changelog for new release

Andrew 7 years ago
parent 9fb0df7f04
commit 1e91b70aed

@ -3,6 +3,83 @@ Leaflet Changelog
(all changes without author notice are by [@mourner](
## 1.3.0 (2018-??-??)
### API changes
* Add `tolerance` option to `L.Renderer` instead of hardcoded tolerance for touch devices ([#5922]( by [Muscot](
### Improvements
* Use more stable form of Haversine formula ([#5935]( by [jussimattas](
* Add `autoPan` option to `L.Marker` ([#5651]( by [alenaksu](
* Cancel http requests for outdated tiles ([#5615]( by [jbccollins](
* Add `closeOnEscapeKey` option to `L.Popup` ([#5730]( by [Mickyfen17](
* Add `tileerror` tests to `L.GridLayer` spec ([#5805]( by [msiadak](
* Use `eachLayer` method for iterations over layers in `L.LayerGroup` ([#5809]( by [cherniavskii](
* Change `Util.formatNum` default to 6 decimals ([#5492]( by [fminuti](
* Fire `zoomlevelschange` event when calling `setMinZoom` & `setMaxZoom` ([#5230]( by [mynameisstephen](
* Use zoom parameter if passed to `L.TileLayer`'s `getTileUrl` method ([#5822]( by [broncha](
* Round circle radius in renderer instead of layer ([#5859]( by [perliedman](
* Make `L.LayerGroup` accept options ([#5792]( by [iH8](
* Round pan offset towards zero ([#5858]( by [perliedman](
* Improve heuristic for what event targets are considered markers ([#5885]( by [perliedman](
* Add `typeof` check to `checkDeprecatedMixinEvents` ([#5901]( by [murb](
* Optimize images ([#5936]( by [grischard](
* Add `addTo` static function to `L.Handler` class ([#5930]( by [cherniavskii](
* Add ability to pass `HTMLImageElement` to `L.ImageOverlay` and `L.VideoOverlay` ([#5948]( by [ronikar](
### Bug fixes
* No inertia if drag is stopped before ending the drag ([#5690]( by [perliedman](
* Remove tiles from the `_tiles` cache when they're aborted ([#5634]( by [oliverheilig](
* Use same condition for adding as well as removing double tap listener ([#5598]( by [perliedman](
* Fix adding css classes to `L.VideoOverlay` ([#5731]( by [Dzwiedzminator]( and [#5785]( by [cherniavskii](
* Correctly wrap tile coordinate bounds ([#5715]( by [perliedman](
* Fix `L.TileLayer` infinite error loop ([#5783]( by [cherniavskii](
* Fix map not rendering when images have max-height ([#5778]( by [idanen](
* Add defensive check for `this._map` in `L.Marker`'s `update` method ([#5736]( by [dnepromell](
* Fix zoom when map container is scaled ([#5794]( by [cherniavskii](
* Update DomPointer.js to revert typo ([#5817]( by [daverayment](
* Fix `L.ImageOverlay` `className` option ([#5830]( by [cherniavskii](
* Fix `L.TileLayer.WMS` when using Polar stereographic ([#5618]( by [scaddenp](
* Stop animation before removing map ([#5876]( by [dnepromell]( and [#5918]( by [aaronplanell](
* Stop locate before removing map ([#5893]( by [ghybs](
* Reset `GridLayer`'s `_tileZoom` to `undefined` instead of `null` ([#5888]( by [iH8](
* Fix `L.Map`'s `map.flyTo` method to respect `noMoveStart` option ([#5923]( by [iPrytz](
* Fix map pan when `touchZoom` is disabled ([#5952]( by [cherniavskii](
* Fix `L.SVG` to reset size on remove from map ([#5966]( by [ghybs](
* Fix `L.Marker` to set `alt` attribute for img-based Icons only ([#5979]( by [msiadak](
### Docs & Web Site
* Add documentation for `PolyLine.closestLayerPoint` ([#5701]( by [perliedman](
* Replace urls for samples in wms documentation ([#5712]( by [jjimenezshaw](
* Add `DomEvent.stop` event type to docs ([#5733]( by [theashyster](
* Update links to GeoJSON spec in GeoJSON examples ([#5725]( by [astridx](
* Improve docs for `L.LatLngBounds` `pad` method ([#5748]( by [CalvinWilliams1012](
* Improve Zoom-levels documentation to reflect function properly ([#5769]( by [CalvinWilliams1012](
* Fix map's height and width in examples to make attributions visible on mobile ([#5772]( by [CalvinWilliams1012]( and [#5819]( by [cherniavskii](
* Fix `L.FeatureGroup` `bringToBack` method docs ([#5788]( by [fpopa](
* Fix `L.LatLng` `distanceTo` method description ([#5791]( by [loisgh](
* Fix docs redirects to latest version reference ([#5824]( by [cherniavskii](
* Add CDN alternatives ([#5837]( by [ghybs](
* Update docs for `` ([#5855]( by [77ganesh](
* Move `L.SVG` factory docs to appropriate place ([#5864]( by [cherniavskii](
* New Leaflet playgrounds on Plunker, Codepen and JSFiddle ([#5868]( by [iH8](
* Clarify that any option keys can be used ([#5877]( by [perliedman](
* Add notes about some classes not inheriting Class ([#5878]( by [perliedman](
* Clean up and document event propagation properties ([#5880]( by [perliedman](
* Update building instructions ([#5911]( by [shadeland](
* Document `mouseup` event for interactive `L.Layer` ([#5941]( by [germansokolov13](
### ES6 / Rollup
* Remove warning alert in watch bundle ([#5714]( by [perliedman](
* New rollup config signature ([#5812]( by [iH8](
* Tweak `legacy` option in rollup config ([#5929]( by [IvanSanchez](
## 1.2.0 (2017-08-08)
### API Changes
