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This file just defines the order of the classes in the docs.
@class Map
@class Marker
@class Popup
@class Tooltip
@class TileLayer
@class TileLayer.WMS
@class ImageOverlay
@class VideoOverlay
@class Path
@class Polyline
@class Polygon
@class Rectangle
@class Circle
@class CircleMarker
@class SVG
@class Canvas
@class LayerGroup
@class FeatureGroup
@class GeoJSON
@class GridLayer
@class LatLng
@class LatLngBounds
@class Point
@class Bounds
@class Icon
@class DivIcon
@class Control.Zoom
@class Control.Attribution
@class Control.Layers
@class Control.Scale
@class Browser
@class Util
@class Transformation
@class LineUtil
@class PolyUtil
@class DomEvent
@class DomUtil
@class PosAnimation
@class Draggable
@class Class
@class Evented
@class Layer
@class Interactive layer
@class Control
@class Handler
@class Projection
@class CRS
@class Renderer
@class Event objects