--- layout: default title: Plugins --- ## Notable Leaflet Plugins While Leaflet is meant to be as lightweight as possible, and focuses on a core set of features, an easy way to extend its functionality is to use third-party plugins. Thanks to the awesome community behind Leaflet, there are lots of nice plugins to choose from. --- ### Layers and Overlays
Plugin Description Maintainer
Leaflet.ellipse Leaflet.ellipse place ellipses on map by specifying center point, semi-major axis, semi-minor axis, and tilt degrees from west. JD Fergason
Leaflet.plotter leaflet-plotter allows you to create routes using a leaflet powered map. You can click on the mid-points to create a new, draggable point. Nathan Mahdavi
Leaflet.markercluster Beautiful, sophisticated, high performance marker clustering solution with smooth animations and lots of great features. Recommended! Dave Leaver
Leaflet.label Adds text labels to map markers and vector layers. Jacob Toye
RaphaelLayer Allows you to use Raphael as a layer on a Leaflet map for advanced animations and visualizations. Dynamic Methods
Overlapping Marker Spiderfier Deals with overlapping markers in a Google Earth-inspired way by gracefully springing them apart on click. George MacKerron
TileLayer.BoundaryCanvas Allows you to draw tile layers with arbitrary polygonal boundary. HTML5 Canvas is used for rendering. Alexander Parshin
MaskCanvas Canvas layer that can be used to visualize coverage. Dominik Moritz
HeatCanvas Simple heatmap api based on HTML5 canvas. Sun Ning
heatmap.js JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps. Its Leaflet layer implementation supports large datasets because it is tile based and uses a quadtree index to store the data. Patrick Wied
Leaflet divHeatmap Lightweight and versatile heatmap layer based on CSS3 and divIcons Daniele Piccone
WebGL Heatmap High performance Javascript heatmap plugin using WebGL. Benjamin J DeLong
Leaflet.MultiTileLayer Allows to compose a TileLayer from several tile sources. Each source is active only on a defined set of zoomlevels. Mattias Bengtsson
Leaflet.AnimatedMarker Animate a marker along a polyline. Aaron Ogle
Leaflet-semicircle Adds functionality to L.Circle to draw semicircles. Jieter
Leaflet.FunctionalTileLayer Allows you to define tile layer URLs using a function, with support for jQuery deferreds. Ishmael Smyrnow
Leaflet.geoCSV Leaflet plugin for loading a CSV file as geoJSON layer. Iván Eixarch
Leaflet.PolylineDecorator Allows you to draw patterns (like dashes, arrows or evenly spaced Markers) along Polylines or coordinate paths. Benjamin Becquet
Leaflet.Sprite Use sprite based icons in your markers. Calvin Metcalf
Leaflet.BounceMarker Make a marker bounce when you add it to a map. Maxime Hadjinlian
Leaflet.TextPath Allows you to draw text along Polylines. Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet.Awesome-Markers Colorful, iconic & retina-proof markers based on the Font Awesome icons/Twitter Bootstrap icons Lennard Voogdt
Leaflet Data Visualization Framework New markers, layers, and utility classes for easy thematic mapping and data visualization. Scott Fairgrieve
TileLayer.Grayscale A regular TileLayer with grayscale makeover. Ilya Zverev
TileLayer.GeoJSON A TileLayer for GeoJSON tiles. Glen Robertson
TileLayer.Zoomify A TileLayer for Zoomify images. Bjørn Sandvik
TileLayer.DeepZoom A TileLayer for DeepZoom images. Al Farisi, Indokreatif Teknologi
Leaflet.Graticule Draws a grid of latitude and longitude lines. Bjørn Sandvik
leaflet-usermarker Plugin for plotting a marker representing a user - or multiple users - on a map, with support for drawing an accuraccy circle. Can be seen in action on Longitude.me. Jonatan Heyman
Leaflet.EdgeMarker Plugin to indicate the existence of Features outside of the current view. Gerald Pape
Leaflet.Shapefile Put a shapefile onto your map as a layer. Calvin Metcalf
Leaflet.FileGDB Put an ESRI File GeoDatabase onto your map as a layer. Calvin Metcalf
Leaflet.Terminator Overlay day and night regions on a map. Jörg Dietrich
Leaflet.FeatureSelect Use a configurable centerpoint marker to select any geometry type from a GeoJSON layer. Aaron Ogle
Leaflet.MakiMarkers Create markers using Maki Icons from MapBox. James Seppi
Leaflet.Editable.Polyline Editable polylines: move existing points, add new points and split polylines. Tomo Krajina
leaflet.TileLayer.WMTS Add WMTS (IGN) layering for leaflet. Alexandre Melard
leaflet-omnivore Loads & converts CSV, KML, GPX, TopoJSON, WKT formats for Leaflet. Mapbox
Leaflet.TileLayer.IIP Add support for IIPImage layers in Leaflet. Emmanuel Bertin
### Services, Providers and Formats
Plugin Description Maintainer
Proj4Leaflet Proj4js integration plugin, allowing you to use all kinds of weird projections in Leaflet. Kartena
Plugins by Pavel Shramov A set of plugins for: GPX, KML layers; Bing tile layer; Google and Yandex layers (implemented with their APIs), permalink and distance measurement controls. Pavel Shramov, Bruno B
