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# Windshaft-CartoDB [![Build Status](](
5 years ago
This is the [`CARTO Maps API`]( tiler. It extends [`Windshaft`]( and exposes a complete web service with extra functionality:
5 years ago
* Instantiate [`Anonymous Maps`]( through CARTO's map configuration ([`MapConfig`](
* Create [`Named Maps`]( based on customizables templates.
* Get map previews through [`Static Maps`]( API.
* Render maps with large amount of data faster using [`Tile Aggregation`](
* Build advanced maps with enriched data through [`Analyses Extension`](
* Fetch tabular data from analysis nodes with [`Dataviews`](
5 years ago
## Build
### Requirements
* Node 10.x
* npm 6.x
* PostgreSQL >= 10.0
* PostGIS >= 2.4
* CARTO Postgres Extension >= 0.24.1
* Redis >= 4
* libcairo2-dev, libpango1.0-dev, libjpeg8-dev and libgif-dev for server side canvas support
* C++11 (to build internal dependencies if needed)
### Optional
5 years ago
* [`Varnish`](
### PostGIS setup
A `template_postgis` database is expected. One can be set up with
5 years ago
$ createdb --owner postgres --template template0 template_postgis
$ psql -d template_postgis -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'
6 years ago
5 years ago
### Install
To fetch and build all node-based dependencies, run:
5 years ago
$ npm ci
### Run
Create the `./config/environments/<env>.js` file (there are `.example` files to start from). Look at `./lib/cartodb/server-options.js` for more on config.
5 years ago
$ node app.js <env>
Where `<env>` is the name of a configuration file under `./config/environments/`.
## Documentation
5 years ago
The [docs directory]( contains different documentation resources, from higher level to more detailed ones: the [Maps API]( document defines the endpoints and their expected parameters and outputs.
## Contributing
13 years ago
* The issue tracker: [`Github`](
* We love pull requests from everyone, see [contributing to Open Source on GitHub](
* You'll need to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before making a submission. [Learn more here](
5 years ago
## Developing with a custom windshaft version
5 years ago
If you plan or want to use a custom / not released yet version of windshaft (or any other dependency) the best option is to use `npm link`. You can read more about it at `npm-link`: [symlink a package folder](
6 years ago
5 years ago
$ cd /path/to/Windshaft
$ npm install
$ npm link
$ cd /path/to/Windshaft-cartodb
$ npm link windshaft
6 years ago
## Versioning
We follow [`SemVer`]( for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](
## License
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.