; then echo "Cannot read ${TESTENV}" >&2 exit 1 fi TESTUSERID=1 TESTUSER=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').postgres_auth_user || '')"` if test -z "$TESTUSER"; then echo "Missing postgres_auth_user from ${TESTENV}" >&2 exit 1 fi TESTUSER=`echo ${TESTUSER} | sed "s/<%= user_id %>/${TESTUSERID}/"` TESTPASS=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').postgres_auth_pass || 'test')"` # TODO: should postgres_auth_pass be optional ? if test -z "$TESTPASS"; then echo "Missing postgres_auth_pass from ${TESTENV}" >&2 exit 1 fi TESTPASS=`echo ${TESTPASS} | sed "s/<%= user_id %>/${TESTUSERID}/"` TEST_DB="${TESTUSER}_db" # NOTE: will be set by caller trough environment if test -z "$REDIS_PORT"; then REDIS_PORT=6333; fi PUBLICUSER=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').postgres.user || 'xxx')"` PUBLICPASS=`node -e "console.log(require('${TESTENV}').postgres.password || 'xxx')"` echo "PUBLICUSER: ${PUBLICUSER}" echo "PUBLICPASS: ${PUBLICPASS}" echo "TESTUSER: ${TESTUSER}" echo "TESTPASS: ${TESTPASS}" if test x"$PREPARE_PGSQL" = xyes; then echo "preparing postgres..." dropdb "${TEST_DB}" createdb -Ttemplate_postgis -EUTF8 "${TEST_DB}" || die "Could not create test database" psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS cartodb CASCADE;" ${TEST_DB} LOCAL_SQL_SCRIPTS='analysis_catalog windshaft.test gadm4 countries_null_values ported/populated_places_simple_reduced cdb_analysis_check cdb_invalidate_varnish' for i in ${LOCAL_SQL_SCRIPTS} do cat sql/${i}.sql | sed -e "s/:PUBLICUSER/${PUBLICUSER}/g" | sed -e "s/:PUBLICPASS/${PUBLICPASS}/g" | sed -e "s/:TESTUSER/${TESTUSER}/g" | sed -e "s/:TESTPASS/${TESTPASS}/g" | PGOPTIONS='--client-min-messages=WARNING' psql -q -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 ${TEST_DB} > /dev/null || exit 1 done fi if test x"$PREPARE_REDIS" = xyes; then echo "preparing redis..." cat <