describe("Map", function () { var map, spy; beforeEach(function () { map ='div')); }); describe("#remove", function () { it("fires an unload event if loaded", function () { var container = document.createElement('div'), map = new L.Map(container).setView([0, 0], 0), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('unload', spy); map.remove(); expect(spy.called); }); it("fires no unload event if not loaded", function () { var container = document.createElement('div'), map = new L.Map(container), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('unload', spy); map.remove(); expect(spy.called); }); describe("corner case checking", function () { it("throws an exception upon reinitialization", function () { var container = document.createElement('div'), map = new L.Map(container); expect(function () {; }).to.throwException(function (e) { expect(e.message).to.eql("Map container is already initialized."); }); map.remove(); }); it("throws an exception if a container is not found", function () { expect(function () {'nonexistentdivelement'); }).to.throwException(function (e) { expect(e.message).to.eql("Map container not found."); }); map.remove(); }); }); it("undefines container._leaflet", function () { var container = document.createElement('div'), map = new L.Map(container); map.remove(); expect(container._leaflet); }); it("unbinds events", function () { var container = document.createElement('div'), map = new L.Map(container).setView([0, 0], 1), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove', spy); map.remove();; happen.dblclick(container); happen.mousedown(container); happen.mouseup(container); happen.mousemove(container); expect(spy.called); }); }); describe('#getCenter', function () { it('throws if not set before', function () { expect(function () { map.getCenter(); }).to.throwError(); }); it('returns a precise center when zoomed in after being set (#426)', function () { var center = L.latLng(10, 10); map.setView(center, 1); map.setZoom(19); expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(center); }); it('returns correct center after invalidateSize (#1919)', function () { map.setView(L.latLng(10, 10), 1); map.invalidateSize(); expect(map.getCenter()), 10)); }); }); describe("#whenReady", function () { describe("when the map has not yet been loaded", function () { it("calls the callback when the map is loaded", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.whenReady(spy); expect(spy.called); map.setView([0, 0], 1); expect(spy.called); }); }); describe("when the map has already been loaded", function () { it("calls the callback immediately", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.setView([0, 0], 1); map.whenReady(spy); expect(spy.called); }); }); }); describe("#setView", function () { it("sets the view of the map", function () { expect(map.setView([51.505, -0.09], 13)); expect(map.getZoom()); expect(map.getCenter().distanceTo([51.505, -0.09])); }); it("can be passed without a zoom specified", function () { map.setZoom(13); expect(map.setView([51.605, -0.11])); expect(map.getZoom()); expect(map.getCenter().distanceTo([51.605, -0.11])); }); it("limits initial zoom when no zoom specified", function () { map.options.maxZoom = 20; map.setZoom(100); expect(map.setView([51.605, -0.11])); expect(map.getZoom()); expect(map.getCenter().distanceTo([51.605, -0.11])); }); it("defaults to zoom passed as map option", function () { map ='div'), {zoom: 13}); expect(map.setView([51.605, -0.11])); expect(map.getZoom()); }); it("passes duration option to panBy", function () { map ='div'), {zoom: 13, center: [0, 0]}); map.panBy = sinon.spy(); map.setView([51.605, -0.11], 13, {animate: true, duration: 13}); expect(map.panBy.callCount).to.eql(1); expect(map.panBy.args[0][1].duration).to.eql(13); }); }); describe("#getBounds", function () { it("is safe to call from within a moveend callback during initial load (#1027)", function () { map.on("moveend", function () { map.getBounds(); }); map.setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); }); }); describe('#setMaxBounds', function () { it("aligns pixel-wise map view center with maxBounds center if it cannot move view bounds inside maxBounds (#1908)", function () { var container = map.getContainer(); // large view, cannot fit within maxBounds = = "1000px"; document.body.appendChild(container); // maxBounds var bounds = L.latLngBounds([51.5, -0.05], [51.55, 0.05]); map.setMaxBounds(bounds, {animate: false}); // set view outside map.setView(L.latLng([53.0, 0.15]), 12, {animate: false}); // get center of bounds in pixels var boundsCenter = map.project(bounds.getCenter()).round(); expect(map.project(map.getCenter()).round()).to.eql(boundsCenter); document.body.removeChild(container); }); it("moves map view within maxBounds by changing one coordinate", function () { var container = map.getContainer(); // small view, can fit within maxBounds = = "200px"; document.body.appendChild(container); // maxBounds var bounds = L.latLngBounds([51, -0.2], [52, 0.2]); map.setMaxBounds(bounds, {animate: false}); // set