describe('GridLayer', function () { var div, map; beforeEach(function () { div = document.createElement('div'); = '800px'; = '600px'; = 'hidden'; document.body.appendChild(div); map =; }); afterEach(function () { document.body.removeChild(div); }); describe('#redraw', function () { it('can be called before map.setView', function () { var grid = L.gridLayer().addTo(map); expect(grid.redraw()).to.equal(grid); }); }); describe('#setOpacity', function () { it('can be called before map.setView', function () { var grid = L.gridLayer().addTo(map); expect(grid.setOpacity(0.5)).to.equal(grid); }); it('works when map has fadeAnimated=false (IE8 is exempt)', function (done) { map.remove(); map =, {fadeAnimation: false}).setView([0, 0], 0); var grid = L.gridLayer().setOpacity(0.5).addTo(map); grid.on('load', function () { expect('0.5'); done(); }); }); }); it('positions tiles correctly with wrapping and bounding', function () { map.setView([0, 0], 1); var tiles = []; var grid = L.gridLayer(); grid.createTile = function (coords) { var tile = document.createElement('div'); tiles.push({coords: coords, tile: tile}); return tile; }; map.addLayer(grid); var loaded = {}; for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { var coords = tiles[i].coords, pos = L.DomUtil.getPosition(tiles[i].tile); loaded[pos.x + ':' + pos.y] = [coords.x, coords.y]; } expect(loaded).to.eql({ '144:0': [0, 0], '400:0': [1, 0], '144:256': [0, 1], '400:256': [1, 1], '-112:0': [1, 0], '656:0': [0, 0], '-112:256': [1, 1], '656:256': [0, 1] }); }); describe('tile pyramid', function () { var clock; beforeEach(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(function () { clock.restore(); }); it('removes tiles for unused zoom levels', function (done) { map.remove(); map =, {fadeAnimation: false}); map.setView([0, 0], 1); var grid = L.gridLayer(); var tiles = {}; grid.createTile = function (coords) { tiles[grid._tileCoordsToKey(coords)] = true; return document.createElement('div'); }; grid.on('tileunload', function (e) { delete tiles[grid._tileCoordsToKey(e.coords)]; }); grid.on('load', function (e) { if (Object.keys(tiles).length === 1) { expect(Object.keys(tiles)).to.eql(['0:0:0']);; done(); } }); map.addLayer(grid); map.setZoom(0, {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); }); }); describe('#createTile', function () { var grid; beforeEach(function () { // Simpler sizes to test. = '512px'; = '512px'; map.remove(); map =; map.setView([0, 0], 10); grid = L.gridLayer(); }); afterEach(function () { = '800px'; = '600px'; }); // Passes on Firefox, but fails on phantomJS: done is never called. it('only creates tiles for visible area on zoom in', function (done) { var count = 0, loadCount = 0; grid.createTile = function (coords) { count++; return document.createElement('div'); }; var onLoad = function (e) { expect(count).to.eql(4); count = 0; loadCount++; if (loadCount === 1) { // On layer add. map.zoomIn(); } else { // On zoom in. done(); } }; grid.on('load', onLoad); map.addLayer(grid); }); describe('when done() is called with an error parameter', function () { var keys; beforeEach(function () { keys = []; grid.createTile = function (coords, done) { var tile = document.createElement('div'); keys.push(this._tileCoordsToKey(coords)); done('error', tile); return tile; }; }); it('does not raise tileload events', function (done) { var tileLoadRaised = sinon.spy(); grid.on('tileload', tileLoadRaised); grid.on('tileerror', function () { if (keys.length === 4) { expect(tileLoadRaised.notCalled); done(); } }); map.addLayer(grid); }); it('raises tileerror events', function (done) { var tileErrorRaised = sinon.spy(); grid.on('tileerror', function () { tileErrorRaised(); if (keys.length === 4) { expect(tileErrorRaised.callCount); done(); } }); map.addLayer(grid); }); it('does not add the .leaflet-tile-loaded class to tile elements', function (done) { var count = 0; grid.on('tileerror', function (e) { if (!L.DomUtil.hasClass(e.tile, 'leaflet-tile-loaded')) { count++; } if (keys.length === 4) { expect(count); done(); } }); map.addLayer(grid); }); }); }); describe("#onAdd", function () { it('is called after zoomend on first map load', function () { var layer = L.gridLayer().addTo(map); var onAdd = layer.onAdd, onAddSpy = sinon.spy(); layer.onAdd = function () { onAdd.apply(this, arguments); onAddSpy(); }; var onReset = sinon.spy(); map.on('zoomend', onReset); map.setView([0, 0], 0); expect(onReset.calledBefore(onAddSpy)); }); }); describe("#getMaxZoom, #getMinZoom", function () { describe("when a tilelayer is added to a map with no other layers", function () { it("has the same zoomlevels as the tilelayer", function () { var maxZoom = 10, minZoom = 5; map.setView([0, 0], 1); L.gridLayer({ maxZoom: maxZoom, minZoom: minZoom }).addTo(map); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); expect(map.getMinZoom()); }); }); describe("accessing