Daniel García Aubert 762a240890 Breaking changes:
- Log system revamp:
  - Logs to stdout, disabled while testing
  - Use header `X-Request-Id`, or create a new `uuid` when no present, to identyfy log entries
  - Be able to set log level from env variable `LOG_LEVEL`, useful while testing: `LOG_LEVEL=info npm test`; even more human-readable: `LOG_LEVEL=info npm t | ./node_modules/.bin/pino-pretty`
  - Be able to reduce the footprint in the final log file depending on the environment
  - Use one logger for every service: Queries, Batch Queries (Jobs), and Data Ingestion (CopyTo/CopyFrom)
  - Stop using headers such as: `X-SQL-API-Log`, `X-SQL-API-Profiler`, and `X-SQL-API-Errors` as a way to log info.
  - Be able to tag requests with labels as an easier way to provide business metrics
  - Metro: Add log-collector utility (`metro`), it will be moved to its own repository. Attaching it here fro development purposes. Try it with the following command `LOG_LEVEL=info npm t | node metro`
  - Metro: Creates `metrics-collector.js` a stream to update Prometheus' counters and histograms and exposes them via Express' app (`:9145/metrics`). Use the ones defined in `grok_exporter`

- Profiler is always set. No need to check its existence anymore
- Unify profiler usage for every endpoint

Bug fixes:
- Avoid hung requests while fetching user identifier
2020-06-30 17:42:59 +02:00

161 lines
5.9 KiB

// Time in milliseconds to force GC cycle.
// Disable by using <=0 value.
module.exports.gc_interval = 10000;
module.exports.routes = {
// Each entry corresponds with an express' router.
// You must define at least one path. However, middlewares are optional.
api: [{
// Required: path where other "routers" or "controllers" will be attached to.
paths: [
// In case the path has a :user param the username will be the one specified in the URL,
// otherwise it will fallback to extract the username from the host header.
// Optional: attach middlewares at the begining of the router
// to perform custom operations.
middlewares: [
function noop () {
return function noopMiddleware (req, res, next) {
sql: [{
// Required
paths: [
// Optional
middlewares: []
// If useProfiler is true every response will be served with an
// X-SQLAPI-Profile header containing elapsed timing for various
// steps taken for producing the response.
module.exports.useProfiler = true;
// Regular expression pattern to extract username
// from hostname. Must have a single grabbing block.
module.exports.user_from_host = '^([^.]*)\\.';
module.exports.node_port = 8080;
module.exports.node_host = '';
// idle socket timeout, in miliseconds
module.exports.node_socket_timeout = 600000;
module.exports.environment = 'test';
module.exports.db_base_name = 'cartodb_test_user_<%= user_id %>_db';
module.exports.db_user = 'test_cartodb_user_<%= user_id %>';
module.exports.db_user_pass = 'test_cartodb_user_<%= user_id %>_pass';
// Name of the anonymous PostgreSQL user
module.exports.db_pubuser = 'testpublicuser';
// Password for the anonymous PostgreSQL user
module.exports.db_pubuser_pass = 'public';
module.exports.db_host = 'localhost';
module.exports.db_port = '5432';
module.exports.db_batch_port = '5432';
module.exports.finished_jobs_ttl_in_seconds = 2 * 3600; // 2 hours
module.exports.batch_query_timeout = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds in milliseconds
module.exports.copy_timeout = "'5h'";
module.exports.copy_from_max_post_size = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 2 GB;
module.exports.copy_from_max_post_size_pretty = '2 GB';
module.exports.copy_from_minimum_input_speed = 0; // 1 byte per second
module.exports.copy_from_maximum_slow_input_speed_interval = 15 // 15 seconds
// Max number of queued jobs a user can have at a given time
module.exports.batch_max_queued_jobs = 64;
// Capacity strategy to use.
// It allows to tune how many queries run at a db host at the same time.
// Options: 'fixed', 'http-simple', 'http-load'
module.exports.batch_capacity_strategy = 'fixed';
// Applies when strategy='fixed'.
// Number of simultaneous users running queries in the same host.
// It will use 1 as min.
// Default 4.
module.exports.batch_capacity_fixed_amount = 4;
// Applies when strategy='http-simple' or strategy='http-load'.
// HTTP endpoint to check db host load.
// Helps to decide the number of simultaneous users running queries in that host.
// 'http-simple' will use 'available_cores' to decide the number.
// 'http-load' will use 'cores' and 'relative_load' to decide the number.
// It will use 1 as min.
// If no template is provided it will default to 'fixed' strategy.
module.exports.batch_capacity_http_url_template = 'http://<%= dbhost %>:9999/load';
// Max database connections in the pool
// Subsequent connections will wait for a free slot.
// NOTE: not used by OGR-mediated accesses
module.exports.db_pool_size = 500;
// Milliseconds before a connection is removed from pool
module.exports.db_pool_idleTimeout = 30000;
// Milliseconds between idle client checking
module.exports.db_pool_reapInterval = 1000;
// max number of bytes for a row, when exceeded the query will throw an error
//module.exports.db_max_row_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
// allows to use an object to connect with node-postgres instead of a connection string
module.exports.db_use_config_object = true;
// requires enabling db_use_config_object=true
// allows to enable/disable keep alive for database connections
// by default is not enabled
module.exports.db_keep_alive = {
enabled: true,
initialDelay: 5000 // Not used yet
module.exports.redis_host = '';
module.exports.redis_port = 6336;
module.exports.redisPool = 50;
module.exports.redisIdleTimeoutMillis = 1;
module.exports.redisReapIntervalMillis = 1;
module.exports.redisLog = false;
// Temporary directory, make sure it is writable by server user
module.exports.tmpDir = '/tmp';
// change ogr2ogr command or path
module.exports.ogr2ogrCommand = 'ogr2ogr';
// change zip command or path
module.exports.zipCommand = 'zip';
// Optional statsd support
module.exports.statsd = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8125,
prefix: 'dev.:host.',
cacheDns: true
// support all allowed node-statsd options
}; = {
enabled: true,
username: 'vizzuality',
query: 'select 1'
module.exports.oauth = {
allowedHosts: ['localhost.lan:8080', 'localhostdb.lan:8080']
module.exports.disabled_file = 'pids/disabled';
module.exports.ratelimits = {
// whether it should rate limit endpoints (global configuration)
rateLimitsEnabled: false,
// whether it should rate limit one or more endpoints (only if rateLimitsEnabled = true)
endpoints: {
query: false,
job_create: false,
job_get: false,
job_delete: false,
copy_from: false,
copy_to: false
module.exports.validatePGEntitiesAccess = false;
module.exports.logQueries = true;
module.exports.maxQueriesLogLength = 1024;
module.exports.cache = {
ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, // one year in seconds
fallbackTtl: 60 * 5 // five minutes in seconds
module.exports.pubSubMetrics = {
enabled: false,
project_id: '',
credentials: '',
topic: ''