view outside maxBounds on one direction only // leaves untouched the other coordinate (that is not already centered) var initCenter = [53.0, 0.1]; map.setView(L.latLng(initCenter), 16, {animate: false}); // one pixel coordinate hasn't changed, the other has var pixelCenter = map.project(map.getCenter()).round(); var pixelInit = map.project(initCenter).round(); expect(pixelCenter.x).to.eql(pixelInit.x); expect(pixelCenter.y); // the view is inside the bounds expect(bounds.contains(map.getBounds())); document.body.removeChild(container); }); }); describe("#getMinZoom and #getMaxZoom", function () { describe('#getMinZoom', function () { it('returns 0 if not set by Map options or TileLayer options', function () { var map ='div')); expect(map.getMinZoom()); }); }); it("minZoom and maxZoom options overrides any minZoom and maxZoom set on layers", function () { var map ='div'), {minZoom: 2, maxZoom: 20}); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 4, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 6, maxZoom: 17}).addTo(map); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 22}).addTo(map); expect(map.getMinZoom()); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); }); }); describe("#getMinZoom and #getMaxZoom", function () { describe('#getMinZoom', function () { it('returns 0 if not set by Map options or TileLayer options', function () { var map ='div')); expect(map.getMinZoom()); }); }); it("minZoom and maxZoom options overrides any minZoom and maxZoom set on layers", function () { var map ='div'), {minZoom: 2, maxZoom: 20}); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 4, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 6, maxZoom: 17}).addTo(map); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 22}).addTo(map); expect(map.getMinZoom()); expect(map.getMaxZoom()); }); }); describe("#hasLayer", function () { it("returns false when passed undefined, null, or false", function () { var map ='div')); expect(map.hasLayer(undefined)).to.equal(false); expect(map.hasLayer(null)).to.equal(false); expect(map.hasLayer(false)).to.equal(false); }); }); function layerSpy() { var layer = new L.Layer(); layer.onAdd = sinon.spy(); layer.onRemove = sinon.spy(); return layer; } describe("#addLayer", function () { it("calls layer.onAdd immediately if the map is ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.addLayer(layer); expect(layer.onAdd.called); }); it("calls layer.onAdd when the map becomes ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(); map.addLayer(layer); expect(layer.onAdd.called); map.setView([0, 0], 0); expect(layer.onAdd.called); }); it("does not call layer.onAdd if the layer is removed before the map becomes ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); map.setView([0, 0], 0); expect(layer.onAdd.called); }); it("fires a layeradd event immediately if the map is ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('layeradd', spy); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.addLayer(layer); expect(spy.called); }); it("fires a layeradd event when the map becomes ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('layeradd', spy); map.addLayer(layer); expect(spy.called); map.setView([0, 0], 0); expect(spy.called); }); it("does not fire a layeradd event if the layer is removed before the map becomes ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('layeradd', spy); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); map.setView([0, 0], 0); expect(spy.called); }); it("adds the layer before firing layeradd", function (done) { var layer = layerSpy(); map.on('layeradd', function () { expect(map.hasLayer(layer)); done(); }); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.addLayer(layer); }); describe("When the first layer is added to a map", function () { it("fires a zoomlevelschange event", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.on("zoomlevelschange", spy); expect(spy.called); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map); expect(spy.called); }); }); describe("when a new layer with greater zoomlevel coverage than the current layer is added to a map", function () { it("fires a zoomlevelschange event", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map); map.on("zoomlevelschange", spy); expect(spy.called); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 15}).addTo(map); expect(spy.called); }); }); describe("when a new layer with the same or lower zoomlevel coverage as the current layer is added to a map", function () { it("fires no zoomlevelschange event", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map); map.on("zoomlevelschange", spy); expect(spy.called); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map); expect(spy.called); L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 5}).addTo(map); expect(spy.called); }); }); }); describe("#removeLayer", function () { it("calls layer.onRemove if the map is ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); expect(layer.onRemove.called); }); it("does not call layer.onRemove if the layer was not