2012-04-13 00:30:45 +01:00

192 lines
6.2 KiB

* Requires the database and tables setup in config/environments/test.js to exist
* Ensure the user is present in the pgbouncer auth file too
* TODO: Add OAuth tests.
* To run this test, ensure that cartodb_test_user_1_db metadata exists in Redis for the domain
* HSET rails:users:vizzuality id 1
* HSET rails:users:vizzuality database_name cartodb_dev_user_1_db
var app = require(global.settings.app_root + '/app/controllers/app')
, assert = require('assert')
, tests = module.exports = {}
, querystring = require('querystring');
// allow lots of emitters to be set to silence warning
var real_oauth_header = 'OAuth realm="http://vizzuality.testhost.lan/",oauth_consumer_key="fZeNGv5iYayvItgDYHUbot1Ukb5rVyX6QAg8GaY2",oauth_token="l0lPbtP68ao8NfStCiA3V3neqfM03JKhToxhUQTR",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_signature="o4hx4hWP6KtLyFwggnYB4yPK8xI%3D",oauth_timestamp="1313581372",oauth_nonce="W0zUmvyC4eVL8cBd4YwlH1nnPTbxW0QBYcWkXTwe4",oauth_version="1.0"';
tests['GET /api/v1/sql'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql',
method: 'GET'
body: '{"error":["You must indicate a sql query"]}',
status: 400
tests['GET /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter on SELECT only. No oAuth included '] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4&database=cartodb_test_user_1_db',
method: 'GET'
status: 200
tests['GET /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter on SELECT only. no database param, just id using headers'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4',
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 200
tests['POST /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter on SELECT only. no database param, just id using headers'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql',
data: querystring.stringify({q: "SELECT * FROM untitle_table_4"}),
headers: {host: '', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
method: 'POST'
status: 200
tests['GET /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter on INSERT only. oAuth not used, so public user - should fail'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: "/api/v1/sql?q=INSERT%20INTO%20untitle_table_4%20(id)%20VALUES%20(1)&database=cartodb_dev_user_1_db",
method: 'GET'
status: 400
tests['GET /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter on DROP DATABASE only. oAuth not used, so public user - should fail'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: "/api/v1/sql?q=DROP%20TABLE%20untitle_table_4&database=cartodb_dev_user_1_db",
method: 'GET'
status: 400
tests['GET /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter on INSERT only. header based db - should fail'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: "/api/v1/sql?q=INSERT%20INTO%20untitle_table_4%20(id)%20VALUES%20(1)",
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 400
tests['GET /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter on DROP DATABASE only.header based db - should fail'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: "/api/v1/sql?q=DROP%20TABLE%20untitle_table_4",
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 400
tests['GET /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter and geojson format, ensuring content-disposition set to geojson'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4&format=geojson',
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 200
}, function(res){
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /filename=cartodb-query.geojson/gi.test(cd));
tests['GET /api/v1/sql with SQL parameter and no format, ensuring content-disposition set to json'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4',
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 200
}, function(res){
var cd = res.header('Content-Disposition');
assert.equal(true, /filename=cartodb-query.json/gi.test(cd));
tests['GET /api/v1/sql ensure cross domain set on errors'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*gadfgadfg%20FROM%20untitle_table_4',
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 400
}, function(res){
var cd = res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin');
assert.equal(cd, '*');
tests['GET /api/v1/sql as geojson limiting decimal places'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20untitle_table_4&format=geojson&dp=1',
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 200
}, function(res){
var result = JSON.parse(res.body);
assert.equal(1, checkDecimals(result.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0], '.'));
tests['GET /api/v1/sql as csv'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20cartodb_id,ST_AsEWKT(the_geom)%20as%20geom%20FROM%20untitle_table_4%20LIMIT%201&format=csv',
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 200
}, function(res){
var body = "cartodb_id,geom\n1,SRID=4326;POINT(-3.699732 40.423012)\n"
assert.equal(body, res.body);
tests['GET system tables'] = function(){
assert.response(app, {
url: '/api/v1/sql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20pg_attribute',
headers: {host: ''},
method: 'GET'
status: 403
// use dec_sep for internationalization
function checkDecimals(x, dec_sep){
tmp='' + x;
if (tmp.indexOf(dec_sep)>-1)
return tmp.length-tmp.indexOf(dec_sep)-1;
return 0;