Besides the library itself, the download package contains full source code, unit tests, files for debugging and a build system. The production files are in the `dist` folder.
Leaflet build system is powered by the [Node.js]( platform and Jake, JSHint and UglifyJS libraries, which install easily and work well across all major platforms. Here are the steps to install it:
1. [Download and install Node](
2. Run the following commands in the command line:
Now that you have everything installed, run `jake` inside the Leaflet directory. This will check Leaflet source files for JavaScript errors and inconsistencies, and then combine and compress it to the `dist` folder.
To make a custom build of the library with only the things you need, open `build/build.html` page of the package contents, choose the components (it figures out dependencies for you) and then run the command generated with it.