describe('Util', function() { describe('#extend', function() { var a; beforeEach(function() { a = { foo: 5, bar: 'asd' }; }); it('should extend the first argument with the properties of the second', function() { L.Util.extend(a, { bar: 7, baz: 3 }); expect(a).toEqual({ foo: 5, bar: 7, baz: 3 }); }); it('should work with more than 2 arguments', function() { L.Util.extend(a, {bar: 7}, {baz: 3}); expect(a).toEqual({ foo: 5, bar: 7, baz: 3 }); }); }); describe('#bind', function() { it('should return the given function with the given context', function() { var fn = function() { return this; }; var fn2 = L.Util.bind(fn, 5); expect(fn2()).toEqual(5); }); }); describe('#stamp', function() { it('should set a unique id on the given object and return it', function() { var a = {}, id = L.Util.stamp(a); expect(typeof id).toEqual('number'); expect(L.Util.stamp(a)).toEqual(id); var b = {}, id2 = L.Util.stamp(b); expect(id2).not.toEqual(id); }); }); describe('#getParamString', function() { it('should create a valid query string for appending depending on url input', function() { var a = { url: "", obj: {bar: 7, baz: 3}, result: "?bar=7&baz=3" }; expect(L.Util.getParamString(a.obj,a.url)).toEqual(a.result); var b = { url: "", obj: {bar: 7, baz: 3}, result: "&bar=7&baz=3" }; expect(L.Util.getParamString(b.obj,b.url)).toEqual(b.result); var c = { url: undefined, obj: {bar: 7, baz: 3}, result: "?bar=7&baz=3" }; expect(L.Util.getParamString(c.obj,c.url)).toEqual(c.result); }); }); // TODO cancel/requestAnimFrame? // TODO limitExecByInterval // TODO formatNum // TODO splitWords // TODO setOptions // TODO template });