cartodb-leaflet Official CartoDB plugin for Leaflet. Vizzuality
Leaflet Vector Layers Allows to easily create vector layers from a number of geo web services, such as ArcGIS Server, Arc2Earth, GeoIQ, CartoDB and GIS Cloud. Jason Sanford
leaflet-tilejson Adds support for the TileJSON specification to Leaflet. Per Liedman, Kartena
leaflet-providers Contains configurations for various free tile providers — OSM, OpenCycleMap, MapQuest, Stamen, Esri, etc. leaflet-extras members
azgs-leaflet A set of small plugins for Leaflet, including WFS-GeoJSON layer with filtering, a hover control for GeoJSON, and an Esri tile layer. AZGS
Leaflet.encoded Use encoded polylines in Leaflet. Jieter
Leaflet.Pouch Use PouchDB to sync CouchDB data to local storage (indexedDB), to just add couchDB data or as just a less confusing implementation of indexedDB. Calvin Metcalf
Leaflet Ajax Add GeoJSON data via ajax or jsonp. Calvin Metcalf
Leaflet GPX GPX layer, targeted at sporting activities by providing access to information such as distance, moving time, pace, elevation, heart rate, etc. Maxime Petazzoni
Wicket A modest library for translating between Well-Known Text (WKT) and Leaflet geometry objects (e.g. between L.marker() instances and "POINT()" strings). K. Arthur Endsley
Leaflet.dbpediaLayer A layer with Points of interest from Wikipedia - loaded via ajax from DBpedia's SPARQL endpoint. Kr1
Leaflet-2gis Adds support for 2GIS tile layer Eugene Mikhalev
Leaflet.KoreanTmsProviders Contains configurations for various (South) Korean tile providers — Daum, Naver, VWorld, etc. Seong Choi
Leaflet.ChineseTmsProviders Contains configurations for various Chinese tile providers — TianDiTu, MapABC, GaoDe, etc. Tao Huang
### Geocoding (Address Lookup)
Plugin Description Maintainer
Leaflet GeoSearch Small geocoding plugin that brings address searching/lookup (aka geosearching) to Leaflet.
Comes with support for Google, OpenStreetMap Nominatim, Bing, Esri and Nokia. Easily extensible.
Stephan Meijer
Leaflet Control OSM Geocoder A simple geocoder that uses OpenstreetMap Nominatim to locate places by address. Karsten Hinz
Leaflet Control Bing Geocoder A simple geocoder control that uses Bing to locate places. Samuel Piquet
Leaflet Control Geocoder A clean and extensible control that uses Nominatim (OSM) or Bing to locate places. Easy to adapt for other providers. Per Liedman
### Routing and route search
Plugin Description Maintainer
Leaflet Routing Machine Control for route search between waypoints, displaying itinerary and alternative routes. Currently uses OSRM to search routes. Per Liedman
Leaflet.Routing Leaflet controller and interface for routing paths between waypoints using any user provided routing service. Norwegian Trekking Association
### Controls and Interaction
Plugin Description Maintainer
Leaflet.AreaSelect A fixed positioned, resizable rectangle for selecting an area on the map. Jonatan Heyman
Leaflet.draw Enables drawing features like polylines, polygons, rectangles, circles and markers through a very nice user-friendly interface with icons and hints. Recommended! Jacob Toye
Leaflet.utfgrid Provides a utfgrid interaction handler for leaflet a very small footprint. Dave Leaver
Leaflet.EditableHandlers A set of plugins that includes circle editing, measuring tool, and label for polygon sides. Kartena
Leaflet.Pancontrol A simple panning control. Kartena
Leaflet.zoomslider A zoom slider control. Kartena
Leaflet.Locate A customizable locate control. Dominik Moritz
Leaflet.fullscreen A fullscreen button control by mapbox mapbox
leaflet.zoomfs A fullscreen button control. Eli Dupuis
leaflet.fullscreen Another fullscreen button control but for modern browsers, using HTML5 Fullscreen API. Bruno B
leaflet-search A control for search Markers/Features location by custom property in LayerGroup/GeoJSON. Support AJAX/JSONP, Autocompletion and 3rd party service Stefano Cudini
leaflet-fusesearch A control that provides a panel to search features in a GeoJSON layer using the lightweight fuzzy search Fuse.js Antoine Riche
leaflet-locationfilter A draggable/resizable rectangle for selecting an area on the map. Robert Kajic
Leaflet.MiniMap A small minimap showing the map at a different scale to aid navigation. Robert Nordan
Leaflet.Rrose A Leaflet Plugin for Edge Cases. For use when you want popups on mouseover, not click, and you need popup tips to reorient as you get close to the edges of your map. Eric Theise
Leaflet.EditInOSM Add a control with links to open the current map view on main OSM editors. Yohan Boniface
Leaflet.Spin Shows a nice spinner on the map using Spin.js, for asynchronous data load, like with Leaflet Ajax. Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet.RestoreView Stores and restores map view using localStorage. Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet.FileLayer Loads files (GeoJSON, GPX, KML) into the map using the HTML5 FileReader API (i.e. locally without server). Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet.Snap Enables snapping of draggable markers to polylines and other layers. Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet Time-Slider The Leaflet Time-Slider enables you to dynamically add and remove Markers on a map by using a JQuery UI slider Dennis Wilhelm
