2011-05-19 17:29:37 +03:00

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<title>Leaflet - a modern, lightweight JavaScript library for interactive maps by CloudMade - Leaflet on Mobile Example</title>
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<h3 class="alt">A Modern, Lightweight Open-Source JavaScript Library for Interactive Maps by <a href="http://cloudmade.com">CloudMade</a></h3>
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<p><a href="../examples.html">&larr; Back to the list of examples</a></p>
<h3>Leaflet on Mobile</h3>
<p>In this example, you'll learn how to create a fullscreen map tuned for mobile devices like iPhone, iPad or Android phones, and how to easily detect and use the current user location.</p>
<p><a target="_blank" href="mobile-example.html">View example &rarr;</a></p>
<h3>Preparing the page</h3>
<p>First we'll take a look at the HTML & CSS code of the page. To make our map <code>div</code> element stretch to all available space (fullscreen), we can use the following CSS code:</p>
<pre><code class="css">body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
html, body, #map {
height: 100%;
<p>Also, we need to tell the mobile browser to disable scaling of the page and set it to its actual size by placing the following line in the <code>head</code> section:</p>
<pre><code class="html">&lt;meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /&gt;</code></pre>
<h3>Initializing the map</h3>
<p>We'll now initialize the map in the JavaScript code exactly like we did in the <a href="quick-start">quick start guide</a>, but won't set the map view yet:</p>
<pre><code class="javascript">var map = new L.Map('map');
var cloudmadeUrl = 'http://{s}.tile.cloudmade.com/YOUR-API-KEY/997/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
cloudmadeAttribution = 'Map data &copy; 2011 OpenStreetMap contributors, Imagery &copy; 2011 CloudMade',
cloudmade = new L.TileLayer(cloudmadeUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: cloudmadeAttribution});
<p>Leaflet has a very handy shortcut for zooming the map view to the detected location &mdash; locateAndSetView method, replacing the usual <code>setView</code> method in the code:</p>
<pre><code class="javascript">map.locateAndSetView(16);</code></pre>
<p>Here we specify 16 as the maximum zoom when setting the map view automatically. Now we have a working fullscreen mobile map! But what if we need to do something after the geolocation completed? Here's what the <code>locationfound</code> and <code>locationerror</code> events are for. Let's for example add a marker in the detected location, showing accuracy in a popup, by adding an event listener to <code>locationfound</code> event before the <code>locateAndSetView</code> call:</p>
<pre><code class="javascript">map.on('locationfound', onLocationFound);
function onLocationFound(e) {
var radius = e.accuracy / 2;
var marker = new L.Marker(e.latlng);
marker.bindPopup("You are within " + radius + " meters from this point").openPopup();
var circle = new L.Circle(e.latlng, radius);
<p>Excellent! But it would also be nice to show an error message if the geolocation failed:</p>
<pre><code class="javascript">map.on('locationerror', onLocationError);
function onLocationError(e) {
<p>Now the example is complete &mdash; try it on your mobile phone: <a target="_blank" href="mobile-example.html">View the full example &rarr;</a></p>
<p>Next steps would be to take a look at the detailed <a href="../reference.html">documentation</a> and browse <a href="../examples.html">other examples</a>.</p>
<hr />
<p class="quiet">&copy; 2011 <a href="http://cloudmade.com">CloudMade</a>. Map data &copy; 2011 <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>.</p>
<a href="http://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet"><img id="forkme" src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_right_darkblue_121621.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub" /></a>
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