a tilelayer's properties", function () { it('provides a container', function () { map.setView([0, 0], 1); var layer = L.gridLayer().addTo(map); expect(layer.getContainer()); }); }); describe("when a tilelayer is added to a map that already has a tilelayer", function () { it("has its zoomlevels updated to fit the new layer", function () { map.setView([0, 0], 1); L.gridLayer({minZoom: 10, maxZoom: 15}).addTo(map); expect(map.getMinZoom()); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); L.gridLayer({minZoom: 5, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map); expect(map.getMinZoom()); // changed expect(map.getMaxZoom()); // unchanged L.gridLayer({minZoom: 10, maxZoom: 20}).addTo(map); expect(map.getMinZoom()); // unchanged expect(map.getMaxZoom()); // changed L.gridLayer({minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 25}).addTo(map); expect(map.getMinZoom()); // changed expect(map.getMaxZoom()); // changed }); }); describe("when a gridlayer is removed from a map", function () { it("has its zoomlevels updated to only fit the layers it currently has", function () { var tiles = [ L.gridLayer({minZoom: 10, maxZoom: 15}).addTo(map), L.gridLayer({minZoom: 5, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map), L.gridLayer({minZoom: 10, maxZoom: 20}).addTo(map), L.gridLayer({minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 25}).addTo(map) ]; map.whenReady(function () { expect(map.getMinZoom()); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); map.removeLayer(tiles[0]); expect(map.getMinZoom()); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); map.removeLayer(tiles[3]); expect(map.getMinZoom()); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); map.removeLayer(tiles[2]); expect(map.getMinZoom()); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); map.removeLayer(tiles[1]); expect(map.getMinZoom()); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); }); }); }); }); describe("min/maxNativeZoom option", function () { it("calls createTile() with maxNativeZoom when map zoom is larger", function (done) { map.setView([0, 0], 10); var grid = L.gridLayer({ maxNativeZoom: 5 }); var tileCount = 0; grid.createTile = function (coords) { expect(coords.z); tileCount++; return document.createElement('div'); }; grid.on('load', function () { if (tileCount > 0) { done(); } else { done('No tiles loaded'); } }); map.addLayer(grid); }); it("calls createTile() with minNativeZoom when map zoom is smaller", function (done) { map.setView([0, 0], 3); var grid = L.gridLayer({ minNativeZoom: 5 }); var tileCount = 0; grid.createTile = function (coords) { expect(coords.z); tileCount++; return document.createElement('div'); }; grid.on('load', function () { if (tileCount > 0) { done(); } else { done('No tiles loaded'); } }); map.addLayer(grid); }); }); describe("number of 256px tiles loaded in synchronous non-animated grid @800x600px", function () { var clock, grid, counts; beforeEach(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); grid = L.gridLayer({ attribution: 'Grid Layer', tileSize: L.point(256, 256) }); grid.createTile = function (coords) { var tile = document.createElement('div'); tile.innerHTML = [coords.x, coords.y, coords.z].join(', '); = '2px solid red'; return tile; }; counts = { tileload: 0, tileerror: 0, tileloadstart: 0, tileunload: 0 }; grid.on('tileload tileunload tileerror tileloadstart', function (ev) { // console.log(ev.type); counts[ev.type]++; }); // grid.on('tileunload', function (ev) { // console.log(ev.type, ev.coords, counts); // }); map.options.fadeAnimation = false; map.options.zoomAnimation = false; }); afterEach(function () { clock.restore();; grid = undefined; counts = undefined; }); it("Loads 8 tiles zoom 1", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 1); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads 5 tiles zoom 0", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 0); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads 16 tiles zoom 10", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);; done(); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 10); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads 32, unloads 16 tiles zooming in 10-11", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); map.setZoom(11, {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 10); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads 32, unloads 16 tiles zooming out 11-10", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); map.setZoom(10, {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 11); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads 32, unloads 16 tiles zooming out 18-10", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); map.setZoom(10, {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 18); clock.tick(250); }); }); describe("number of 256px tiles loaded in synchronous animated grid @800x600px", function () { var clock, grid, counts; beforeEach(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); grid = L.gridLayer({ attribution: 'Grid Layer', tileSize: L.point(256, 256) }); grid.createTile = function (coords) { var tile = document.createElement('div'); tile.innerHTML = [coords.x, coords.y, coords.z].join(', '); = '2px solid red'; return tile; }; counts = { tileload: 0, tileerror: 0, tileloadstart: 0, tileunload: 0 }; grid.on('tileload tileunload tileerror tileloadstart', function (ev) { counts[ev.type]++; }); }); afterEach(function () { clock.restore();; grid = undefined; counts = undefined; }); // Debug helper function logTiles(ev) { var pending = 0; for (var key in grid._tiles) { if (!grid._tiles[key].loaded) { pending++; } } console.log(ev.type + ': ', ev.coords, grid._loading, counts, ' pending: ', pending); } // animationFrame helper, just runs requestAnimFrame() a given number of times function runFrames(n) { return _runFrames(n)(); } function _runFrames(n) { if (n) { return function () { clock.tick(40); // 40msec/frame ~= 25fps'_frame'); L.Util.requestAnimFrame(_runFrames(n - 1)); }; } else { return L.Util.falseFn; } } // NOTE: This test has different behaviour in PhantomJS and graphical // browsers due to CSS animations! it.skipInPhantom("Loads 32, unloads 16 tiles zooming in 10-11", function (done) { // grid.on('tileload tileunload tileloadstart load', logTiles); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); // grid.on('load', logTiles); grid.on('load', function () { // We're one frame into the zoom animation, there are // 16 tiles for z10 plus 16 tiles for z11 covering the // bounds at the *end* of the zoom-*in* anim expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); // Wait > 250msec for the tile fade-in animation to complete, // which triggers the tile pruning clock.tick(300); // After the zoom-in, the 'outside' 12 tiles (not the 4 // at the center, still in bounds) have been unloaded. expect(counts.tileunload); L.Util.requestAnimFrame(function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); }); map.setZoom(11, {animate: true}); clock.tick(250); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 10); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads 32, unloads 16 tiles zooming in 10-18", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { // In this particular scenario, the tile unloads happen in the // next render frame after the grid's 'load' event. L.Util.requestAnimFrame(function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); }); map.setZoom(18, {animate: true}); clock.tick(250); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 10); clock.tick(250); }); // NOTE: This test has different behaviour in PhantomJS and graphical // browsers due to CSS animations! it.skipInPhantom("Loads 32, unloads 16 tiles zooming out 11-10", function (done) { // grid.on('tileload tileunload load', logTiles); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); // grid.on('load', logTiles); grid.on('load', function () {'load'); // grid.on('load', logTiles); // We're one frame into the zoom animation, there are // 16 tiles for z11 plus 4 tiles for z10 covering the // bounds at the *beginning* of the zoom-*out* anim expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); // Wait > 250msec for the tile fade-in animation to complete, // which triggers the tile pruning clock.tick(300); L.Util.requestAnimFrame(function () { expect(counts.tileunload); // The next 'load' event happens when the zoom anim is // complete, and triggers loading of all the z10 tiles. grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); done(); }); }); }); map.setZoom(10, {animate: true}); clock.tick(250); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 11); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads 32, unloads 16 tiles zooming out 18-10", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { // In this particular scenario, the tile unloads happen in the // next render frame after the grid's 'load' event. L.Util.requestAnimFrame(function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); }); map.setZoom(10, {animate: true}); clock.tick(250); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 18); clock.tick(250); }); // NOTE: This test has different behaviour in PhantomJS and graphical // browsers due to CSS animations! it.skipInPhantom("Loads 290, unloads 275 tiles on MAD-TRD flyTo()", function (done) { this.timeout(10000); // This test takes longer than usual due to frames var mad = [40.40, -3.7], trd = [63.41, 10.41]; grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); map.on('zoomend', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileunload); expect(counts.tileload); expect(grid._container.querySelectorAll('div').length); // 15 + container