describe('LatLng', function() { describe('constructor', function() { it("should set lat and lng", function() { var a = new L.LatLng(25, 74); expect(; expect(a.lng).toEqual(74); var a = new L.LatLng(-25, -74); expect(; expect(a.lng).toEqual(-74); }); }); describe('#equals', function() { it("should return true if compared objects are equal within a certain margin", function() { var a = new L.LatLng(10, 20); var b = new L.LatLng(10 + 1.0E-10, 20 - 1.0E-10); expect(a.equals(b)).toBe(true); }); it("should return false if compared objects are not equal within a certain margin", function() { var a = new L.LatLng(10, 20); var b = new L.LatLng(10, 23.3); expect(a.equals(b)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('#wrap', function () { it("#wrap should wrap longitude to lie between -180 and 180 by default", function() { var a = new L.LatLng(0, 190).wrap().lng; expect(a).toEqual(-170); var b = new L.LatLng(0, 360).wrap().lng; expect(b).toEqual(0); var c = new L.LatLng(0, 380).wrap().lng; expect(c).toEqual(20); var d = new L.LatLng(0, -190).wrap().lng; expect(d).toEqual(170); var e = new L.LatLng(0, -360).wrap().lng; expect(e).toEqual(0); var f = new L.LatLng(0, -380).wrap().lng; expect(f).toEqual(-20); var g = new L.LatLng(0, 90).wrap().lng; expect(g).toEqual(90); var h = new L.LatLng(0, 180).wrap().lng; expect(h).toEqual(180); }); it("#wrap should wrap longitude within the given range", function() { var a = new L.LatLng(0, 190).wrap(-100, 100).lng; expect(a).toEqual(-10); }); }) });