139 lines
4.7 KiB
139 lines
4.7 KiB
var pg = require('./pg');
var _ = require('underscore')
var svg_width = 1024.0;
var svg_height = 768.0;
var svg_ratio = svg_width/svg_height;
function SvgFormat() {}
SvgFormat.prototype = new pg('svg');
SvgFormat.prototype.getQuery = function(sql, options) {
var gn = options.gn;
var dp = options.dp;
return 'WITH source AS ( ' + sql + '), extent AS ( '
+ ' SELECT ST_Extent(' + gn + ') AS e FROM source '
+ '), extent_info AS ( SELECT e, '
+ 'st_xmin(e) as ex0, st_ymax(e) as ey0, '
+ 'st_xmax(e)-st_xmin(e) as ew, '
+ 'st_ymax(e)-st_ymin(e) as eh FROM extent )'
+ ', trans AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN '
+ 'eh = 0 THEN ' + svg_width
+ '/ COALESCE(NULLIF(ew,0),' + svg_width +') WHEN '
+ svg_ratio + ' <= (ew / eh) THEN ('
+ svg_width + '/ew ) ELSE ('
+ svg_height + '/eh ) END as s '
+ ', ex0 as x0, ey0 as y0 FROM extent_info ) '
+ 'SELECT st_TransScale(e, -x0, -y0, s, s)::box2d as '
+ gn + '_box, ST_Dimension(' + gn + ') as ' + gn
+ '_dimension, ST_AsSVG(ST_TransScale(' + gn + ', '
+ '-x0, -y0, s, s), 0, ' + dp + ') as ' + gn
//+ ', ex0, ey0, ew, eh, s ' // DEBUG ONLY
+ ' FROM trans, extent_info, source';
SvgFormat.prototype._contentType = "image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8";
SvgFormat.prototype.transform = function(result, options, callback) {
toSVG(result.rows, options.gn, callback);
function toSVG(rows, gn, callback) {
var radius = 5; // in pixels (based on svg_width and svg_height)
var stroke_width = 1; // in pixels (based on svg_width and svg_height)
var stroke_color = 'black';
// fill settings affect polygons and points (circles)
var fill_opacity = 0.5; // 0.0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque
// unused if fill_color='none'
var fill_color = 'none'; // affects polygons and circles
var bbox; // will be computed during the results scan
var polys = [];
var lines = [];
var points = [];
_.each(rows, function(ele){
if ( ! ele.hasOwnProperty(gn) ) {
throw new Error('column "' + gn + '" does not exist');
var g = ele[gn];
if ( ! g ) return; // null or empty
var gdims = ele[gn + '_dimension'];
// TODO: add an identifier, if any of "cartodb_id", "oid", "id", "gid" are found
// TODO: add "class" attribute to help with styling ?
if ( gdims == '0' ) {
points.push('<circle r="[RADIUS]" ' + g + ' />');
} else if ( gdims == '1' ) {
// Avoid filling closed linestrings
var linetag = '<path ';
if ( fill_color != 'none' ) linetag += 'fill="none" ';
linetag += 'd="' + g + '" />';
} else if ( gdims == '2' ) {
polys.push('<path d="' + g + '" />');
if ( ! bbox ) {
// Parse layer extent: "BOX(x y, X Y)"
// NOTE: the name of the extent field is
// determined by the same code adding the
// ST_AsSVG call (in queryResult)
bbox = ele[gn + '_box'];
bbox = bbox.match(/BOX\(([^ ]*) ([^ ,]*),([^ ]*) ([^)]*)\)/);
bbox = {
xmin: parseFloat(bbox[1]),
ymin: parseFloat(bbox[2]),
xmax: parseFloat(bbox[3]),
ymax: parseFloat(bbox[4])
// Set point radius
for (var i=0; i<points.length; ++i) {
points[i] = points[i].replace('[RADIUS]', radius);
var header_tags = [
'<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>',
'<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">',
var root_tag = '<svg ';
if ( bbox ) {
// expand box by "radius" + "stroke-width"
// TODO: use a Box2d class for these ops
var growby = radius+stroke_width;
bbox.xmin -= growby;
bbox.ymin -= growby;
bbox.xmax += growby;
bbox.ymax += growby;
bbox.width = bbox.xmax - bbox.xmin;
bbox.height = bbox.ymax - bbox.ymin;
root_tag += 'viewBox="' + bbox.xmin + ' ' + (-bbox.ymax) + ' '
+ bbox.width + ' ' + bbox.height + '" ';
root_tag += 'style="fill-opacity:' + fill_opacity
+ '; stroke:' + stroke_color
+ '; stroke-width:' + stroke_width
+ '; fill:' + fill_color
+ '" ';
root_tag += 'xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">';
// Render points on top of lines and lines on top of polys
var out = header_tags.concat(polys, lines, points);
// return payload
callback(null, out.join("\n"));
module.exports = SvgFormat;