added", function () { var layer = layerSpy(); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.removeLayer(layer); expect(layer.onRemove.called); }); it("does not call layer.onRemove if the map is not ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); expect(layer.onRemove.called); }); it("fires a layerremove event if the map is ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('layerremove', spy); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); expect(spy.called); }); it("does not fire a layerremove if the layer was not added", function () { var layer = layerSpy(), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('layerremove', spy); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.removeLayer(layer); expect(spy.called); }); it("does not fire a layerremove if the map is not ready", function () { var layer = layerSpy(), spy = sinon.spy(); map.on('layerremove', spy); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); expect(spy.called); }); it("removes the layer before firing layerremove", function (done) { var layer = layerSpy(); map.on('layerremove', function () { expect(map.hasLayer(layer)); done(); }); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); }); it("supports adding and removing a tile layer without initializing the map", function () { var layer = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}"); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); }); it("supports adding and removing a tile layer without initializing the map", function () { map.setView([0, 0], 18); var layer = L.gridLayer(); map.addLayer(layer); map.removeLayer(layer); }); describe("when the last tile layer on a map is removed", function () { it("fires a zoomlevelschange event", function () { map.whenReady(function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); var tl = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map); map.on("zoomlevelschange", spy); expect(spy.called); map.removeLayer(tl); expect(spy.called); }); }); }); describe("when a tile layer is removed from a map and it had greater zoom level coverage than the remainding layer", function () { it("fires a zoomlevelschange event", function () { map.whenReady(function () { var spy = sinon.spy(), tl = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map), t2 = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 15}).addTo(map); map.on("zoomlevelschange", spy); expect(spy.called); map.removeLayer(t2); expect(spy.called); }); }); }); describe("when a tile layer is removed from a map it and it had lesser or the sa,e zoom level coverage as the remainding layer(s)", function () { it("fires no zoomlevelschange event", function () { map.whenReady(function () { var tl = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map), t2 = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 10}).addTo(map), t3 = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}", {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 5}).addTo(map); map.on("zoomlevelschange", spy); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); map.removeLayer(t2); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); map.removeLayer(t3); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); }); describe("#eachLayer", function () { it("returns self", function () { expect(map.eachLayer(function () {})); }); it("calls the provided function for each layer", function () { var t1 = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}").addTo(map), t2 = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}").addTo(map), spy = sinon.spy(); map.eachLayer(spy); expect(spy.callCount).to.eql(2); expect(spy.firstCall.args).to.eql([t1]); expect(spy.secondCall.args).to.eql([t2]); }); it("calls the provided function with the provided context", function () { var t1 = L.tileLayer("{z}{x}{y}").addTo(map), spy = sinon.spy(); map.eachLayer(spy, map); expect(spy.thisValues[0]).to.eql(map); }); }); describe("#invalidateSize", function () { var container, origWidth = 100, clock; beforeEach(function () { container = map.getContainer(); = origWidth + "px"; document.body.appendChild(container); map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.invalidateSize({pan: false}); clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(function () { document.body.removeChild(container); clock.restore(); }); it("pans by the right amount when growing in 1px increments", function () { = (origWidth + 1) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(map._getMapPanePos().x); = (origWidth + 2) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(map._getMapPanePos().x); = (origWidth + 3) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(map._getMapPanePos().x); }); it("pans by the right amount when shrinking in 1px increments", function () { = (origWidth - 1) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(map._getMapPanePos().x); = (origWidth - 2) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(map._getMapPanePos().x); = (origWidth - 3) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(map._getMapPanePos().x); }); it("pans back to the original position after growing by an odd size and back", function () { = (origWidth + 5) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); = origWidth + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(map._getMapPanePos().x); }); it("emits no move event if the size has not changed", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.on("move", spy); map.invalidateSize(); expect(spy.called); }); it("emits a move event if the size has changed", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.on("move", spy); = (origWidth + 5) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(spy.called); }); it("emits a moveend event if the size has changed", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.on("moveend", spy); = (origWidth + 5) + "px"; map.invalidateSize(); expect(spy.called); }); it("debounces the moveend event if the debounceMoveend option is given", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.on("moveend", spy); = (origWidth + 5) + "px"; map.invalidateSize({debounceMoveend: true}); expect(spy.called); clock.tick(200); expect(spy.called); }); }); describe('#flyTo', function () { it('move to requested center and zoom, and call zoomend once', function (done) { var spy = sinon.spy(), newCenter = new L.LatLng(10, 11), newZoom = 12; var callback = function () { expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(newCenter); expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(newZoom); spy(); expect(spy.calledOnce); done(); }; map.setView([0, 0], 0); map.once('zoomend', callback).flyTo(newCenter, newZoom); }); }); describe('#zoomIn and #zoomOut', function () { var center = L.latLng(22, 33); beforeEach(function () { map.setView(center, 10); }); it('zoomIn zooms by 1 zoom level by default', function (done) { map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(11); expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(center); done(); }); map.zoomIn(null, {animate: false}); }); it('zoomOut zooms by 1 zoom level by default', function (done) { map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(9); expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(center); done(); }); map.zoomOut(null, {animate: false}); }); it('zoomIn ignores the zoomDelta option on non-any3d browsers', function (done) { L.Browser.any3d = false; map.options.zoomSnap = 0.25; map.options.zoomDelta = 0.25; map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(11); expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(center); done(); }); map.zoomIn(null, {animate: false}); }); it('zoomIn respects the zoomDelta option on any3d browsers', function (done) { L.Browser.any3d = true; map.options.zoomSnap = 0.25; map.options.zoomDelta = 0.25; map.setView(center, 10); map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(10.25); expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(center); done(); }); map.zoomIn(null, {animate: false}); }); it('zoomOut respects the zoomDelta option on any3d browsers', function (done) { L.Browser.any3d = true; map.options.zoomSnap = 0.25; map.options.zoomDelta = 0.25; map.setView(center, 10); map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(9.75); expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(center); done(); }); map.zoomOut(null, {animate: false}); }); it('zoomIn snaps to zoomSnap on any3d browsers', function (done) { map.options.zoomSnap = 0.25; map.setView(center, 10); map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(10.25); expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(center); done(); }); L.Browser.any3d = true; map.zoomIn(0.22, {animate: false}); }); it('zoomOut snaps to zoomSnap on any3d browsers', function (done) { map.options.zoomSnap = 0.25; map.setView(center, 10); map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(9.75); expect(map.getCenter()).to.eql(center); done(); }); L.Browser.any3d = true; map.zoomOut(0.22, {animate: false}); }); }); describe('#fitBounds', function () { var center = L.latLng(22, 33), bounds = L.latLngBounds(L.latLng(1, 102), L.latLng(11, 122)), boundsCenter = bounds.getCenter(); beforeEach(function () { // fitBounds needs a map container with non-null area var container = map.getContainer(); = = "100px"; document.body.appendChild(container); map.setView(center, 10); }); afterEach(function () { document.body.removeChild(map.getContainer()); }); it('Snaps zoom level to integer by default', function (done) { map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(2); expect(map.getCenter().equals(boundsCenter, 0.05)).to.eql(true); done(); }); map.fitBounds(bounds, {animate: false}); }); it('Snaps zoom to zoomSnap on any3d browsers', function (done) { map.options.zoomSnap = 0.25; L.Browser.any3d = true; map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(2.75); expect(map.getCenter().equals(boundsCenter, 0.05)).to.eql(true); done(); }); map.fitBounds(bounds, {animate: false}); }); it('Ignores zoomSnap on non-any3d browsers', function (done) { map.options.zoomSnap = 0.25; L.Browser.any3d = false; map.once('zoomend', function () { expect(map.getZoom()).to.eql(2); expect(map.getCenter().equals(boundsCenter, 0.05)).to.eql(true); done(); }); map.fitBounds(bounds, {animate: false}); }); }); describe('#DOM events', function () { var c, map; beforeEach(function () { c = document.createElement('div'); = '400px'; = '400px'; map = new L.Map(c); map.setView(new L.LatLng(0, 0), 0); document.body.appendChild(c); }); afterEach(function () { document.body.removeChild(c); }); it("DOM events propagate from polygon to map", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.on("mousemove", spy); var layer = new L.Polygon([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]).addTo(map); happen.mousemove(layer._path); expect(spy.calledOnce); }); it("DOM events propagate from marker to map", function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); map.on("mousemove", spy); var layer = new L.Marker([1, 2]).addTo(map); happen.mousemove(layer._icon); expect(spy.calledOnce); }); it("DOM events fired on marker can be cancelled before being caught by the map", function () { var mapSpy = sinon.spy(); var layerSpy = sinon.spy(); map.on("mousemove", mapSpy); var layer = new L.Marker([1, 2]).addTo(map); layer.on("mousemove", L.DomEvent.stopPropagation).on("mousemove", layerSpy); happen.mousemove(layer._icon); expect(layerSpy.calledOnce); expect(mapSpy.called); }); it("DOM events fired on polygon can be cancelled before being caught by the map", function () { var mapSpy = sinon.spy(); var layerSpy = sinon.spy(); map.on("mousemove", mapSpy); var layer = new L.Polygon([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]).addTo(map); layer.on("mousemove", L.DomEvent.stopPropagation).on("mousemove", layerSpy); happen.mousemove(layer._path); expect(layerSpy.calledOnce); expect(mapSpy.called); }); it("mouseout is forwarded if fired on the original target", function () { var mapSpy = sinon.spy(), layerSpy = sinon.spy(), otherSpy = sinon.spy(); var layer = new L.Polygon([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]).addTo(map); var other = new L.Polygon([[10, 20], [30, 40], [50, 60]]).addTo(map); map.on("mouseout", mapSpy); layer.on("mouseout", layerSpy); other.on("mouseout", otherSpy); happen.mouseout(layer._path, {relatedTarget: map._container}); expect(mapSpy.called); expect(otherSpy.called); expect(layerSpy.calledOnce); }); it("mouseout is forwarded when using a DivIcon", function () { var icon = L.divIcon({ html: "
this is text in a child element
", iconSize: [100, 100] }); var mapSpy = sinon.spy(), layerSpy = sinon.spy(), layer = L.marker([1, 2], {icon: icon}).addTo(map); map.on("mouseout", mapSpy); layer.on("mouseout", layerSpy); happen.mouseout(layer._icon, {relatedTarget: map._container}); expect(mapSpy.called); expect(layerSpy.calledOnce); }); it("mouseout is not forwarded if relatedTarget is a target's child", function () { var icon = L.divIcon({ html: "this is text in a child element
", iconSize: [100, 100] }); var mapSpy = sinon.spy(), layerSpy = sinon.spy(), layer = L.marker([1, 2], {icon: icon}).addTo(map), child = layer._icon.querySelector('p'); map.on("mouseout", mapSpy); layer.on("mouseout", layerSpy); happen.mouseout(layer._icon, {relatedTarget: child}); expect(mapSpy.called); expect(layerSpy.calledOnce); }); it("mouseout is not forwarded if fired on target's child", function () { var icon = L.divIcon({ html: "this is text in a child element
", iconSize: [100, 100] }); var mapSpy = sinon.spy(), layerSpy = sinon.spy(), layer = L.marker([1, 2], {icon: icon}).addTo(map), child = layer._icon.querySelector('p'); map.on("mouseout", mapSpy); layer.on("mouseout", layerSpy); happen.mouseout(child, {relatedTarget: layer._icon}); expect(mapSpy.called); expect(layerSpy.calledOnce); }); it("mouseout is not forwarded to layers if fired on the map", function () { var mapSpy = sinon.spy(), layerSpy = sinon.spy(), otherSpy = sinon.spy(); var layer = new L.Polygon([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]).addTo(map); var other = new L.Polygon([[10, 20], [30, 40], [50, 60]]).addTo(map); map.on("mouseout", mapSpy); layer.on("mouseout", layerSpy); other.on("mouseout", otherSpy); happen.mouseout(map._container); expect(otherSpy.called); expect(layerSpy.called); expect(mapSpy.calledOnce); }); it("preclick is fired before click on marker and map", function () { var called = 0; var layer = new L.Marker([1, 2]).addTo(map); layer.on("preclick", function (e) { expect(called++).to.eql(0); expect(e.latlng).to.ok(); }); layer.on("click", function (e) { expect(called++).to.eql(2); expect(e.latlng).to.ok(); }); map.on("preclick", function (e) { expect(called++).to.eql(1); expect(e.latlng).to.ok(); }); map.on("click", function (e) { expect(called++).to.eql(3); expect(e.latlng).to.ok(); });; }); }); describe('#getScaleZoom && #getZoomScale', function () { it("convert zoom to scale and viceversa and return the same values", function () { var toZoom = 6.25; var fromZoom = 8.5; var scale = map.getScaleZoom(toZoom, fromZoom); expect(Math.round(map.getZoomScale(scale, fromZoom) * 100) / 100).to.eql(toZoom); }); }); });