* files on [Leaflet unpkg page](https://unpkg.com/leaflet@latest/)
8. Update API docs:
* run `jake docs`
* Copy the built docs from `dist/reference-X.Y.Z.html` to `docs/reference-X.Y.Z.html`
* Update the built docs header to use Jekyll style; see commit [11d716f0964d8bc0d058ca09e9ba8003451b4b8d](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/commit/11d716f0964d8bc0d058ca09e9ba8003451b4b8d) as reference for the needed changes
* Commit the new docs to the release branch
9. Update `docs/reference.html` to redirect to the new version and commit the change to the release branch
10. Update integrity hashes:
* Checkout the release tag (`git checkout vX.Y.Z`)
* Run `npm run integrity` or simply `node ./build/integrity.js` if you're not on Debian
* Copy the hashes and update `integrity_hash_css`, `integrity_hash_source` and `integrity_hash_uglified` in `docs/_config.yml`; commit changes to the release branch