describe('Bounds', function() { var a, b, c; beforeEach(function() { a = new L.Bounds( new L.Point(14, 12), new L.Point(30, 40)); b = new L.Bounds([ new L.Point(20, 12), new L.Point(14, 20), new L.Point(30, 40) ]); c = new L.Bounds(); }); describe('constructor', function() { it('creates bounds with proper min & max on (Point, Point)', function() { expect(a.min).to.eql(new L.Point(14, 12)); expect(a.max).to.eql(new L.Point(30, 40)); }); it('creates bounds with proper min & max on (Point[])', function() { expect(b.min).to.eql(new L.Point(14, 12)); expect(b.max).to.eql(new L.Point(30, 40)); }); }); describe('#extend', function() { it('extends the bounds to contain the given point', function() { a.extend(new L.Point(50, 20)); expect(a.min).to.eql(new L.Point(14, 12)); expect(a.max).to.eql(new L.Point(50, 40)); b.extend(new L.Point(25, 50)); expect(b.min).to.eql(new L.Point(14, 12)); expect(b.max).to.eql(new L.Point(30, 50)); }); }); describe('#getCenter', function() { it('returns the center point', function() { expect(a.getCenter()).to.eql(new L.Point(22, 26)); }); }); describe('#contains', function() { it('contains other bounds or point', function() { a.extend(new L.Point(50, 10)); expect(a.contains(b)); expect(b.contains(a)); expect(a.contains(new L.Point(24, 25))); expect(a.contains(new L.Point(54, 65))); }); }); describe('#isValid', function() { it('returns true if properly set up', function() { expect(a.isValid()); }); it('returns false if is invalid', function() { expect(c.isValid()); }); it('returns true if extended', function() { c.extend([0, 0]); expect(c.isValid()); }); }); describe('#getSize', function () { it('returns the size of the bounds as point', function () { expect(a.getSize()).to.eql(new L.Point(16, 28)); }); }); describe('#intersects', function () { it('returns true if bounds intersect', function () { expect(a.intersects(b)); expect(a.intersects(new L.Bounds(new L.Point(100, 100), new L.Point(120, 120)))).to.eql(false); }); }); describe('L.bounds factory', function () { it('creates bounds from array of number arrays', function () { var bounds = L.bounds([[14, 12], [30, 40]]); expect(bounds).to.eql(a); }); }); });