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37 lines
1.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import mapbox_vector_tile
lines_list = []
# main diagonal line
lines_list.append({ "geometry":"LINESTRING (0 0, 4096 4096)"})
# diagonal lines
for i in range(4096/32, 4096, 4096/32):
start = i
end = 4096 - i
lines_list.append({ "geometry":"LINESTRING (0 " + str(start) + ", " + str(end) + " 4096)" })
lines_list.append({ "geometry":"LINESTRING (" + str(start) + " 0, 4096 " + str(end) + ")" })
# box lines
lines_list.append({ "geometry":"LINESTRING (0 0, 0 4096)"})
lines_list.append({ "geometry":"LINESTRING (0 4096, 4096 4096)"})
lines_list.append({ "geometry":"LINESTRING (4096 4096, 4096 0)"})
lines_list.append({ "geometry":"LINESTRING (4096 0, 0 0)"})
tile = mapbox_vector_tile.encode([
"name": "errorTileSquareLayer",
"features": [{ "geometry":"POLYGON ((0 0, 0 4096, 4096 4096, 4096 0, 0 0))" }]
"name": "errorTileStripesLayer",
"features": lines_list
with open('./assets/render-timeout-fallback.mvt', 'w+') as f: