describe("Projection.Mercator", function() { var p = L.Projection.Mercator; expect.Assertion.prototype.near = function(expected, delta) { delta = delta || 1; expect(this.obj.x).to .be.within(expected.x - delta, expected.x + delta); expect(this.obj.y).to .be.within(expected.y - delta, expected.y + delta); }; describe("#project", function() { it("projects a center point", function() { //edge cases expect(p.project(new L.LatLng(0, 0))).near(new L.Point(0, 0)); }); it("projects the northeast corner of the world", function() { expect(p.project(new L.LatLng(90, 180))).near(new L.Point(20037508, 20037508)); }); it("projects the southwest corner of the world", function() { expect(p.project(new L.LatLng(-90, -180))).near(new L.Point(-20037508, -20037508)); }); it("projects other points", function() { expect(p.project(new L.LatLng(50, 30))).near(new L.Point(3339584, 6413524)); // from expect(p.project(new L.LatLng(51.9371170300465, 80.11230468750001))) .near(new L.Point(8918060.964088084, 6755099.410887127)); }); }); describe("#unproject", function() { function pr(point) { return p.project(p.unproject(point)); } it("unprojects a center point", function() { expect(pr(new L.Point(0, 0))).near(new L.Point(0, 0)); }); it("unprojects pi points", function() { expect(pr(new L.Point(-Math.PI, Math.PI))).near(new L.Point(-Math.PI, Math.PI)); expect(pr(new L.Point(-Math.PI, -Math.PI))).near(new L.Point(-Math.PI, -Math.PI)); expect(pr(new L.Point(0.523598775598, 1.010683188683))).near(new L.Point(0.523598775598, 1.010683188683)); }); it('unprojects other points', function () { // from expect(pr(new L.Point(8918060.964088084, 6755099.410887127))); }); }); });