layout: post
title: Debugging touch interactions
description: To debug Leaflet, sometimes you need to create a new tool.
author: Iván Sánchez
authorsite: http://ivan.sanchezortega.es
Most of the time, fixing bugs in the Leaflet code is a breeze. The code is simple, easy to read (for the most part) and well structured. Code conventions and unit tests make it easy for newcomers to try some modifications to the core code. During the past few months we've sent a few simple bug reports to the folks at [Your First PR](https://yourfirstpr.github.io/) - we love to see first-timers contributing fixes to Leaflet!
Some of the difficulties of maintaining/developing a javascript library like Leaflet is making sure that everything works on every major browser out there. A technique that works on Firefox on a Ubuntu desktop might result in glitches in Safari on a Macbook; something that works in Edge on Windows 10 might break completely in Chrome on Android.
Fortunately, all of the browser-specific hacks in Leaflet can be easily seen by looking at the [references to `L.Browser`](https://github.com/search?q=Browser+repo%3ALeaflet%2FLeaflet+language%3AJavaScript+extension%3Ajs+path%3A%2Fsrc&ref=searchresults&type=Code&utf8=%E2%9C%93) in the code.
This can lead to somewhat [undesirable code](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/blob/master/src/dom/DomEvent.DoubleTap.js#L65) sometimes:
// On some platforms (notably, chrome on win10 + touchscreen + mouse),
// the browser doesn't fire touchend/pointerup events but does fire
// native dblclicks. See #4127.
if (!L.Browser.edge) {
obj.addEventListener('dblclick', handler, false);
I've been told more than a few times by browser developers that browser sniffing is wrong, and that feature detection is right. I mean, detecting 3D CSS transforms and HTML5 `