Leaflet.RevealOSM Very simple but extendable Leaflet plugin to display OSM POIs data on map click. Yohan Boniface
Leaflet.MousePosition A simple MousePosition control that displays geographic coordinates of the mouse pointer, as it is moved about the map Ardhi Lukianto
Leaflet.SelectLayers a Leaflet plugin which adds new control to switch between different layers on the map. New control replaces L.Control.Layers radio button panel with select tag. vogdb
Leaflet.Coordinates A simple Leaflet plugin viewing the mouse LatLng-coordinates. Also views a marker with coordinate popup on userinput. Felix Bache
Leaflet.Elevation A Leaflet plugin to view interactive height profiles of GeoJSON lines using d3. Felix Bache
Leaflet.Sync Synchronized view of two maps. Bjørn Sandvik
Leaflet.GroupedLayerControl Leaflet layer control with support for grouping overlays together. Ishmael Smyrnow
Leaflet.BorderPan A Leaflet plugin to pan by clicking on map borders. Sebastián Lara
Leaflet.TileLegend Create illustrated and interactive legends for your background layers. Yohan Boniface
LeafletPlayback Play back time-stamped GPS Tracks synchronized to a clock. Nicholas Hallahan
Leaflet.loading A simple control that adds a loading indicator as tiles and other data are loaded. Eric Brelsford
Leaflet.viewcenter A simple control that adds a button to change view and zoom to predefinied values in options. Dariusz Pawlak
Leaflet.contextmenu A context menu for Leaflet. Adam Ratcliffe
Leaflet.MeasureControl A simple tool to measure distances on maps (*relies on Leaflet.Draw*). Makina Corpus
Leaflet.OverIntent Adds a new event ``mouseintent``, that differs from ``mouseover`` since it reflects user intentions to aim a particular layer. Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet.AlmostOver Trigger mouse events when cursor is "almost" over a layer. Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet Control Order Layers Adds the ability to change overlay order in the layers control. Michael Salgado
Leaflet.layerscontrol-minimap Extends the default Leaflet layers control with synced minimaps. Jieter
leaflet-sidebar A responsive sidebar plugin. Tobias Bieniek
leaflet-zoom-min Adds a button to the zoom control that allows you to zoom to the map minimum zoom level in a single click. Alan Shaw
Leaflet.MagnifyingGlass Allows you to display a small portion of the map at another zoom level, either at a fixed position or linked to the mouse movement, for a magnifying glass effect. Benjamin Becquet
Leaflet.OpacityControls Simple Leaflet controls to adjust the opacity of a map layer. Jared Dominguez
Leaflet.StyleEditor Enables editing the styles of features (lines, polygons, etc) and markers with a GUI. Dennis Wilhelm
Leaflet.UniformControl Leaflet layer control with stylable checkboxes and radio buttons. Chris Calip
Leaflet.SimpleMarkers A light-weight Leaflet plugin for adding and deleting markers. Jared Dominguez
### Other Plugins and Libraries
Plugin Description Maintainer
OSM Buildings Amazing JS library for visualizing 3D OSM building geometry on top of Leaflet. Jan Marsch
Maps Marker Pro A WordPress plugin that enables users to pin, organize and share their favorite places and tracks through their WordPress powered site. Robert Harm
leaflet-hash Plugin for persisting map state and browsing history through the URL hash. Michael Lawrence Evans
arc.js A JS library for drawing great circle routes that can be used with Leaflet. Dane Springmeyer
Leaflet.Storage Create/update/delete Map, Marker, Polygon, Polyline... and expose them for backend storage with an API. Yohan Boniface
Leaflet.CSS Add the main Leaflet CSS files (or any css) from within JavaScript, be gone conditional comments. Calvin Metcalf
Leaflet.LayerIndex An efficient spatial index for features and layers, using RTree.js. Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet-pip Simple point in polygon calculation using point-in-polygon. Tom MacWright
Leaflet.GeometryUtil A collection of utilities for Leaflet geometries (linear referencing, etc.) Benjamin Becquet, Mathieu Leplatre
Leaflet.i18n Internationalization for Leaflet plugins. Yohan Boniface
Leaflet.print Implements the Mapfish print protocol allowing a Leaflet map to be printed using either the Mapfish or GeoServer print module. Adam Ratcliffe
Leaflet-active-area This plugin allows you to use a smaller portion of the map as an active area. All positionning methods (setView, fitBounds, setZoom) will be applied on this portion instead of the all map. Mappy
To submit your own Leaflet plugin to this list, just send a pull request with the addition to Leaflet repo's [gh-pages branch](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/tree/gh-pages) (`plugins.md` file).