311 lines
8.5 KiB
311 lines
8.5 KiB
var crypto = require('crypto'),
Step = require('step'),
fs = require('fs'),
_ = require('underscore'),
PSQL = require('cartodb-psql'),
spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
// Keeps track of what's waiting baking for export
var bakingExports = {};
function OgrFormat(id) {
this.id = id;
OgrFormat.prototype = {
id: "ogr",
is_file: true,
getQuery: function(sql, options) {
return null; // dont execute the query
transform: function(result, options, callback) {
throw "should not be called for file formats"
getContentType: function(){ return this._contentType; },
getFileExtension: function(){ return this._fileExtension; },
getKey: function(options) {
return [this.id,
generateMD5: function (data){
var hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
return hash.digest('hex');
// Internal function usable by all OGR-driven outputs
OgrFormat.prototype.toOGR = function(options, out_format, out_filename, callback) {
var gcol = options.gn;
var sql = options.sql;
var skipfields = options.skipfields;
var out_layername = options.filename;
var dbopts = options.dbopts;
var ogr2ogr = 'ogr2ogr'; // FIXME: make configurable
var dbhost = dbopts.host;
var dbport = dbopts.port;
var dbuser = dbopts.user;
var dbpass = dbopts.pass;
var dbname = dbopts.dbname;
var that = this;
var columns = [];
var geocol;
var pg;
// Drop ending semicolon (ogr doens't like it)
sql = sql.replace(/;\s*$/, '');
Step (
function fetchColumns() {
var colsql = 'SELECT * FROM (' + sql + ') as _cartodbsqlapi LIMIT 0';
pg = new PSQL(dbopts);
pg.query(colsql, this);
function findSRS(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
//if ( ! result.rows.length ) throw new Error("Query returns no rows");
var needSRS = that._needSRS;
// Skip system columns, find geom column
for (var i=0; i<result.fields.length; ++i) {
var field = result.fields[i];
var k = field.name;
if ( skipfields.indexOf(k) != -1 ) continue;
if ( out_format != 'CSV' && k == "the_geom_webmercator" ) continue; // TODO: drop ?
if ( out_format == 'CSV' ) columns.push(pg.quoteIdentifier(k)+'::text');
else columns.push(pg.quoteIdentifier(k));
if ( needSRS ) {
if ( ! geocol && pg.typeName(field.dataTypeID) == 'geometry' ) {
geocol = k
if ( ! needSRS || ! geocol ) return null;
var next = this;
var qgeocol = pg.quoteIdentifier(geocol);
var sridsql = 'SELECT ST_Srid(' + qgeocol + ') as srid, GeometryType(' +
qgeocol + ') as type FROM (' + sql + ') as _cartodbsqlapi WHERE ' +
qgeocol + ' is not null limit 1';
pg.query(sridsql, function(err, result) {
if ( err ) { next(err); return; }
if ( result.rows.length ) {
var srid = result.rows[0].srid;
var type = result.rows[0].type;
next(null, srid, type);
function spawnDumper(err, srid, type) {
if (err) throw err;
var next = this;
var ogrsql = 'SELECT ' + columns.join(',')
+ ' FROM (' + sql + ') as _cartodbsqlapi';
var ogrargs = [
'-f', out_format,
'-lco', 'ENCODING=UTF-8',
"PG:host=" + dbhost
+ " port=" + dbport
+ " user=" + dbuser
+ " dbname=" + dbname
+ " password=" + dbpass
+ " tables=fake" // trick to skip query to geometry_columns (private)
// in turn breaks knowing SRID with gdal-0.10.1:
// http://github.com/CartoDB/CartoDB-SQL-API/issues/110
+ "",
'-sql', ogrsql
if ( srid ) {
ogrargs.push('-a_srs', 'EPSG:'+srid);
if ( type ) {
ogrargs.push('-nlt', type);
ogrargs.push('-nln', out_layername);
var child = spawn(ogr2ogr, ogrargs);
console.log('ogr2ogr ' + _.map(ogrargs, function(x) { return "'" + x + "'"; }).join(' '));
var stdout = '';
child.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
stdout += data;
//console.log('stdout: ' + data);
var stderr;
var logErrPat = new RegExp(/^ERROR/);
child.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
data = data.toString(); // know of a faster way ?
// Store only the first ERROR line
if ( ! stderr && data.match(logErrPat) ) stderr = data;
console.log('ogr2ogr stderr: ' + data);
child.on('exit', function(code) {
if ( code ) {
console.log("ogr2ogr exited with code " + code);
var emsg = stderr ? stderr.split('\n')[0] : ( "unknown ogr2ogr error (code " + code + ")" );
// TODO: add more info about this error ?
//if ( RegExp(/attempt to write non-.*geometry.*to.*type shapefile/i).exec(emsg) )
next(new Error(emsg));
} else {
function finish(err) {
callback(err, out_filename);
OgrFormat.prototype.toOGR_SingleFile = function(options, fmt, callback) {
var dbname = options.dbopts.dbname;
var user_id = options.dbopts.user;
var gcol = options.gcol;
var sql = options.sql;
var skipfields = options.skipfields;
var ext = this._fileExtension;
var layername = options.filename;
var tmpdir = global.settings.tmpDir || '/tmp';
var reqKey = [ fmt, dbname, user_id, gcol, this.generateMD5(layername), this.generateMD5(sql) ].concat(skipfields).join(':');
var outdirpath = tmpdir + '/sqlapi-' + process.pid + '-' + reqKey;
var dumpfile = outdirpath + ':cartodb-query.' + ext;
// TODO: following tests:
// - fetch query with no "the_geom" column
this.toOGR(options, fmt, dumpfile, callback);
OgrFormat.prototype.sendResponse = function(opts, callback) {
var next = callback;
var reqKey = this.getKey(opts);
var qElem = new ExportRequest(opts.sink, callback, opts.beforeSink);
var baking = bakingExports[reqKey];
if ( baking ) {
baking.req.push( qElem );
} else {
baking = bakingExports[reqKey] = { req: [ qElem ] };
this.generate(opts, function(err, dumpfile) {
if ( opts.profiler ) opts.profiler.done('generate');
Step (
function sendResults() {
var nextPipe = function(finish) {
var r = baking.req.shift();
if ( ! r ) { finish(null); return; }
r.sendFile(err, dumpfile, function() {
if ( ! err ) nextPipe(this);
else {
_.each(baking.req, function(r) {
return true;
function cleanup(err) {
delete bakingExports[reqKey];
// unlink dump file (sync to avoid race condition)
console.log("removing", dumpfile);
try { fs.unlinkSync(dumpfile); }
catch (e) {
if ( e.code != 'ENOENT' ) {
console.log("Could not unlink dumpfile " + dumpfile + ": " + e);
// TODO: put in an ExportRequest.js ----- {
function ExportRequest(ostream, callback, beforeSink) {
this.cb = callback;
this.beforeSink = beforeSink;
this.ostream = ostream;
this.istream = null;
this.canceled = false;
var that = this;
this.ostream.on('close', function() {
//console.log("Request close event, qElem.stream is " + qElem.stream);
that.canceled = true;
if ( that.istream ) {
ExportRequest.prototype.sendFile = function (err, filename, callback) {
var that = this;
if ( ! this.canceled ) {
//console.log("Creating readable stream out of dumpfile");
this.istream = fs.createReadStream(filename)
.on('open', function(fd) {
if ( that.beforeSink ) that.beforeSink();
.on('error', function(e) {
console.log("Can't send response: " + e);
} else {
//console.log("Response was canceled, not streaming the file");
//------ }
module.exports = OgrFormat;