describe('PosAnimation', function () { var el; beforeEach(function () { el = document.createElement('div'); this.subject = new L.PosAnimation(); this.subject._el = el; }); describe('#_onStep', function () { it("sets element position and fires step event if it is able to get current position", function () { var point = new L.Point(5, 5, true); sinon.stub(this.subject, '_getPos').returns(point); = sinon.stub(); this.subject._onStep(); expect('step').calledOnce); expect(L.DomUtil.getPosition(this.subject._el)); }); it('stops transition if a position returned', function () { sinon.stub(this.subject, '_onTransitionEnd'); sinon.stub(this.subject, '_getPos').returns(undefined); this.subject._onStep(); expect(this.subject._onTransitionEnd.calledOnce); }); }); });