done(); }); map.flyTo(trd, 12, {animate: true}); // map.on('_frame', function () { // console.log('frame', counts); // }); runFrames(500); }); grid.options.keepBuffer = 0; map.addLayer(grid).setView(mad, 12); clock.tick(250); }); }); describe("configurable tile pruning", function () { var clock, grid, counts; beforeEach(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); grid = L.gridLayer({ attribution: 'Grid Layer', tileSize: L.point(256, 256) }); grid.createTile = function (coords) { var tile = document.createElement('div'); tile.innerHTML = [coords.x, coords.y, coords.z].join(', '); = '2px solid red'; return tile; }; counts = { tileload: 0, tileerror: 0, tileloadstart: 0, tileunload: 0 }; grid.on('tileload tileunload tileerror tileloadstart', function (ev) { // console.log(ev.type); counts[ev.type]++; }); // grid.on('tileunload', function (ev) { // console.log(ev.type, ev.coords, counts); // }); map.options.fadeAnimation = false; map.options.zoomAnimation = false; }); afterEach(function () { clock.restore();; grid = undefined; counts = undefined; }); it("Loads map, moves forth by 512 px, keepBuffer = 0", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); map.panBy([512, 512], {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); }); grid.options.keepBuffer = 0; map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 10); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads map, moves forth and back by 512 px, keepBuffer = 0", function (done) { grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload); done(); }); map.panBy([-512, -512], {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); }); map.panBy([512, 512], {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); }); grid.options.keepBuffer = 0; map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 10); clock.tick(250); }); it("Loads map, moves forth and back by 512 px, default keepBuffer", function (done) { var spy = sinon.spy(); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.on('load', function () { expect(counts.tileloadstart); expect(counts.tileload); expect(counts.tileunload);'load'); grid.addEventListener('load', spy); map.panBy([-512, -512], {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); expect(spy.called); done(); }); map.panBy([512, 512], {animate: false}); clock.tick(250); }); map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 10); clock.tick(250); }); }); describe("nowrap option", function () { it("When false, uses same coords at zoom 0 for all tiles", function (done) { var grid = L.gridLayer({ attribution: 'Grid Layer', tileSize: L.point(256, 256), noWrap: false }); var loadedTileKeys = []; grid.createTile = function (coords) { loadedTileKeys.push(coords.x + ':' + coords.y + ':' + coords.z); return document.createElement('div'); }; map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 0); grid.on('load', function () { expect(loadedTileKeys).to.eql(["0:0:0", "0:0:0", "0:0:0", "0:0:0", "0:0:0"]); done(); }); }); it("When true, uses different coords at zoom level 0 for all tiles", function (done) { var grid = L.gridLayer({ attribution: 'Grid Layer', tileSize: L.point(256, 256), noWrap: true }); var loadedTileKeys = []; grid.createTile = function (coords) { loadedTileKeys.push(coords.x + ':' + coords.y + ':' + coords.z); return document.createElement('div'); }; map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 0); grid.on('load', function () { expect(loadedTileKeys).to.eql(['0:0:0', '-1:0:0', '1:0:0', '-2:0:0', '2:0:0']); done(); }); }); it("When true and with bounds, loads just one tile at zoom level 0", function (done) { var grid = L.gridLayer({ attribution: 'Grid Layer', tileSize: L.point(256, 256), bounds: [[-90, -180], [90, 180]], noWrap: true }); var loadedTileKeys = []; grid.createTile = function (coords) { loadedTileKeys.push(coords.x + ':' + coords.y + ':' + coords.z); return document.createElement('div'); }; map.addLayer(grid).setView([0, 0], 0); grid.on('load', function () { expect(loadedTileKeys).to.eql(['0:0:0']); done(); }); }); }); describe("Sanity checks for infinity", function () { it("Throws error on map center at plus Infinity longitude", function () { expect(function () { map.setCenter([Infinity, Infinity]); L.gridLayer().addTo(map); }).to.throwError('Attempted to load an infinite number of tiles'); }); it("Throws error on map center at minus Infinity longitude", function () { expect(function () { map.setCenter([-Infinity, -Infinity]); L.gridLayer().addTo(map); }).to.throwError('Attempted to load an infinite number of tiles'); }); }); it("doesn't call map's getZoomScale method with null after _invalidateAll method was called", function () { map.setView([0, 0], 0); var grid = L.gridLayer().addTo(map); var wrapped = sinon.spy(map, 'getZoomScale'); grid._invalidateAll(); grid.redraw(); expect(wrapped.neverCalledWith(sinon.match.any, null)); }); });