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## Support Options
Feeling stuck? There are many ways to find help.
* Ask a question on [GIS StackExchange](https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/carto) using the `CARTO` tag.
* [Report an issue](https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb/issues) in Github.
* Engine Plan customers have additional access to enterprise-level support through CARTO's support representatives.
If you just want to describe an issue or share an idea, just <a class="typeform-share" href="https://cartohq.typeform.com/to/mH6RRl" data-mode="popup" target="_blank"> send your feedback</a>
### Issues on Github
If you think you may have found a bug, or if you have a feature request that you would like to share with the Maps API team, please [open an issue](https://github.com/CartoDB/Windshaft-cartodb/issues/new).
### Community support on GIS Stack Exchange
GIS Stack Exchange is the most popular community in the geospatial industry. This is a collaboratively-edited question and answer site for geospatial programmers and technicians. It is a fantastic resource for asking technical questions about developing and maintaining your application.
When posting a new question, please consider the following:
* Read the GIS Stack Exchange [help](https://gis.stackexchange.com/help) and [how to ask](https://gis.stackexchange.com/help/how-to-ask) pages for guidelines and tips about posting questions.
* Be very clear about your question in the subject. A clear explanation helps those trying to answer your question, as well as those who may be looking for information in the future.
* Be informative in your post. Details, code snippets, logs, screenshots, etc. help others to understand your problem.
* Use code that demonstrates the problem. It is very hard to debug errors without sample code to reproduce the problem.
### Engine Plan Customers
Engine Plan customers have additional support options beyond general community support. As per your account Terms of Service, you have access to enterprise-level support through CARTO's support representatives available at [enterprise-support@carto.com](mailto:enterprise-support@carto.com)
In order to speed up the resolution of your issue, provide as much information as possible (even if it is a link from community support). This allows our engineers to investigate your problem as soon as possible.
If you are not yet CARTO customer, browse our [plans & pricing](https://carto.com/pricing/) and find the right plan for you.